

We have a focused and diversified team, fully dedicated to invest in international venture capital opportunities, plus board of director and board of statutory auditors appointed by the assembly.

Management team

Large and diversified skill set financial, industrial, and entrepreneurial backgrounds. Experience of fund and direct deals and co-investments, leveraging a wide network and constantly exploring new venues.

Board of directors

The assembly appointed five members of the board of directors, mixing investing and compliance experiences.

Investment commitee

Other people can also participate by invitation and in support (experts and consultants).

It makes use of advisors and also of other independent consultants, from time to time deemed necessary.

It has consultative functions while the deliberative functions are reserved to the CEO and the Board of Directors.

Board of statutory auditors

The assembly appointed the board of auditors composed by professional consultants.

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We are in Via Monte Napoleone 22, Milan - Italy.

Rancilio Cube Sicaf Spa

Sede legale in Via Monte Napoleone 22, Milano (20121)

Codice Fiscale, Partita Iva e numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 12486720969

Iscritta al R.E.A. di Milano al n. 2665177

Iscritta all’Albo delle Società di Investimento a Capitale Fisso ex art. 35-ter TUF al n. 59

Capitale Sociale Euro 867.651 Int.Vers.

