

We are mainly investors in international top tier VC funds as an loyal LP.

We also co-invest with them directly in growing companies.

Our portfolio is an hybrid model, direct investments and funds coexist in the same basket.

Here under our full portfolio divided by geography and stage of investments.

Direct investment in companies: US


Direct investment in companies: EU


A majority of our portfolio is investments in international venture capital funds. We invest in well-established firms as well as newer teams.

Venture capital funds: US


Venture capital funds: EU


Get in touch

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We are in Via Monte Napoleone 22, Milan - Italy.

Rancilio Cube Sicaf Spa

Sede legale in Via Monte Napoleone 22, Milano (20121)

Codice Fiscale, Partita Iva e numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 12486720969

Iscritta al R.E.A. di Milano al n. 2665177

Iscritta all’Albo delle Società di Investimento a Capitale Fisso ex art. 35-ter TUF al n. 59

Capitale Sociale Euro 867.651 Int.Vers.

