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August 14, 2024 10:58 AM (UTC)
mark judge

Subject: Ireland’s First Licensed Cannabis Facility – Planning Permission Granted! Dear Rancillo Cube Team, I am delighted to announce that full planning permission has now been granted for our cannabis cultivation facility just outside Belfast, Northern Ireland. We can now start fitting-out both GACP and GMP areas for implementation of our pharmaceutical quality system in its pre-production phase. This is the key step forward that will enable us to gain the necessary licensing and begin cultivation of our first test crops. Growth Industries has a unique strategic advantage because of our location in Northern Ireland. Under the Windsor Framework we can deliver to the UK market and export to the EU without difficulty. This sets us up perfectly to take advantage of the booming cannabis market right across the continent. We are seeking investment to move forward. Our detailed plan, schedule and costings is available for your review. I would be delighted to discuss this opportunity further and provide any additional information you may need, if you would like a to receive a copy of our deck please let me know which email address to send it to. Thank you for your time today. Please feel free to get in touch with me directly for more details. Best regards, Mark Judge

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August 12, 2024 10:11 AM (UTC)
Stefania Rossetti


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August 8, 2024 4:23 PM (UTC)


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August 8, 2024 3:05 PM (UTC)
Rowland Daniel

Rancilio Cube My firm makes introductions on VC growth direct and fund deals in the US and UK and I came across your website and portfolio and wanted to ask some questions about your investment strategy and share a blind brief on one of the funds I am raising for. Look forward to hearing from you and hope the brief may be of interest. Questions Are you open to emerging managers(Funds 1-3) Is your focus on VC Early Stage funds(Seed- Series A) or open to Growth equity(Series B and C?) What can be your typical ticket size for funds? How long can your due diligence be? Potential Fund I am raising for a $140 million VC growth fund in Boston,US which is a second time fund. It is targeting Series B and C deals/Growth Focused on US and Canada only. Focus is on Software, tech enable services and consumer technology Plan to make minority investments of $5M to $15M per deal. It is a second time fund managed by a team from Fidelity's Global Head of Equity Capital Markets at Fidelity Investments and Investments at Fidelity Family Office Services. Together they developed a deep sourcing network and have invested $14 billion across more than 550 private transactions from their time there. Co-investments are available Min ticket size is $1 Million First close ideally for end of October, Final close in Q1 2025 -- Warm Regards -- Rowland Daniel Investment Consultant Fundsurfer M: +44 07857765662 Office: +44 0208 895 6543 Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Girato a team investimenti

August 8, 2024 10:36 AM (UTC)

Follow-up // Rudy: Personalizing Digital Assets, 1,500+ Waitlist, €2.5M Seed Hi Rancilio Cube Team, I hope this message finds you well. We recently submitted our pitch deck through your website on the 10th of July and are kindly following up, as we haven’t heard back yet. We understand you may be very busy and wanted to bring Rudy back to your attention. Imagine transforming the average Joe into a master strategist in digital assets with just a few clicks. Rudy is Europe’s first fully-regulated, fully-automated digital asset platform, and we’re making it happen. Here’s a quick reminder of why Rudy stands out: - Compliant: Europe’s first fully-regulated solution for personalized digital asset investment. - Traction: 1,500+ waitlisted users, €1.1M raised, and major media coverage. - Launch: Our app is ready to go live in August. - Expert Team: Deep expertise in tech, blockchain, and finance. - Innovation: Proprietary DeFi strategies for superior returns. We’re raising €2.5M to scale our operations. Could we schedule a quick call next week to discuss how Rudy fits into Rancilio Cube’s portfolio? Your insights would be invaluable, and I’d love to explore synergies with you. Book a time: https://calendar.app.google/PNpGxChMqTgCeBGSA For more details, feel free to check out our pitch deck here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12XoOCR-yS5HR9k8GDjUOX7Tz94Pgzkoi/view If Rudy isn’t your focus, any referrals would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your response. Best regards, Philipp

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August 8, 2024 6:43 AM (UTC)


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August 7, 2024 5:53 AM (UTC)
Davit Bidzhoian

Hi, My company, VAGR, is developing an all round investment analytics tool and educational platform to assist gen-x investors in the complex decision-making process with our proprietary algorithms, supplemented by an AI-chatbot for interactive learning. Operating in the B2C fintech market, VAGR addresses the needs of both individual investors and professional advisor businesses within a market estimated to be worth $12 billion. We are similar to Simple Wall St. and Seeking Alpha, but we differentiate ourselves by focusing on portfolio theory, AI-driven insights, and personalized educational content that simplifies complex investment decisions. Currently, we have released an MVP for testing and potential adoption of our solution. We are seeking funding to enhance our technological infrastructure and boosting GTM hypothesis testing. Stage: First clients. Raising: $200k pre-seed on SAFE, with a minimum investment of $20k. If you’re interested here is our pitch deck and In the return e-mail, write the best time to call: https://docsend.com/view/3t7ii4fm66k2vuy5 Kind Regards Davit Bidzhoian Co-Founder and CTO at VAGR

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August 5, 2024 11:01 AM (UTC)
Klemens Marx

Dear Ranciliocube-Team, VIRIDAD … customer-centered, innovation-oriented, committed to sustainability, and focused on partnerships and collaboration. We master the EU Taxonomy, Double Materiality, and CSRD/ESRS with our digital solutions and customer support! Building on more than two years of intensive development, we are at the beginning of an exciting, fundamental growth. -> Seeking Investor! That is long-term thinking, stability-focused, and willing to grow together. View our pitch deck (PDF) online at -> https://workdrive.zohopublic.eu/external/f98ff1a59644d63ff774129a906eae18310200bf3cb5747a08889ba6167d907f or directly get in touch -> https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/e48c8d74852d466fb19a447ef8cf7268@viridad.eu?anonymous&ep=plink Kind regards, Klemens

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August 1, 2024 5:33 PM (UTC)
Massimiliano Cristiania

Buongiorno egregi di Ranciliocube, stiamo selezionando il giusto investitore per il nostro progetto d'azienda innovativo e di sviluppo internazionale nel MARKET PLACE, basato su fintech in openbanking, prodotti made in Italy e servizi, tutti esclusivi ed a marchio proprio, al consumatore finale. Se interessati in risposta alla Vostra email Vi invieremo il business plan. Cordialmente Il fondatore Massimiliano Cristiania

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August 1, 2024 6:43 AM (UTC)

Hi Rancilio Cube Sicaf is listed as an investor on our platform, DANNA, an AI co-pilot assistant for investors. We’ve mapped out your investments with over 30 metrics, predictions, and data points, including funding round type & size distribution, top exits, operating companies, co-investors, follow-up ratio, performance of your portfolio companies, and more. You can find more details here: https://www.idi4.ai. We’re part of the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) ecosystem, and our clients include family offices and sovereigns. As a member of the data quality team, I would like to review the insights from our AI-generated data with you to ensure its accuracy. Please share your availability. We aim to personally speak with a diverse range of Italian firms by August 9, 2024. Kind Regards, Zakaria Sebaitre Quality Assurance DANNA by IDI zakaria.sebaitre@idi4.ai https://www.linkedin.com/in/zakaria-sebaitr%C3%A9-29b0b077 https://www.idi4.ai

Girato a team investimenti

July 30, 2024 10:17 AM (UTC)
Riccardo Matteoni

Buongiorno, molto piacere, sono Riccardo Matteoni, founder di Spacest.com. Siamo una società tech cha ha lanciato nel 2020 sul mercato una piattaforma per locazioni a medio termine. Abbiamo appena aperto un fundrainsing, obiettivo di raccolta 4,5M€ (di cui 2M€ già formalizzati con strumenti di debito e 750k€ in equity). Chiuderemo il 24 con un GMV di 24M€ ed EBITDA positivo (pur avendo 12 risorse impegnate nello sviluppo tecnologico). Spero che tu abbiate piacere ad approfondire in una breve call. Ringrazio in anticipo, Riccardo

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July 29, 2024 7:12 AM (UTC)
Jari Makkonen

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Wimao Ltd. (Finland) a strongly tech-based company aiming for climate and sustainability, with our patented technology, specialized in turning mixed and hard-to-recycle waste plastics to carbon negative end products. As an innovative solution, we have no need pre-sorting or pelletizing in our recycling process. Our end products are very CO2 -negative, each 1.000 kg of mixed plastic waste sorted we can save up to 3.000 kg of CO2 emissions. Big industrial corporations are interested in this since we can also in several cases accept their own mixed plastic waste and offer them true closed loop solutions. Currently we are looking for circular or climate investors to invest into our company, in the way of equity financing, project financing or loan, amount up to 5 M + EUR, to speed up our business expansion in Europe and North America. We also appreciate smaller amount support as bridge financing. Some key info: We have one (1) R&D and one (1) pilot line running in Finland, and two (2) industrial scale plants in Sweden, among which one just started operation this Spring and another one is in construction. We have already reached strong relationship and knowledge with big waste management companies, local sales/distributors, business partners as well as grant & fund channels, in several European countries. Already setup own sub-company or JV company in several Europe countries (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Benelux, Sweden), with LOIs for raw material waste, and local sales pipeline for >30M eur/y. Market potential is huge, -Raw material. Currently global plastics production is 400 M t/y, and global waste plastics generation 353 M t/y, among which less than 10% of plastics waste is recycled. -According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in 2016, only 2% of consumer plastics were collected for closed-loop recycling. -End product. Just using logistics pallet product as an example, the revenue of global pallet market will reach 95 billion USD in 2024 and expect to grow 5% annually. -The end product made via Wimao technology has competitive advantages than products from other technologies: free raw material or even with gate fee. Climate contribution with our plan to build >50 module lines by 2030, a total 1 M t/y of CO2 reduction will be reached. We are continuously developing our technology to best satisfy local raw material, environmental conditions and customer needs. With proud technology, secured raw material and end product sales, we are eagerly looking for a strong investor partner to work together to execute our Driver Strategy, and make the dream come true. We would like to send you some material as enclosure, should you give us your contact data by email. Thank you and best regards Jari Makkonen Business Development Manager E: jari.makkonen@wimao.com M: +358 40 809 6606

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July 27, 2024 10:24 PM (UTC)
William Moulin

Hi, My name is William Moulin and I’m the co-founder of PLESION, the global platform dedicated to spatio-temporal relevance. Awareness of real-time opportunities in one’s immediate surroundings is a fundamental human need. Shockingly, 14 years into 4G technology, this basic need remains unaddressed. This situation is unacceptable, so we’re fixing it. Do you have time for a call? At which email address shall I send our company's pitch? William

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July 25, 2024 9:39 PM (UTC)

Dear Rancilio Cube, I have written to you earlier that I am seeking investors for a Seed round, offering 10% of the shares for $1 million. Data40 has developed Terminal 40, a data platform designed to efficiently manage and analyze data. In other words, it is a product for collecting, monitoring and processing industrial data to derive insights, meaning and conclusions. I am sure that this product will fit perfectly into your investment portfolio. You can find detailed information in the Pitch Deck (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tZHDr8QN0X5TeTZAeWvOpD7GFPgnvYyv/view). I would be happy to discuss the details and answer any questions you may have. Best regards, Tatiana

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July 25, 2024 9:36 PM (UTC)

Dear Vertis, I have written to you earlier that I am seeking investors for a Seed round, offering 10% of the shares for $1 million. Data40 has developed Terminal 40, a data platform designed to efficiently manage and analyze data. In other words, it is a product for collecting, monitoring and processing industrial data to derive insights, meaning and conclusions. I am sure that this product will fit perfectly into your investment portfolio. You can find detailed information in the Pitch Deck (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tZHDr8QN0X5TeTZAeWvOpD7GFPgnvYyv/view). I would be happy to discuss the details and answer any questions you may have. Best regards, Tatiana

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July 21, 2024 8:44 AM (UTC)

Buon pomeriggio, Mi chiamo Stefano e sono nato a Campobasso nel 1997. Ho una laurea triennale in Ingegneria Gestionale presso l'Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC di Castellanza, e una laurea magistrale in Management presso l’Università Bocconi di Milano con esperienze di studio a Barcellona. Nel 2019, ho svolto una prima esperienza di stage presso una start-up, dove mi sono occupato principalmente di progetti di fundraising e ottimizzazione della supply chain. Dal 2021 al 2022 ha lavorato in Accenture, all'interno dell'area Strategy & Consulting, prevalentemente nel settore PA con focus sull’area di change management. A seguito di queste esperienze, ho deciso di iniziare un percorso in consulenza strategica presso EY-Parthenon. Fin dai primi anni di università mi sono appassionato al VC e di come tale strumento, soprattutto nel panorama italiano, sia un catalizzatore per l’innovazione e la crescita delle start-up. Sarei interessato ad approfondire eventuali opportunità di lavoro per Rancilio Cube Sicaf in quanto rappresenta per me un'opportunità unica di crescita professionale e di realizzazione personale. Sono convinto che le mie competenze, la mia passione per l'innovazione e il mio desiderio di contribuire allo sviluppo di nuove idee si allineino perfettamente con la missione e i valori dell'azienda. Nella speranza di poter approfondire la mia passione e la mia ambizione nel lavorare in una realtà consolidata come Rancilio Cube Sicaf, auguro una buona giornata. Cordialmente, Stefano Scarano

Inviata risposta

July 21, 2024 3:16 AM (UTC)
Dmitri Jivitski

Hi there, I'm Dmitri Jivitski, CEO & Co-founder of ToDoor. To Door is a last-mile delivery SaaS platform with courier aggregators for retail and e-commerce. The startup is doing pilots with Edeka, REWE, and MixMarkt in Germany and with Primavera Parfum, 2407 and Media Expert in Poland. Raising €500K. Can we discuss this for 15 minutes? Regards, Dmitri

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July 20, 2024 2:35 PM (UTC)
daniel serap

Gentile Sig.re, Sig,ra, Siamo una società di capitale di rischio con sede nei Paesi Bassi e vorremmo esplorare qualsiasi tipo di opportunità di investimento che potrebbe presentarsi in futuro. Cordiali Saluti, Daniel Serap HITIT VC

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July 18, 2024 11:37 AM (UTC)
Davide Scott

Dear Rancilio Cube Team, I am excited to share an opportunity with you today! My name is Davide Scott, and I serve as the Chief Ops Officer at Smokey Treats - the world's first eco conscious cigarette company. At Smokey Treats, we are first and foremost dedicated to addressing the no.1 source of micro-plastic in our oceans. Plastic cigarette butts! Our flagship brand, Woodland Craft Cigarettes, meets the growing demand for environmental responsibility. With a biodegradable filter, compostable and sustainably sourced packaging, and a natural tobacco blend; Woodlands offers a unique position in a massive market. You can visit www.smokeytreats.com for a closer look. Produced in Italy, we have successfully launched Woodlands in South Africa and Germany. We are looking to partner with someone who shares our vision, to solidify our position and take our business to the next level. To this effect we are looking to raise €2 million, invested for a 35% stake in our UK based holding company. If this is of interest, it would be great if we could arrange a time to meet at your earliest convenience. I would be delighted to discuss this exciting opportunity in detail and explore how our goals align with your investment interests. Thank you for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Davide

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July 12, 2024 12:10 PM (UTC)
Riccardo de Bernardinis

Buongiorno, Sono Riccardo de Bernardinis, founder di Ernesto, il marketplace per trovare professionisti più visitato in Italia, con più di 10 milioni di visitatori organici annui. Stiamo crescendo in Italia e siamo pronti a replicare il playbook italiano in altri Stati europei. Siamo in fundraising e Goodwater Capital e Vittoria Assicurazioni vogliono entrare in cap table in questo bridge round. Mi piacerebbe conoscerci meglio e condividere il nostro Investor deck. Grazie per l’attenzione. Cordiali saluti

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July 10, 2024 2:32 PM (UTC)
Philipp Schulden

Hi Rancilio Cube SICAF Team, I noticed your investment in N26, and thought you’d be interested in what we’re building at Rudy. Why aren’t people investing in digital assets? 15 million eager crypto investors in the EU are left behind as current platforms fail to meet their needs due to regulatory chaos, market volatility, emotional traps, and knowledge gaps. This results in a massive missed market potential. Rudy is changing that by turning the average Joe from a spectator into a master strategist in digital assets. A few facts about us: - BaFin-Regulated: Rudy is Germany’s first BaFin-regulated digital asset robo-advisor. - Strong Traction: Over 1,500 users on our waitlist, €1.1 million raised in previous funding rounds, and significant media coverage. - Launch Readiness: Our app is fully developed and ready to launch in August this year. - Proven Expertise: Our team combines deep expertise in tech, blockchain, and finance. - Innovative Technology: Proprietary DeFi strategies and scientifically-crafted algorithms for superior precision and risk-adjusted returns. We're raising €2.5 million to accelerate tech development, expand our market presence, and attract top-tier talent. Would you be open to a 30-min call next week to discuss how Rudy can drive the next revolution in crypto investing and fit into Rancilio’s portfolio? You can easily schedule a convenient time here: https://calendar.app.google/PNpGxChMqTgCeBGSA For more details, feel free to check out our pitch deck here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/129lya_ByleQsWnfZfaHVEVEfEYPI2AXR/view?usp=sharing Best regards, Philipp

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July 9, 2024 2:02 PM (UTC)
Tanya Allen

Hi Massimo, Cosm Medical is bringing AI and 3D printing to personalize gynecological devices for precision care.  Every woman is different- Cosm’s digital gynecology platform leverages novel diagnostics, AI, cloud SW, and 3D printing to create patient-specific gynecological devices for unique bodies and needs.   Cosm Medical’s first product in market, Gynethotics pessaries (Health Canada & FDA cleared), is the world's first personalized gynecological prosthetic for pelvic floor disorders such as prolapse and incontinence which affect half of all women in their lifetime.   Beyond pessaries, Cosm’s platform has expansive opportunities to improve the continuum of pelvic care from obstetrics to elderly care ushering in an age of digital gynecology.     At the intersection of women’s health and aging tech (both growing at >15% CAGR), they are on their way to making ‘Invisalign for Gynecology’ a reality having achieved major milestones on the path to creating a new product category like the billion-dollar markets of custom orthotics, dental and hearing.    Top 3 Cosm highlights in the last year towards delivering personalized medicine in a common, expanding and underserved women's health field includes: • 1st publication of Gynethotics clinical study in a top journal demonstrating improved symptoms and satisfaction with all patients vs current standard of care pessaries here.  The journal then published this editorial referencing our publication as a call to action for the clinical community to advance care. • Cosm received MDSAP certification in Sept & wins their first Health Canada Market clearance in Nov, and FDA market clearance for Gynethotics pessaries in Mar! • Two employer benefits health insurance coverage letters received from first set of patients buying Gynethotics Pessaries Cosm Medical is transitioning from R&D to commercial, an integrated AI / Software / Medical device company. Currently raising Series A. Hoping to connect soon for an interview or meet & greet! Cheers! Tanya

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July 5, 2024 1:26 PM (UTC)
Jacopo Raddusa

Buongiorno, vi scrivo per sapere se il vostro fondo può essere interessato ad investire in una start up di diritto cipriota, il cui founder è italiano e il cui focus è il web 3.0 (gamification del trading, lancio di una nuova criptovaluta e di un nuovo exchnage). Grazie in anticipo per la vostra attenzione Cordiali saluti Jacopo Raddusa

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July 3, 2024 6:08 PM (UTC)
Adrian Brodesser

Hi, I'm reaching out to extend an invitation to co-invest in Somareality seed round. Somareality stands as a trailblazer in 'real-time' cognitive monitoring. Based in Austria, Somareality has developed a groundbreaking 'real-time' cognitive monitoring technology that transcends the traditional constraints of cognitive monitoring, which were previously confined to laboratory settings. A B2B software that is compatible with any VR hardware. Our patented technology boasts limitless applications, with primary markets identified in Healthcare, Gaming, Aviation/vision, Security, and Defense sectors. Lufthansa Aviation Training, Intuitive surgical robotics, Austrian armed forces, and The medicine university in Vienna are all paying customers. We have explorative partnerships with Bayer, Tobii and Samsung and soon with Apple and Garmin. Somareality has already secured €2.7 million in its pre-seed round and an additional €1.4 million in the current seed round from our VC backers (FFVC, Startup Wise guys, and The Austrian research promotion agency). We have a clear path towards an exit strategy. Pitch deck in the below link: https://docsend.com/view/6imgx67vaxn8iusv

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June 30, 2024 6:43 AM (UTC)

Dear Rancilio Cube, I represent the company Data40. We specialize in pioneering analytics solutions tailored specifically for the Blockchain industry, setting new benchmarks for data-driven decision-making within this dynamic sector. We have a company registered in Kazakhstan and the United States. In the wake of a highly successful Pre-Seed funding round, backed by the substantial support from the founder's fund of Xsolla, Data40 is poised for our next phase of growth. As we embark on our Seed funding round, we are looking to forge partnerships with visionary investors who understand the transformative power of specialized analytics in reshaping industries. We are offering an equity stake of 10-20% and are open to strategic considerations, such as jurisdictional changes, to optimize our operational framework. Your esteemed track record in empowering technology-centric ventures, particularly those emphasizing impactful innovation, leads me to believe that a partnership could significantly expedite our mission. We are particularly interested in your fund due to your experience in funding innovative projects. Our product, Terminal 40, is a data platform designed for efficient data management and analysis in specific areas: GameDev, iGaming, Blockchain, Venture, and related FinTech/AdTech. In other words, it is a product for collecting, monitoring, and processing industrial data to form insights, meanings, and conclusions. This software product focuses on delivering business insights to users and places where they can immediately extend their potential to earn additional profits. We are confident that our products will fit perfectly into your investment portfolio. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss potential collaboration avenues and present you with more details about our project. We are confident that our partnership could bring significant benefits to both sides and contribute to the further development of innovative solutions in the market. Best regards, Tatiana

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June 28, 2024 8:00 AM (UTC)
Gleb Lapitchev

Imagine discovering "Afterwork Cigars in a Hidden Champagne Garden," "Silent Disco Yoga under the Stars," "Porsche & Coffee," or a "Magic of Recycling" show for children teaching ecology through illusions. What will be your next adventure? While you take a moment to think – our recommendation engine is already at work. It's designed to know you and offer tailored alternatives that align with your preferences, hobbies, past behaviors, and family & friend circles, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your next memorable moment. My name is Gleb, and I am the co-founder of GoJammin – an innovative, AI-driven two-sided marketplace on a mission to make the lives of millions more joyful and vibrant. Given Rancilio Cube's focus on international venture capital investments and your commitment to supporting innovative companies, I believe there is a strong alignment between our vision and your investment criteria. Our platform, developed with the latest AI/ML technologies, is designed to leverage network effects to scale globally and revolutionize the event industry. Our core team boasts experts in business and product development, complemented by a proficient marketing and tech team, including a dedicated Machine Learning Engineer. The Platform Combines: *Meta Search Machine: Consolidates a fragmented market into one seamless, user-friendly interface, allowing instant scalability to a critical mass, making it truly useful for users and providing an endless source of organizers alike. *Hybrid Cross-category Recommendation Engine: Provides personalized experience suggestions by understanding your preferences, behavior, social circles, hobbies, and more. *AI 'Workbench' for Event Organizers: Intuitive AI-toolkit allows even non-professionals to manage and scale incredible events. Rapid Growth and Proven Scalability: *Launch Success: Since its launch in Warsaw in late February 2024, GoJammin quickly amassed 25,000 monthly users and offered over 14,000 events. *Instant Scalability: Demonstrated by launching a demo in Berlin within just 2 days during the fundraising round. Our platform's architecture allows us to scale instantly and cost-effectively in any geography. *Extensive Offerings: Currently provides over 1,200 leisure time options weekly, showcasing a robust and expanding event ecosystem. Why Rancilio Cube ? Your strategic focus on high-growth potential startups and your commitment to fostering digital transformation make Rancilio Cube an ideal partner for GoJammin. We are currently seeking not only financial support but are particularly interested in partners who can also provide strategic guidance to help us scale effectively. Together, we can create significant value and expand our impact in the event industry. Next Steps: I would be thrilled to discuss potential synergies at your convenience. A partnership with Rancilio Cube could significantly enhance our strategic direction and product capabilities, potentially leading the development of the "Netflix of live experiences." It is also worth mentioning that we have received a positive preliminary assessment for participation in the EU subsidy program for developing our hybrid-recommendation engine. Thank you for considering this opportunity. Looking forward to your reply. Best regards, Gleb

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June 26, 2024 1:16 PM (UTC)
Marco Frattini

Buona serata. L’indicazione di contattarla mi è stata data da Amedeo Giurazza. Se lo ritiene le lascio il mio cell per favorire il contatto 3939376629 Marco Frattini Core Values

Inviata risposta

June 19, 2024 1:59 PM (UTC)
Damien RATHS

Dear Ranciliocube Team, My name is Damien RATHS; founder and owner of Raths Sportmanagement. Raths Sportmanagement, consisting of the agency Raths Sportmanagement and the sporting goods manufacturer DAMRA based in Luxembourg, works in the areas of marketing, sponsoring, TV rights, club investments and merchandising. We are/were consultants and partners of the biggest European marketers, 2 German private banks, 2 German hotel chains as well as consultants of various Belgian, French and German professional clubs. We have advised 4 professional clubs in Belgium on the sale and I, Damien Raths, have completely re-organised the traditional Luxembourg club FC Avenir Beggen and the traditional German ex Bundesliga club KFC Uerdingen, led them through insolvency and rebuilt them. We are currently still a very, very small player but we are looking for a partner who wants to expand our business with us. We want to become one of the leading consultants and sports brands in the world and have all the qualities and expertise to do so. What we are missing is a partner who will support us in our aggressive expansion and who wants to work with us to develop the sports and textile business (sports brand). We have enquiries in all areas of the million-dollar business, which we are currently unable to accept due to the size of our company. We are looking for a partner who wants to expand this company together with us in an honest and fair way and quickly lead it to a 3-digit turnover in the millions. With best regards from Luxembourg Damien RATHS RATHS SPORTMANAGEMENT 68 RUE DES PRES L-7333 STEINSEL 00352 621 773 461 damien@raths.lu We are getting a new identity all our HP's are currently being redesigned

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June 18, 2024 1:04 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Dear Madam or Sir, I am Barthelemy, Business Developer at Cogendi. Rancilio Cube emphasises on personalisation, which matches the objective of Cogendi Analytics - our innovative performance, PMS and reporting solution for multi-asset classes investors. We have an especially effective solution when it comes to communicating exactly what you want and how you want it for each of your clients. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Do you have 30min so I could show you our solution? I wish you a nice day. Sincerely,

Da sentire

Valutare prodotto/servizio

June 18, 2024 7:50 AM (UTC)
Sebastiano De Faveri

C.a. dott.ssa Bonfranceschi Gentilissima dott.ssa Bonfranceschi, La contatto perché ho avuto il piacere giovedì scorso di presenziare al convegno - Annual Meeting Family Office - e approfitto della presente per farLe i miei complimenti per il Suo interessante contributo all’evento! Da oltre 45 anni la nostra Organizzazione affianca importanti Investitori Istituzionali e note Famiglie nelle scelte strategiche di investimento e disinvestimento in ambito Real Estate e, visto che in un mondo che cambia così rapidamente è necessario essere pronti a cogliere opportunità e gestire scelte sempre più complesse, nel rispetto di principi e valori da condividere, avrei piacere di approfondire la nostra conoscenza per scoprire possibili sinergie. Le sarei grato se fosse possibile individuare degli slots le prossime settimane al fine di bloccare le rispettive agende. In attesa di un Suo cortese riscontro, Le auguro una buona giornata. Un cordiale saluto, Sebastiano De Faveri Managing Partner

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June 17, 2024 8:26 PM (UTC)
Ben West

Hello, My name is Ben West, I'm a partner with ENV Ventures. ENV is an emerging VC fund investing in Israel and EU early/growth stage biotech. Our senior GP, Nissim Darvish, founded and ran Orbimed Israel for 12 years and is now raising his own fund. Would you be open to a call to introduce our fund and see if it might fit within your mandate?

Girato a team investimenti

June 17, 2024 1:03 PM (UTC)
Pierfrancesco Zanchi

Dear Rancilio Cube Team, I am Pierfrancesco Zanchi, co-founder and CEO of CarX Srl. CarX is an innovative tech startup founded in August 2022 with the goal to accelerate the advent of sustainable and electric mobility through the development of recharging solutions for EVs. Our first product will be the Power Trolley which is a portable, modular and lightweight off grid charging solution that combines exceptional power with unparalleled portability, providing a practical response to the growing demand for flexible and sustainable charging infrastructure. We are currently starting a Seed Funding round of 1.5M€ of which 1/1.2M€ already committed by our lead investor, which invested 500k€ on the previous pre-seed round, so we still have spaces for other potential investors. I would be delighted to discuss a potential collaboration with you and explore the synergies between CarX and Rancilio Cube. We believe that with your support, we can accelerate our mission to transform the electric vehicle charging experience. If this finds your mutual interest, would you like to schedule a meeting call at your earliest convenience to further discuss this opportunity and give you a better overview of our business? Looking forward to hearing back from you soon. Best Regards, Pierfrancesco Zanchi Co-Founder & CEO CarX Srl

Non rispondere

June 14, 2024 6:44 PM (UTC)
Angelo Pozzoni

Spett.le Rancilio Cube Sicaf S.p.A. mi chiamo Angelo Pozzoni e vi contatto a seguito del reperimento dei vostri riferimenti presso il sito dell'Associazione SECA, dove si specifica che uno dei vostri settori di investimento è l’Internet Technology. Quale avvocato, rappresento un ingegnere informatico, con decenni di esperienza nello sviluppo software, che ha sviluppato un piattaforma app B2C innovativa che, utilizzando il potenziale dell'Intelligenza Artificiale e del Machine Learning, crea una interazione attiva fra più consumatori e più venditori, consentendo a questi ultimi, in modo automatico o manuale, di guidare (influenzare) le scelte dei consumatori verso l’acquisto dei propri prodotti tramite offerte personalizzate, basate su reali esigenze dei consumatori (soprattutto per gli acquisti c.d. “ragionati”, ovverosia quelli con valore medio-alto). Attualmente, le funzionalità della piattaforma non sono presenti nelle odierne piattaforme, marketplace o aggregatori. I consumatori, come dimostrato da un sondaggio commissionato, sono fortemente interessati alle funzionalità della piattaforma in quanto risparmiano denaro grazie alla competizione attiva nonché tempo nella ricerca della migliore offerta Questo progetto è perfettamente in linea con le esigenze del mercato, inclusa la protezione dei consumatori e delle PMI. Sono già stati definiti anche i primi due mercati verso i quali la piattaforma sarà rivolta. Per quanto riguarda lo stadio di sviluppo dell'app, la configurazione dell'infrastruttura backend sulla piattaforma Azure è stata completata, e lo sviluppo UX/UI in Flutter e Restful API sui servizi cloud Azure è attualmente in corso. In merito alla classificazione dell'investimento, il progetto rientra nella fase pre-seed stage. Sulla base di quanto sopra, resto a disposizione nel caso in cui doveste essere interessati ad investire in una start-up che ha come oggetto la realizzazione del progetto sovra descritto. Naturalmente, si rimane disponibili per una presentazione della piattaforma e/o per qualsiasi altro chiarimento. Cordiali Saluti. Avv. Angelo Pozzoni

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June 13, 2024 11:29 AM (UTC)
Lorenzo Frollini

Dear Team, I am Lorenzo Frollini, Founder &CEO at Flywallet, startup based in Italy. At Flywallet we build wearable technologies, targeting Longevity Economy market with a B2B approach. Our first product is Keyble, a wristband specifically designed for (1) senior people (2) augmented workforce, to enable healthier and safer life thanks to biometrics and AI. We work with (1) companies (mainly manufacturing, transport & logistics, chemical & pharmaceutical), to enable biometric access control + occupational health and safety scenarios; (2) nursing homes, senior living facilities, medical centers, health insurance companies to enable telemonitoring health + teleconsultation scenarios. We are now opening our seed round, and we would like to discuss more details with you because we believe Flywallet could be an interesting target for your investments. Please find attached our teaser deck at this link: https://docsend.com/view/c5r7msrjpnf852m4 We look for your feedback, in the meanwhile please feel free to ask any additional info. Thank you, Best Regards Lorenzo Frollini

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June 4, 2024 2:42 PM (UTC)

Dear Ranciliocube Team, My name is Edoardo Mustarelli, and I am the co-founder and CFO of Order Now Easy (ONE), an innovative startup poised to revolutionize the dining experience in restaurants. I am excited to present our project and explore potential collaboration opportunities with Ranciliocube’s Team. ONE is an integrated platform that simplifies and optimizes the entire ordering and payment process in restaurants. Through our multilingual digital menus, automated table ordering, and seamless payment solutions, we enhance operational efficiency and improve the dining experience for both restaurateurs and their customers. Additionally, our platform offers advanced analytics tools, loyalty programs, and authenticated reviews, providing restaurateurs with valuable insights to continually improve their service. We are seeking a €500,000 investment to support the development of our platform, marketing campaigns, and team expansion. We believe that partnering with such an accomplished team and firm as yours is, can significantly accelerate our growth and solidify our market presence. We would be delighted to discuss this opportunity further and provide you with more details about ONE. I am available to arrange a meeting or call at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your kind response. Best regards, Edoardo Mustarelli Co-founder & CFO | ONE Phone: +39 331 839 5345

Non rispondere

May 31, 2024 4:33 PM (UTC)
Axel Katalan Nasi

Hi! We are a food startup from London (soon to launch our dairy-free cheeses in Italy with Esselunga) and wanted to make you aware of our investment round. About us: JULIENNE BRUNO is a London based food tech startup and is the fastest growing dairy-free cheese brand in Europe. The team is a mix of experienced gastronomy operators and tech venture builders, with backgrounds ranging from Wagamama, Hakkasan, El Bulli, UberEats, and Dija (GoPuff). In a short time, they have launched award winning products that have become the best-selling brand in both Whole Foods Market and Ocado. They've just launched with Coop (Switzerland) and are about to launch with Tesco in a month. With demand from top retailers across Europe, we are now looking for a £2.5m bridge round to take the business to the next level. https://www.juliennebruno.com/ https://www.instagram.com/juliennebruno/ https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/juliennebruno.com Please let me know if you'd be interested in exploring this further, Axel

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May 31, 2024 11:31 AM (UTC)
Gleb Lapitchev

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Gleb, and I am the co-founder of GoJammin.com Our product addresses the issue of lengthy event searches on a fragmented market by aggregating everything in one place with a vertical search engine and AI for recommendations. Additionally, we provide an intuitive workbench for organizers, allowing even beginners to effectively promote and manage their events using AI tools. I would be thrilled to discuss potential synergies at your convenience. A partnership with ranciliocube could significantly enhance our strategic direction and product capabilities, potentially leading development of next Netflix. It also worth to mention that we received a preliminary assessment (positive) for participation in the subsidy program for a development a hybrid-recommendation engine.

Non rispondere

May 23, 2024 12:21 PM (UTC)
Franco Rigamonti

Buongiorno, abbiamo ricevuto mandato da www.ta-daan.com di cercare 3 milioni di equity (ticket minimo 500k, valutazione pre-money 12) per finanziare lo sviluppo internazionale dell’azienda. Il mercato è particolarmente grande e l’azienda sta crescendo velocemente, guidata da un team molto competente e motivato. In allegato trovate il teaser, vi può interessare approfondire? Grazie, Franco Rigamonti

Non rispondere

May 23, 2024 7:35 AM (UTC)
Antonio Dosa

Buongiorno, Stiamo assistendo una startup italiana che ha sviluppato una tecnologia rivoluzionaria per la generazione di energia fotovoltaica. Il cuore della tecnologia è in un film plastico utilizzato - come un normale film - per laminare vetro, ovviamente anche camerato. Si tratta di una tecnologia green realmente disruptive che consentirà finalmente di poter implementare in modo pratico ed economico il concetto di BIPV per la generazione di energia pulita dalle normali vetrate completamente trasparenti (facciate continue, finestre, ecc.) degli edifici commerciali, con un enorme impatto sull'economia e società globale. Il cuore della tecnologia è all'interno di un film plastico da laminare - come un normale film - in vetro standard. Il film può essere realizzato con qualsiasi polimero utilizzato per il film di laminazione (PVB, EVA, Surlyn), ovviamente miscelato con le nanostrutture proprietarie sviluppate dal team di R&D di Powerglax negli ultimi 15 anni con grande dedizione e perseveranza, riuscendo dove altre iniziative similari hanno fallito. Questa tecnologia dirompente è stata concepita per sostituire le normali vetrate degli edifici con vetrate "Powerglax-inside" in grado di trasformare qualsiasi edificio commerciale (costituito da facciate in vetro) in un'unità energeticamente indipendente. Il film Powerglax può essere prodotto con attrezzature standard del settore per la produzione di film di laminazione. Powerglax ha già prodotto molti prototipi e ora sta lavorando per finalizzare l'ingegnerizzazione del processo produttivo per produrre bobine di film di grandi dimensioni che possano essere utilizzate per la produzione di grandi lastre di vetro per poi procedere con la fase di commercializzazione (sia attraverso la licenza che la vendita dell'IP). Powerglax ha bisogno di un ultimo round di seed capitale per finalizzare l'engineering nei prossimi 12 mesi. Rimango a disposizione per informazioni. Grazie mille in anticipo per l'attenzione. Cordiali saluti Antonio Dosa ad@paradigma-capital.com 348 4062410

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May 21, 2024 12:43 PM (UTC)
Paloma Hernandez

Hello Team, I am looking to get in touch with the Investment and Portfolio Management Team for private markets. Been established in 2013, you probably have now a very mature PE allocation with some tail-end / small positions. Palico has automated the sale process for small LP stakes (starting at $1M). If this sounds relevant for Rancilio, I would be keen to have a short chat in the next few days. Let me know, Paloma Hernandez paloma.hernandez@palico.com Head of Sales Palico

Girato a team investimenti

May 20, 2024 3:55 PM (UTC)
Matteo Spinosa

Buongiorno, sono il founder di Doefin: una piattaforma decentralizzata che offre strumenti disegnati per instituzioni, come strumenti di risk management su Bitcoin difficulty e soluzioni di investimento per Ethereum block validators. Stiamo crescendo velocemente: (1) raccolti USD 750k di pre-seed funding (2) hired 3 senior tech in-house developers (3) stiamo ricevendo interesse pre-launch da prospect users (asset managers e market makers) (4) siamo on track per launch in 2H24, posizionandoci come first movers nel nostro spazio. Mi piacerebbe avere l'opportunitá di pitch al vostro investment team per il USD 1.2M pre-seed top-up round che abbiamo appena lanciato. Grazie e a presto, Matteo Spinosa matteo@predexyo.com +44 7713 233613

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May 17, 2024 4:31 PM (UTC)
Anna Fornabaio

Buonasera, vorrei entrare in contatto con voi per proporvi ragazzi americani in tirocinio gratuito presso la sede di Milano per attività relative a business, finance o marketing. Se pensate che il programma possa essere interessante per voi potete scrivermi all'indirizzo lasciato nel form. Grazie. A presto. Anna

Da sentire

May 12, 2024 2:40 PM (UTC)
paolo guidelli guidi

www.galvanipower.com - facciamo batterie high-tech su misura per chi (Agro, Off-Highway, Nautica, Aerospace) non è servito dalle "Gigafactories" auto. - team di 6 ingegneri, da 3 anni al lavoro - first-tier clients - modello industriale esclusivo: configuratore digitale proprietario, architettura modulare, processi produttivi automatizzati - siamo al nostro secondo equity round - oltre ad un convertendo da veicolo CDP/Plug-and-Play - target €1.0mln per primo plant industriale. CDP ha call option per up to €500k. - se interessasse approfondire, volentieri provvediamo Doc di sintesi + Term, Sheet. Paolo Guidelli Guidi, Founder e CEO +39 346 713 8439 Il contatto è su indicazione di Daniele Corsi di MAiS SpA. Grazie, PGG

Non rispondere

May 10, 2024 11:30 AM (UTC)
Visa Ray

Dear team, Hope you are well. This is Visa Ray, and I am a part of the investments team at Ankur Capital- an early stage VC fund in India. Ankur Capital is an early stage tech-focused sector agnostic fund investing in technologies to create large scale impact. The fund is founded by Dr. Ritu Verma, physicist from UPenn, who has several patents to her name. Prior to setting up the fund, Ritu founded Truven, an advisory firm where she advised global corporations such as BASF in their investments in emerging markets. A few noteworthy investments of the fund include Cropin(also raised from Google, ImpactAssets), OffGrid energy Labs(co-invested with Shell Ventures), Captain Fresh(co-invested with Matrix Partners), Rupifi(also raised from Tiger Global and Bessemer Partners), Niramai(Including a grant from British International Investment), and Vegrow(also raised from Lightspeed, Prosus Ventures, Matrix Partners and GIC), among others. Ankur Capital is backed by global institutional investors such as the US Development Finance Corporation, British International Investment, Dutch Good Growth Fund, SIDBI, among others. Across both Fund 1 (2018) and Fund 2(2020), we have 3.5+ MOIC and are ranked among the top quartile. We would love to get on a call to discuss a possibility of partnering together to create impactful businesses. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Visa

Girato a team investimenti

May 10, 2024 9:55 AM (UTC)
Ruth Furman

Hi I’m founder and GP of Viola credit we are Global credit fund with 2 billion AUM . We have HQ in Israel / London wanted to meet you for cooperation thanks 🙏 I’ll be in Milan this week can you meet on Thursday ?

Non rispondere

May 7, 2024 2:07 PM (UTC)
Valentina Todeschi

Buongiorno, mi chiamo Valentina Todeschi e sono il CEO di Kirke Srl (www.kirke.social), un social network marketplace in grado di direzionare l'audience GenZ verso determinati prodotti di intrattenimento tramite lo UGC delle community artistiche. Il nostro progetto, registrato come startup innovativa e dal target giovane e internazionale, ha vinto il concorso Tech4you di NextGenerationEU e ora si trova in fase pre-seed, con oltre 550 Beta Tester attivi. Potremmo organizzare un incontro per presentarvi adeguatamente l'iniziativa? Grazie per l'attenzione, cordiali saluti.

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May 1, 2024 3:00 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Maenner

Dear all, I would like to introduce you sustainable mobility investment opportunity. Axon Vibe is a Swiss Artificial Intelligence driven Smart Mobility Platform that actively encourages commuters to choose greener options. Influencing citizens’ mobility habits through a smart digital app have a significant impact on reducing emissions. Axon Vibe’s predecessor delivered core technology for Google Maps. Axon Vibe is the next level of Smart Mobility to use the existing global infrastructure more efficiently with less CO2 emission. - Axon Vibe’s unique joint-venture model with Public Transport Operators (PTO), such as MTA New York, Deutsche Bahn and East Japan Railways gives access to millions of „local“ users and creates new revenue opportunities. MTA chief Janno Lieber: "Upcoming new MTA app will be a game-changer for NYC commuters". - A patented location-tracking technology collects millions of individual travel behavior, predicts what each individual are going to do next and modifies their behavior by using communication interventions. - This is paired with seamless mobility booking across all modes of transport like car sharing/ pooling, bus, train, bikes, taxi, etc. - When a commuter responds to Axon Vibe’s contextual behavior change interventions e.g., traveling during non-peak hours, using public transit, care sharing/pooling, walking etc., they are rewarded with travel fare incentives financed by green governmental funds and vouchers from local merchants e.g., free coffee voucher. - Most of the future revenue will be generated by very focused commercial marketing and promotion activities Among several family offices, leading institutional investors from Switzerland like SBB, Swisscom, Mobilar are invested. Axon Vibe is Swiss based, app.80 employees and founded in 2014 after the main partner sold their company to Google. Total investments to date are $85 million and existing investors continue to provide ongoing investments. Axon Vibe is looking for CHF 30 million for the current financing round. These funds are mainly used to onboard more Public Transport Operators to the already developed platform. Please don't hesitate to contact me for further information. Best regards, Wolfgang --- Wolfgang Männer, CAIA WolfMen GMBH Hornbachstr. 67 8008 Zürich +41 79 4455014

Non rispondere

May 1, 2024 12:22 PM (UTC)
Simone Trocchia

Mi chiamo Simone Trocchia e sono il fondatore di B2Scout.com, startup innovativa che ha lanciato il primo marketplace digitale italiano dedicato alla compravendita di aziende. Con i miei soci stiamo valutando la possibilità aprire il capitale a terzi e di coinvolgere realtà importanti come la vostra, con l'obiettivo di consolidare il progetto e accelerare la fase di crescita. Qualora l'azienda fosse in linea con il vostro target di riferimento, mi rendo disponibile nei prossimi giorni per una call di approfondimento. Ringrazio per l'attenzione e saluto cordialmente. Simone Trocchia 351 7743191

Non rispondere

May 1, 2024 11:37 AM (UTC)
Jacopo Rivela

Alla vs. cortese attenzione, Buongiorno, sono Jacopo Rivela. Io ed il mio caro amico e socio Nicoló Gentile abbiamo intenzione di avviare un'attività di ristorazione nei Paesi Bassi, a Rotterdam nello specifico; business fortemente incentrato sulla proposta della pasta fresca, sull'alto livello del prodotto, del servizio e dell'offerta rispetto alla genuinità della cucina Italiana, con focus sul takeaway. Il nostro obbiettivo è stabilire nuovi standard nel settore Horeca, puntando su qualità e autenticità ineguagliabili. Abbiamo rilevato per nostra esperienza tangibile e per pareri di terzi, tra consultazioni e discussioni con soggetti di estrema rilevanza del settore, come la nostra idea, attualmente consolidata nell'essere e nella forma, ora molto di più di una fase concettuale, sia assolutamente valida sotto svariati punti di vista. Avremmo piacere e necessità, come da oggetto, di una consulenza da parte vostra che verta a conoscere ed approfondire i servizi che mettete a disposizione. Siamo sicuramente immediatamente disponibili ad una video-call per definire il tutto, a tal proposito lascio in firma il mio recapito telefonico. Attendo vs. gentile riscontro. Distinti saluti, Jacopo Rivela +39 3407401220

Non rispondere

April 30, 2024 5:18 PM (UTC)
Mirko Zaccaria

Alla c.a. della Dott. Rancilio Gentilissimo Dott. Rancilio mi presento, sono Mirko Zaccaria di Difineo Italia, e mi rivolgo a Lei in qualità di consulente della DOF Srl, azienda proprietaria dello studio Medidof a Rieti, che opera nel settore dei servizi medici specialistici e diagnostici. Il mio ruolo è quello di fornire consulenza e supporto alla DOF Srl nell'identificazione di opportunità di investimento che possano contribuire a migliorare i servizi offerti alla comunità locale di Rieti e garantire rendimenti significativi agli investitori interessati. Tramite lo Studio medico MediDof, una realtà consolidata nella zona centrale della città, situata a circa 80 km da Roma e con una popolazione di circa 150.000 abitanti, annualmente vengono svolte circa 5.000-6.000 visite specialistiche. Al primo piano dello stesso edificio si trova un Centro Ambulatorio Medico, anch'esso gestito dallo stesso imprenditore, con un'altra società, dove vengono svolte annualmente circa 25.000-30.000 visite generiche convenzionate. Questo mese, la DOF Srl ha ricevuto dalla Regione Lazio, con determina N. G04564, l'autorizzazione ad operare come Presidio Poliambulatoriale. Con il Vostro coinvolgimento, la DOF Srl ha l'intenzione di ampliare del 30% le attività attuali fino ad includere complessivamente circa 30 unità specialistiche, con una stima media di circa 13.000 visite all'anno. Parallelamente, la DOF Srl sta pianificando l'apertura di uno Studio Dentistico Pediatrico in un altro locale già individuato, con un piano esecutivo definito. Questa iniziativa non solo risponde alle crescenti esigenze di salute della comunità locale, ma offre anche un'opportunità unica di investimento nel settore sanitario. Il proprietario della DOF srl sta attualmente considerando, in via principale, la vendita del 40% delle quote del Presidio Poliambulatoriale MediDof, individuando un socio che possa contribuire allo sviluppo del progetto di innovazione e crescita. Inoltre, lo stesso imprenditore è aperto a considerare proposte per l'acquisto totale delle quote (vendita del 100% della DOF Srl). Saremo lieti di fornirLe ulteriori dettagli sulle attività della DOF Srl, così come sulle prospettive di crescita del progetto, su richiesta. Restiamo a disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento o informazione aggiuntiva di cui possiate avere bisogno. Cordiali saluti, Mirko Zaccaria Tel.+39 329 09 85 205

Non rispondere

April 26, 2024 9:50 AM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Dear Madam or Sir, I am Barthelemy, Business Developer at Cogendi. Ranciliocube emphasises on personalisation, which matches the objective of Cogendi Analytics - our innovative performance, PMS and reporting solution for multi-asset classes investors. We have an especially effective solution when it comes to communicating exactly what you want and how you want it for each of your clients. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Do you have 30min so I could show you our solution? I wish you a nice day. Sincerely, Barthelemy MARTINOT

Non rispondere

April 25, 2024 9:48 PM (UTC)

Hello Luca and Silvia, I am Felix from Black Pearl Global Investments and I am reaching out because we would love to work with Rancilio Cube as an LP. We are a woman and minority-led healthcare VC fund led by partners with over 40 years of experience in medicine. Our medical background sets us apart from the 100s of VCs out there and we’ve seen how valuable this is to startups. Our vision is to help change the healthcare narrative in Africa, the Caribbean and the US. Here is our deck: https://bit.ly/BlackPearlGlobalDeck  Who is the best person to speak to in the firm about this? Regards,  Felix blackpearlglobalinvestments.com +1 786 812 4697

Girato a team investimenti

April 25, 2024 1:01 PM (UTC)
Oliver Rye

We are a Denmark-based €70m AuM FO, with 10 x fund investments, but none in VC. I am looking to build a portfolio of VC fund & FOF investments, with a mix of 1-2 FoF VCs and 3-4 direct investments. I would love to get some more information on your FOF funds. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Inviata risposta

April 23, 2024 5:05 PM (UTC)
Massimo Cesare Pizzòcaro

Buonasera. Siamo una boutique di M&A e CorpFinance di Milano. Ci piacerebbe potervi sottoporre alcuni progetti ed una nostra brochure. Grazie

Non rispondere

April 22, 2024 1:45 PM (UTC)

Buongiorno, volevamo presentare il nostro porgetto start up organizzando una videocall con un responsabile. la vostra società è aperta in investimenti pree seed ? grazie

Non rispondere

April 22, 2024 1:29 PM (UTC)
Mike Doswell

Good afternoon, I am co-founder of TSP Ventures (https://tspventures.co.uk/), an early-stage climate and environmental technology VC based in the UK. We are a team of experienced investors, dealmakers, entrepreneurs and expert scientists. We invest in IP-rich climate & environmental hard science and technologies and we are currently raising our Seed / Series A Fund. We back companies with world-changing potential that deliver lower-impact, cheaper, more geo-secure energy, food, water, materials, metals and chemicals. We invest at the early stages where the returns can be most lucrative, driving world-changing and economically compelling technologies from the lab bench to commercial reality as fast as possible. We are impatient capital. Highlights: 5 years of successful investing as Angels and then leading a syndicate of friends and family £6.7m deployed to date across 14 investments Blended return of >10x (including 3 Exits and 1 Partial Exit) Verticals include: Future Power & Energy | Critical Materials | Carbon Mitigation | Food, Water & Waste | Insurtech, Climate & Adaptation We would welcome the opportunity to meet and talk things through in more detail. Warm regards, Mike Doswell

Girato a team investimenti

April 20, 2024 10:44 AM (UTC)
Paolo Della Pepa

Hello, I’m Paolo, CEO of Kube Ecosystem. We’re on a big move with FlyKube, our travel startup. After experiencing significant traction in Europe, we're now gearing up for a major upgrade. We've developed an advanced travel engine incorporating major global providers, set to go live by the end of May. Our current goal is to raise $1M in a Pre-Series B round to support our strategic expansion outside Europe, focusing primarily on intensifying our marketing efforts. Our ecosystem includes FlyKube, EatKube, KubeCoin, KubePay, and various innovative lab projects. Looking forward to your response. Best regards,

Non rispondere

April 17, 2024 12:19 PM (UTC)
Niccolò Cipriani

Hi, nice to meet you, I am Niccolò Cipriani, the CEO and Founder of Rifò, a circular fashion brand in Italy. Davide and Simona from Avanzi (which are our partners) gave me your contact. We are a circular fashion B Corp specializing in producing recycled and recyclable garments: https://rifo-lab.com/ I am writing to you as we are looking for European investors that could help us in our investment round where we plan to strengthen our foreign markets. I would like to share with you our new pitch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1POn2dUYFWTehy-IB5b0K5ABOrSqDfre7/view?usp=sharing I am available for any additional information in case you deem it interesting for you. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day, Niccolò

Non rispondere

April 15, 2024 11:24 AM (UTC)
Naomi Di Febeo

Good afternoon, I'm seeking additional funding and acceleration expertise to successfully finalize the launch of H Space - an innovative wellness concept. H Space redefines wellness with a unique, tech-driven blend of fitness, infrared saunas, ice baths, and a cafe where we offer "food as medicine". Our results-driven approach empowers individuals to optimize their physical, mental, and social well-being. With a prime Milan location secured with an attractive rental price, non-dilutive government funding applied for, and a robust revenue model (projecting €1.1 Million revenue in year 1 and €2.5 Million revenue by year 4), H-Space is well-positioned for its initial launch. Additionally, we entered a strategic partnership with a Milan-based healthy food start-up, outsourcing our food operations to their ghost kitchen. H Space is the first to introduce these in-demand services to Italy, tapping into the growing longevity and social wellness trends. If our vision aligns with your investment focus, I'd be delighted to schedule a call to discuss this opportunity further. I'm also happy to share our detailed deck and financial model. Best regards, Naomi Di Febo Founder, H Space

Non rispondere

April 12, 2024 4:28 PM (UTC)
Jurgis Plikaitis

Hello, I hope this note finds you well. I'm Jurgis, CEO at EpiCar, where we're innovating the automotive sector by an online marketplace that directly connects people selling their cars with a network of verified dealers. Our mission is to streamline the US used-car selling process by incorporating AI image analysis for accurate reports and evaluations, thus enhancing efficiency and transparency for all parties involved. We are currently seeking investors who share our vision and can contribute to EpiCar's growth journey. Therefore, we'd love to connect with Rancilio Cube to present our startup and boost the industry together. Looking forward to your reply to move further!

Non rispondere

April 12, 2024 11:27 AM (UTC)
Olena Iukhno

Hello, I'm reaching out to introduce Rayana, a female-focused meditation app designed to empower women through AI personalized mindfulness experiences. Our pitch highlights Rayana's unique approach to addressing the growing challenges of stress and anxiety faced by modern women, with a comprehensive AI-driven solution. I've had the opportunity to review your impressive portfolio and noticed that our project aligns well with your interests, particularly in the intersection of Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence. Similar to Calm, we have numerous innovative ideas that can be seamlessly executed with our experienced team. We believe there are significant opportunities within the meditation market for the coming years, and we're excited to explore them further. Rayana offers a simplified, user-friendly interface, personalized meditation plans, and affordable subscription options. Our projections indicate significant growth potential, with an anticipated break-even within one year and substantial profits over five years. Our Pitch Deck https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11hQm8uXF1_2LEK8UllKmZoKCs3TNDbvE?usp=share_link We're currently seeking investment to further develop our MVP and expand our market reach. Would you be interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity? Thank you for considering Rayana. Best regards, Olena, Rayana Team https://www.linkedin.com/in/lena-iukhno/

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April 11, 2024 11:52 AM (UTC)

Our AI-powered platform merges novel computational models (ML and physics-based) with an automated high throughput Direct-to-Biology approach, setting a new standard in the fight against previously untreatable cancers with targeted protein degradation (PROTACs and MGDs). Having secured €10M and on the cusp of pivotal in vivo PoC data, we're poised for a Series A in H2 2025. Only €1.5M remains in their €5M CLA round, closing end of Q2 this year.

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April 11, 2024 10:57 AM (UTC)
mark judge

Hi Ranciliocube team, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mark Judge, and I am the Operations Director at Growth Industries Pharma LTD, based in Northern Ireland. I believe there may be a potential alignment between our aspirations and your own. About Growth Industries Pharma LTD: Our Unique Proposition: Located in Northern Ireland, we have the privilege of a unique market advantage. While we are licensed and regulated in the UK, we can trade tariff-free with both the UK and the EU. This dual market access offers us unparalleled access to two of the world's most active cannabis markets. Facility & Expansion: We have secured a site in County Antrim, ready to be fitted for legal cannabis production to GMP standards. As we continue to strategically position ourselves for the future we are now at a stage where we are actively seeking additional investment and would welcome the opportunity to provide you with more insights into our business model, growth projections, and market strategy. Would you be interested in learning more? If so, can I send further details. ‌ Warm regards,

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April 9, 2024 4:29 PM (UTC)
Sam Pim

I am reaching out to introduce the Hibernia Venture Labs Creative Disruptors Fund I. With a targeted raise of €50m, the fund will be Investing into innovative companies at seed & series A stage. Our DeepTech operator-led fund will focus on FinTech, Supply Chain Tech and Narrow focus B2B SaaS sectors. 92% of European funds are not operator-led, highlighting the rarity and value of our approach, which blends DeepTech proficiency with financial and commercial skills. Supported by a robust tech team of over 100 engineers, we've developed AI tools to enhance investment selection and our unique post-investment process ensures optimal support and growth for portfolio companies

Girato a team investimenti

April 7, 2024 3:31 PM (UTC)
Biovance Capital

To whom it may concern, Writing to request an opportunity to present a new EIF-backed fund focused on Biotech in Southern European countries. Best regards, Joao Incio https://www.biovancecapital.com/index.html

Girato a team investimenti

April 6, 2024 3:47 PM (UTC)
Michele Bottelli

Buongiorno, Mi chiamo Michele Bottelli e sono entusiasta di presentarvi la nostra startup nel campo per Pet / Tecnologia. Siamo due soci fondatori e stiamo dando vita ad una soluzione destinata a rivoluzionare il modo in cui le persone interagiscono con i loro amici a quattro zampe. Siamo determinati ad iniziare questa avventura con i partner giusti al nostro fianco. Sarebbe un piacere approfondire la nostra conoscenza reciproca e presentarvi in dettaglio il nostro pitch e la nostra roadmap. Resto a vostra disposizione per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva e per concordare un incontro che possa permetterci di discutere le nostre prospettive e le vostre eventuali domande. Cordiali saluti, Michele Bottelli Telefono: 3474255063 Email: info@wagapp.it

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April 6, 2024 1:22 PM (UTC)

Dear Team Rancilio Cube, My name is Sam Lawson, Managing Partner of Abacus Capital, a specialist structured venture secondaries manager. We are a multi-disciplinary team of private market investors, structured financiers and technologists who have created $3bn+ in private market liquidity, and funded over 1,000 early and growth-stage companies during our careers. Having learned of Rancilio Cube's strong record in building a diverse portfolio of differentiated managers, as well as your hybrid direct co-investment approach, I believe Abacus is a potential fit for your fund and am therefore writing to introduce ourselves. Abacus Capital provides structured liquidity solutions to founders, angels and GPs in venture-backed, growth-stage technology companies across the U.K., U.S. and E.U. We invest up to $2mm checks and focus on assets with greater than $50mm in recurring revenues and profitable operations, primarily in B2B SaaS, Fintech and Energy sectors. Our structured approach delivers short duration venture exposure with lower volatility and stronger downside protection, meanwhile presenting counterparties with a competitive alternative to existing secondary solutions. Per deal, we target 1.75x - 3.0x MOIC within a 1 - 5 year time horizon. Our approach was conceived during our team members' tenure building the secondary marketplace for Europe's leading venture investment platform, Crowdcube. It relies on prior experience gained creating GP-led secondary liquidity across a suite of multi-billion dollar AUM private credit and commercial real estate funds. After testing our thesis at Crowdcube, we formed Abacus Capital, and in February this year invested $700k of our own capital in a structured deal with the founders of a Series-E cybersecurity company to further demonstrate our thesis; this deal has to date seen a 1.67x MOIC step up. At present, we have a number of further assets circled for near-term investment, and are raising capital for our $50mm inaugural fund, targeting a minimum first close of $10mm this quarter. We presently have an offer from a Canadian asset manager to provide $5mm (+ $10mm co-investment rights) to co-anchor the fund, contingent on participation from another institutional co-lead. We believe Abacus is a potential fit for Rancilio Cube, and I would be delighted to present our thesis to you in more detail. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Faithfully, Sam Lawson

Girato a team investimenti

April 3, 2024 3:20 PM (UTC)

We are a real estate company based out of Greenville, South Carolina with a core focus in multifamily acquisitions and BTR development. As North and South Carolina has grown over the past 10 years so have we. As we continue to utilize our local knowledge of the area and industry expertise, we are also expanding our capital partnerships.  I would welcome the opportunity to discuss VanRock and our long-term view of the Carolinas and ways we believe we can successfully achieve strong and predictable returns for our capital partners. 

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April 3, 2024 12:45 PM (UTC)
Basu Somani

Hello team, Hope this email finds you well. We are Agilis Advisors GmbH, a Berlin-based fundraising boutique, active in 10+ markets. Our research team indicated that a few of our current investment mandates might be relevant for you/your team at Rancilio Cube and hence simply reaching out to you here for an introduction. On a high level, the current deal pipeline includes some of the reputed GPs globally (Fund size ranges from $200M to $1.5B) who are raising funds (VC, PE & PD), and several direct investment opportunities across sectors and sizes ($10-100M). We are only active in Private Markets and are well connected with 450+ investors (family offices and Institutions) across the EU, the Middle East, and parts of North America. It would be a pleasure to add you to our network as well. If you have availability for a quick chat (15-20 mins) - we would be glad to have a quick call. Alternatively, happy to share brief notes on all the deals and take it further from there - just let us know. Thank you for the read and consideration, appreciate your response. Best, Basu

Inviata risposta

Proposta video call per il 29 aprile 2024.

April 2, 2024 2:51 PM (UTC)
Mouhamed Dieye

Dear ladies, dear gentlemen, we hope this one of ours finds you well, my name is mouhamed dieye today I want to introduce my startup AMET, AMET is a revolutionary import-export platform that simplifies global trade by directly connecting commodity producers with buyers around the world

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March 28, 2024 3:23 PM (UTC)
Elias Youssef

Hi, I am Elias Youssef, Corporate Finance Executive at GS Verde Group, and I am reaching out on behalf of our client, Sanius Health. As a pivotal player in the advancement of healthcare through data innovation, Sanius Health is at the forefront of an exciting Series A fundraising venture aimed at transforming patient care for rare and chronic diseases. Strategic Milestone: • Sanius Health has decided to bring forward their Series A round after securing a strategic 10-year multimillion-pound contract with the UK's largest primary care provider, who has become a significant investor. The contract will rapidly expand access to millions of patients with rare diseases and common conditions, and as a result, will fundamentally accelerate Sanius Health’s revenues in Pharma and across health systems. Company Overview: • Established in Q3 2022, Sanius Health is leading the charge in creating the most comprehensive patient databank for rare and chronic diseases, markedly shortening the drug discovery process for pharmaceutical companies by 18-24 months. Financial Highlights: • Achieved £1.5m in revenue and £0.6m of EBIT in its first year, with projections to reach £4m in revenue by the end of its second year in May 2024. A testament to Sanius Health's robust growth trajectory and market viability. Market Positioning: • Operating in a £160bn rare diseases market, Sanius Health's data ownership and proprietary technology are world-leading, combining consented Medical Records, FDA-approved wearables, DNA sequencing, daily quality of life, and socio-economic data. Visionary Leadership: • Led by Orlando Agrippa, an award-winning CEO with over 16 years of experience working in healthcare and Pharma, several successful exits under his belt and a personal mission to accelerate drug discovery for rare diseases following his own diagnosis in 2019, supported by a stellar board including healthcare and financial industry luminaries. Achievements and Impact: • Onboarded major pharmaceutical clients, such as Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, Amicus Therapeutics, GBT, Beigene, and Prothena. • Launched significant healthcare platforms and clinical trials. • Built a formidable £35m sales pipeline, showcasing Sanius Health's potential for future success. Series A Fundraising Goals: • Sanius Health is launching a £15m to £20m Series A round to expand its patient database to over 300,000, enhance disease coverage to 50+ conditions, and initiate operations in the U.S. • This capital injection will secure Sanius Health's leadership in the global health databank sector, with a projected EBITDA of £88m on revenues of £143m by 2028. We believe this investment opportunity represents not just financial returns but a chance to be part of a groundbreaking mission in healthcare. An Investor Teaser Deck is available for a detailed insight into Sanius Health's strategic direction and potential: [https://docsend.com/view/xabpm8xytter3jh5] For more information or to discuss this opportunity further, please contact me directly on the email address below: eyoussef@gsverde.finance

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March 27, 2024 6:04 PM (UTC)
Ralph DiFiore

I am assisting a client to acquire a property in Italy’s “hydrogen valley” in Abruzzo. My client, an international Green Hydrogen company is seeking Euro 5 million. There is much more to the story. I would be happy to inform you more if someone from your office could email. Ciao, Ralph

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March 25, 2024 6:21 PM (UTC)
Ipek Cruz

Hello, i wanted to connect to introduce our VC II and Secondary funds. Early stage deals are EU, US and Israel, Secondary fund is mostly US and EU. We are Delaware registered.

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March 25, 2024 6:21 PM (UTC)
Ipek Cruz

Hello, i wanted to connect to introduce our VC II and Secondary funds. Early stage deals are EU, US and Israel, Secondary fund is mostly US and EU. We are Delaware registered.

Girato a team investimenti

March 25, 2024 6:21 PM (UTC)
Ipek Cruz

Hello, i wanted to connect to introduce our VC II and Secondary funds. Early stage deals are EU, US and Israel, Secondary fund is mostly US and EU. We are Delaware registered.

Girato a team investimenti

March 19, 2024 4:29 PM (UTC)
Jorge Quintana

Buongiorno. Scrivo per domandare se avete ricevuto il messaggio che ho inviato. Colgo l'ocasione per offrirvi la possibilità di confermare oppure aggiornare tutti i dati su Rancilio che ci sono sulle piattaforme di S&P Global. Vi prego di fornire un indirizzo email per inviare una copia. Cordiali saluti

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March 19, 2024 4:29 PM (UTC)
Jorge Quintana

Buongiorno. Scrivo per domandare se avete ricevuto il messaggio che ho inviato. Colgo l'ocasione per offrirvi la possibilità di confermare oppure aggiornare tutti i dati su Rancilio che ci sono sulle piattaforme di S&P Global. Vi prego di fornire un indirizzo email per inviare una copia. Cordiali saluti

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March 17, 2024 6:48 AM (UTC)
John Matiya

Greetings, I have the pleasure of introducing our company to you. We are Kivu Mineral Mining Limited, the leading licensed Precious Metal dealers from Nord-Kivu and Beni, with a mining company in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We hope that mineral reserve development, acquisition and accumulation is within the scope of your business. We have an extensive inventory garnered from our activities in this sector. As such, we are ready to provide your company with our products which include but are not limited to gold dore bars and nuggets. We have a substantial amount of the above for direct purchase, ready to be shipped from our vault in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. It would be our honor to be listed as one of your organizations' suppliers in this regard. Hoping to hear from you. Best Regards, John Matiya, Director Business Development, Kivu Mineral Mining, 27, Manguedjipa,Bunyatenge et Kasugho, Beni,Nord-Kivu, DR Congo. Tel/Whatsapp:+243971179879 sales@kivumineralmining.com

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March 17, 2024 6:48 AM (UTC)
John Matiya

Greetings, I have the pleasure of introducing our company to you. We are Kivu Mineral Mining Limited, the leading licensed Precious Metal dealers from Nord-Kivu and Beni, with a mining company in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We hope that mineral reserve development, acquisition and accumulation is within the scope of your business. We have an extensive inventory garnered from our activities in this sector. As such, we are ready to provide your company with our products which include but are not limited to gold dore bars and nuggets. We have a substantial amount of the above for direct purchase, ready to be shipped from our vault in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. It would be our honor to be listed as one of your organizations' suppliers in this regard. Hoping to hear from you. Best Regards, John Matiya, Director Business Development, Kivu Mineral Mining, 27, Manguedjipa,Bunyatenge et Kasugho, Beni,Nord-Kivu, DR Congo. Tel/Whatsapp:+243971179879 sales@kivumineralmining.com

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March 17, 2024 6:48 AM (UTC)
John Matiya

Greetings, I have the pleasure of introducing our company to you. We are Kivu Mineral Mining Limited, the leading licensed Precious Metal dealers from Nord-Kivu and Beni, with a mining company in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We hope that mineral reserve development, acquisition and accumulation is within the scope of your business. We have an extensive inventory garnered from our activities in this sector. As such, we are ready to provide your company with our products which include but are not limited to gold dore bars and nuggets. We have a substantial amount of the above for direct purchase, ready to be shipped from our vault in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. It would be our honor to be listed as one of your organizations' suppliers in this regard. Hoping to hear from you. Best Regards, John Matiya, Director Business Development, Kivu Mineral Mining, 27, Manguedjipa,Bunyatenge et Kasugho, Beni,Nord-Kivu, DR Congo. Tel/Whatsapp:+243971179879 sales@kivumineralmining.com

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March 17, 2024 12:34 AM (UTC)
Raul Alcantara

Hi! I'm Raúl Alcantara (linkedin.com/in/raul-alcantara-castillo), a Peruvian 🇵🇪 graduated from MIT. I'm the founder of Entiendo (Neo '23), an EdTech startup. We adapt existing learning materials to match individual student needs (e.g., turning a PDF into an engaging video lesson). I come from a low-income family and have been incredibly lucky to have the opportunities that led me to where I am now. Everyone deserves that, and high-quality education is a necessary first step. For more info about us, this is our deck: tinyurl.com/entiendo-deck We're currently raising our pre-seed. If you're interested, I'd love to setup a meeting to discuss the possibilities to join forces. Thanks, Raul

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March 17, 2024 12:34 AM (UTC)
Raul Alcantara

Hi! I'm Raúl Alcantara (linkedin.com/in/raul-alcantara-castillo), a Peruvian 🇵🇪 graduated from MIT. I'm the founder of Entiendo (Neo '23), an EdTech startup. We adapt existing learning materials to match individual student needs (e.g., turning a PDF into an engaging video lesson). I come from a low-income family and have been incredibly lucky to have the opportunities that led me to where I am now. Everyone deserves that, and high-quality education is a necessary first step. For more info about us, this is our deck: tinyurl.com/entiendo-deck We're currently raising our pre-seed. If you're interested, I'd love to setup a meeting to discuss the possibilities to join forces. Thanks, Raul

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March 17, 2024 12:34 AM (UTC)
Raul Alcantara

Hi! I'm Raúl Alcantara (linkedin.com/in/raul-alcantara-castillo), a Peruvian 🇵🇪 graduated from MIT. I'm the founder of Entiendo (Neo '23), an EdTech startup. We adapt existing learning materials to match individual student needs (e.g., turning a PDF into an engaging video lesson). I come from a low-income family and have been incredibly lucky to have the opportunities that led me to where I am now. Everyone deserves that, and high-quality education is a necessary first step. For more info about us, this is our deck: tinyurl.com/entiendo-deck We're currently raising our pre-seed. If you're interested, I'd love to setup a meeting to discuss the possibilities to join forces. Thanks, Raul

March 16, 2024 10:05 AM (UTC)
Johannes Frantti

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to take an opportunity to introduce our deep-tech company Reciprocal Engineering – RE Oy. Our company developed, in collaboration with the US National labs, a thin film material platform for thin film device manufacturing. The critical feature is that the materials enable significantly (order of magnitude) cheaper and faster device and chip manufacturing. The materials can replace the contemporary materials, or their can be used for making hybrid solutions. We are now looking for partners and investments to commercialize the validated technology described below, and would like to ask if this type of technology is of interest to Rancilio Cube SICAF spa? We have a clear IPR strategy, which we have been and are executing. My background is summarized on https://reciprocalengineering.com/services/background/ I would greatly appreciate your response, or if you could put in contact with appropriate person. A pitch presentation is available. Thank you, Sincerely, Johannes Frantti Dr.Tech., Docent Board Member Reciprocal Engineering – RE Oy Helsinki, Finland E-mail: Johannes.frantti@fre.fi

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March 16, 2024 10:05 AM (UTC)
Johannes Frantti

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to take an opportunity to introduce our deep-tech company Reciprocal Engineering – RE Oy. Our company developed, in collaboration with the US National labs, a thin film material platform for thin film device manufacturing. The critical feature is that the materials enable significantly (order of magnitude) cheaper and faster device and chip manufacturing. The materials can replace the contemporary materials, or their can be used for making hybrid solutions. We are now looking for partners and investments to commercialize the validated technology described below, and would like to ask if this type of technology is of interest to Rancilio Cube SICAF spa? We have a clear IPR strategy, which we have been and are executing. My background is summarized on https://reciprocalengineering.com/services/background/ I would greatly appreciate your response, or if you could put in contact with appropriate person. A pitch presentation is available. Thank you, Sincerely, Johannes Frantti Dr.Tech., Docent Board Member Reciprocal Engineering – RE Oy Helsinki, Finland E-mail: Johannes.frantti@fre.fi

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March 16, 2024 10:05 AM (UTC)
Johannes Frantti

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to take an opportunity to introduce our deep-tech company Reciprocal Engineering – RE Oy. Our company developed, in collaboration with the US National labs, a thin film material platform for thin film device manufacturing. The critical feature is that the materials enable significantly (order of magnitude) cheaper and faster device and chip manufacturing. The materials can replace the contemporary materials, or their can be used for making hybrid solutions. We are now looking for partners and investments to commercialize the validated technology described below, and would like to ask if this type of technology is of interest to Rancilio Cube SICAF spa? We have a clear IPR strategy, which we have been and are executing. My background is summarized on https://reciprocalengineering.com/services/background/ I would greatly appreciate your response, or if you could put in contact with appropriate person. A pitch presentation is available. Thank you, Sincerely, Johannes Frantti Dr.Tech., Docent Board Member Reciprocal Engineering – RE Oy Helsinki, Finland E-mail: Johannes.frantti@fre.fi

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March 15, 2024 2:25 AM (UTC)

Hello respectable Rancilio Cubesicaf! I am starting an AI-first company. Primarily we'll be developing user agents-based on LLMs to do various tasks online, and potentially in real world. Currently I am looking for small funding round for Robotronika. I am from Israel. Could that be something that you could be interested in? All the best, Valentin Goikhman

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March 15, 2024 2:25 AM (UTC)

Hello respectable Rancilio Cubesicaf! I am starting an AI-first company. Primarily we'll be developing user agents-based on LLMs to do various tasks online, and potentially in real world. Currently I am looking for small funding round for Robotronika. I am from Israel. Could that be something that you could be interested in? All the best, Valentin Goikhman

Non rispondere

March 15, 2024 2:25 AM (UTC)

Hello respectable Rancilio Cubesicaf! I am starting an AI-first company. Primarily we'll be developing user agents-based on LLMs to do various tasks online, and potentially in real world. Currently I am looking for small funding round for Robotronika. I am from Israel. Could that be something that you could be interested in? All the best, Valentin Goikhman

Non rispondere

March 14, 2024 3:16 PM (UTC)
Matteo Cavuoto

Gentilissimi, Mi presento, sono Cavuoto Matteo e ho recentemente preso la decisione di intraprendere una nuova fase della mia carriera professionale. Con grande interesse ho notato la vostra realtà e vorrei proporre la mia candidatura per eventuali opportunità di lavoro all'interno del vostro team. Con una solida esperienza come Data e Business Analyst presso aziende di rilievo come Pirelli, Generali e BTO, sono convinto di poter portare un valore aggiunto significativo al vostro team. Le mie esperienze lavorative mi hanno permesso di sviluppare una serie di competenze trasferibili che ritengo siano particolarmente rilevanti per il vostro ambito di attività: Analisi dei dati: Grazie alla mia esperienza come Data Analyst, ho acquisito competenze avanzate nell'analisi dei dati e nell'estrazione di insights utili per prendere decisioni informate. Sono abituato a lavorare con grandi set di dati e a utilizzare strumenti e tecniche analitiche avanzate. Analisi aziendale: La mia esperienza come Business Analyst mi ha permesso di sviluppare una profonda comprensione dei processi aziendali e delle dinamiche del mercato. Sono abile nell'identificare opportunità di ottimizzazione e nell'implementare soluzioni efficaci per migliorare le performance aziendali. Gestione progetti: Ho una comprovata capacità nel gestire progetti complessi, coordinando team multidisciplinari e rispettando tempi e budget prefissati. Sono abituato a lavorare in contesti dinamici e adattarmi rapidamente ai cambiamenti. Comunicazione efficace: Sono in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e persuasivo, sia verbalmente che per iscritto. Ho esperienza nella presentazione di risultati e raccomandazioni ai livelli decisionali più alti dell'azienda. Sono convinto che il mio background professionale e le mie competenze possano essere di grande valore per il vostro team. Sarei entusiasta di avere l'opportunità di discutere ulteriormente su come potrei contribuire al vostro team e di mettermi a vostra disposizione per un colloquio. In allegato trovate il mio CV per avere una migliore panoramica del mio background e delle mie skills. Resto a disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione o chiarimento e ringrazio anticipatamente per l'attenzione prestata alla mia candidatura. Cordiali saluti, Matteo Cavuoto

Non rispondere

March 14, 2024 3:16 PM (UTC)
Matteo Cavuoto

Gentilissimi, Mi presento, sono Cavuoto Matteo e ho recentemente preso la decisione di intraprendere una nuova fase della mia carriera professionale. Con grande interesse ho notato la vostra realtà e vorrei proporre la mia candidatura per eventuali opportunità di lavoro all'interno del vostro team. Con una solida esperienza come Data e Business Analyst presso aziende di rilievo come Pirelli, Generali e BTO, sono convinto di poter portare un valore aggiunto significativo al vostro team. Le mie esperienze lavorative mi hanno permesso di sviluppare una serie di competenze trasferibili che ritengo siano particolarmente rilevanti per il vostro ambito di attività: Analisi dei dati: Grazie alla mia esperienza come Data Analyst, ho acquisito competenze avanzate nell'analisi dei dati e nell'estrazione di insights utili per prendere decisioni informate. Sono abituato a lavorare con grandi set di dati e a utilizzare strumenti e tecniche analitiche avanzate. Analisi aziendale: La mia esperienza come Business Analyst mi ha permesso di sviluppare una profonda comprensione dei processi aziendali e delle dinamiche del mercato. Sono abile nell'identificare opportunità di ottimizzazione e nell'implementare soluzioni efficaci per migliorare le performance aziendali. Gestione progetti: Ho una comprovata capacità nel gestire progetti complessi, coordinando team multidisciplinari e rispettando tempi e budget prefissati. Sono abituato a lavorare in contesti dinamici e adattarmi rapidamente ai cambiamenti. Comunicazione efficace: Sono in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e persuasivo, sia verbalmente che per iscritto. Ho esperienza nella presentazione di risultati e raccomandazioni ai livelli decisionali più alti dell'azienda. Sono convinto che il mio background professionale e le mie competenze possano essere di grande valore per il vostro team. Sarei entusiasta di avere l'opportunità di discutere ulteriormente su come potrei contribuire al vostro team e di mettermi a vostra disposizione per un colloquio. In allegato trovate il mio CV per avere una migliore panoramica del mio background e delle mie skills. Resto a disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione o chiarimento e ringrazio anticipatamente per l'attenzione prestata alla mia candidatura. Cordiali saluti, Matteo Cavuoto

Non rispondere

March 14, 2024 3:16 PM (UTC)
Matteo Cavuoto

Gentilissimi, Mi presento, sono Cavuoto Matteo e ho recentemente preso la decisione di intraprendere una nuova fase della mia carriera professionale. Con grande interesse ho notato la vostra realtà e vorrei proporre la mia candidatura per eventuali opportunità di lavoro all'interno del vostro team. Con una solida esperienza come Data e Business Analyst presso aziende di rilievo come Pirelli, Generali e BTO, sono convinto di poter portare un valore aggiunto significativo al vostro team. Le mie esperienze lavorative mi hanno permesso di sviluppare una serie di competenze trasferibili che ritengo siano particolarmente rilevanti per il vostro ambito di attività: Analisi dei dati: Grazie alla mia esperienza come Data Analyst, ho acquisito competenze avanzate nell'analisi dei dati e nell'estrazione di insights utili per prendere decisioni informate. Sono abituato a lavorare con grandi set di dati e a utilizzare strumenti e tecniche analitiche avanzate. Analisi aziendale: La mia esperienza come Business Analyst mi ha permesso di sviluppare una profonda comprensione dei processi aziendali e delle dinamiche del mercato. Sono abile nell'identificare opportunità di ottimizzazione e nell'implementare soluzioni efficaci per migliorare le performance aziendali. Gestione progetti: Ho una comprovata capacità nel gestire progetti complessi, coordinando team multidisciplinari e rispettando tempi e budget prefissati. Sono abituato a lavorare in contesti dinamici e adattarmi rapidamente ai cambiamenti. Comunicazione efficace: Sono in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e persuasivo, sia verbalmente che per iscritto. Ho esperienza nella presentazione di risultati e raccomandazioni ai livelli decisionali più alti dell'azienda. Sono convinto che il mio background professionale e le mie competenze possano essere di grande valore per il vostro team. Sarei entusiasta di avere l'opportunità di discutere ulteriormente su come potrei contribuire al vostro team e di mettermi a vostra disposizione per un colloquio. In allegato trovate il mio CV per avere una migliore panoramica del mio background e delle mie skills. Resto a disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione o chiarimento e ringrazio anticipatamente per l'attenzione prestata alla mia candidatura. Cordiali saluti, Matteo Cavuoto

Non rispondere

March 14, 2024 11:20 AM (UTC)
Mehdi Sangtarash

I’m reaching out from Double Alpha Factory, and I think our startup (FinTech - SaaS - Seed - Germany) would be a good fit your investment portfolio. We digitalize investment advisory arm of banks within a few hours. Currently we have 3 German banks as paid users in our app. We are 3 founders and bring together the perfect combination of banking experience and tech know-how. We are raising 2,5mil € seed capital to increase our sales across Europe in the next two years. Would you be interested to take part in this funding round? best regards, Mehdi

Non rispondere

March 14, 2024 11:20 AM (UTC)
Mehdi Sangtarash

I’m reaching out from Double Alpha Factory, and I think our startup (FinTech - SaaS - Seed - Germany) would be a good fit your investment portfolio. We digitalize investment advisory arm of banks within a few hours. Currently we have 3 German banks as paid users in our app. We are 3 founders and bring together the perfect combination of banking experience and tech know-how. We are raising 2,5mil € seed capital to increase our sales across Europe in the next two years. Would you be interested to take part in this funding round? best regards, Mehdi

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March 14, 2024 11:20 AM (UTC)
Mehdi Sangtarash

I’m reaching out from Double Alpha Factory, and I think our startup (FinTech - SaaS - Seed - Germany) would be a good fit your investment portfolio. We digitalize investment advisory arm of banks within a few hours. Currently we have 3 German banks as paid users in our app. We are 3 founders and bring together the perfect combination of banking experience and tech know-how. We are raising 2,5mil € seed capital to increase our sales across Europe in the next two years. Would you be interested to take part in this funding round? best regards, Mehdi

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March 13, 2024 9:25 PM (UTC)
Jason Grunfeld

Rancilio Cube Team, It is a pleasure to meet all of you - by way of introduction, my name is Jason Grunfeld and I am an investor and serve as an Advisor to Scout, a SaaS / tech enabled services wealth management platform that assists college athletes in managing their money and improving their financial habits, offers a comprehensive suite of services that provide tailored education, personalized insights, and money management tools based on an athletes’ current brand value and future earning potential. There are 520,000 current Division I athletes who are making more money than ever before due to NIL opportunities, increasing sports media rights, and endorsement deals. Despite this newfound reality, there are no tools in the market that combine education and personalized resources designed to help their unique financial needs (i.e. short career spans, injury risks, lumpy salary payments, unique tax situations). Scout is addressing this issue by building a digital-native, athlete-focused, family office that will transcend the NIL student-athlete experience. Led by Michael Haddix (CEO), a former Division I basketball player and Columbia Business School (MBA) graduate, and former financial advisor at Octagon to professional athletes like Chris Paul and Steph Curry, alongside Cindy Zeng (CTO), who has been an early employee at three early stage startups with two successful exits, are building an innovative tool that has already disrupted the market. Scout currently has over 500 college athletes on the platform in our closed beta, five finalized Division I partnerships (Texas A&M University – College Station, DePaul University, University of Iowa, Auburn University, Mississippi State University), $170k in ARR, and has grown an extensive network of over 100 college and pro sports teams. The Company, which is backed by a number of institutional investors, angels, and professional athletes recently closed 50% of their seed round (~$1M fully committed and signed, additional ~$1M of soft commitments) they are now looking to ideally bring in an additional $1.5M in capital (total capital raise will now be $2.5M to $3M). Capital will primarily be used towards sales pipeline execution opportunities. Deck attached: https://docsend.com/view/bn34jxp5pguhce6k If interested, I would love to make the introduction / introduce you to the Scout team / give you more background on the opportunity. Likewise, I thought it would be a great idea to make an introduction to stay on each other's radars from a deal flow standpoint so I can be mindful of other deals to send to your team in the future as well. Look forward to the feedback here! Best, Jason

Non rispondere

March 13, 2024 9:25 PM (UTC)
Jason Grunfeld

Rancilio Cube Team, It is a pleasure to meet all of you - by way of introduction, my name is Jason Grunfeld and I am an investor and serve as an Advisor to Scout, a SaaS / tech enabled services wealth management platform that assists college athletes in managing their money and improving their financial habits, offers a comprehensive suite of services that provide tailored education, personalized insights, and money management tools based on an athletes’ current brand value and future earning potential. There are 520,000 current Division I athletes who are making more money than ever before due to NIL opportunities, increasing sports media rights, and endorsement deals. Despite this newfound reality, there are no tools in the market that combine education and personalized resources designed to help their unique financial needs (i.e. short career spans, injury risks, lumpy salary payments, unique tax situations). Scout is addressing this issue by building a digital-native, athlete-focused, family office that will transcend the NIL student-athlete experience. Led by Michael Haddix (CEO), a former Division I basketball player and Columbia Business School (MBA) graduate, and former financial advisor at Octagon to professional athletes like Chris Paul and Steph Curry, alongside Cindy Zeng (CTO), who has been an early employee at three early stage startups with two successful exits, are building an innovative tool that has already disrupted the market. Scout currently has over 500 college athletes on the platform in our closed beta, five finalized Division I partnerships (Texas A&M University – College Station, DePaul University, University of Iowa, Auburn University, Mississippi State University), $170k in ARR, and has grown an extensive network of over 100 college and pro sports teams. The Company, which is backed by a number of institutional investors, angels, and professional athletes recently closed 50% of their seed round (~$1M fully committed and signed, additional ~$1M of soft commitments) they are now looking to ideally bring in an additional $1.5M in capital (total capital raise will now be $2.5M to $3M). Capital will primarily be used towards sales pipeline execution opportunities. Deck attached: https://docsend.com/view/bn34jxp5pguhce6k If interested, I would love to make the introduction / introduce you to the Scout team / give you more background on the opportunity. Likewise, I thought it would be a great idea to make an introduction to stay on each other's radars from a deal flow standpoint so I can be mindful of other deals to send to your team in the future as well. Look forward to the feedback here! Best, Jason

Non rispondere

March 13, 2024 9:25 PM (UTC)
Jason Grunfeld

Rancilio Cube Team, It is a pleasure to meet all of you - by way of introduction, my name is Jason Grunfeld and I am an investor and serve as an Advisor to Scout, a SaaS / tech enabled services wealth management platform that assists college athletes in managing their money and improving their financial habits, offers a comprehensive suite of services that provide tailored education, personalized insights, and money management tools based on an athletes’ current brand value and future earning potential. There are 520,000 current Division I athletes who are making more money than ever before due to NIL opportunities, increasing sports media rights, and endorsement deals. Despite this newfound reality, there are no tools in the market that combine education and personalized resources designed to help their unique financial needs (i.e. short career spans, injury risks, lumpy salary payments, unique tax situations). Scout is addressing this issue by building a digital-native, athlete-focused, family office that will transcend the NIL student-athlete experience. Led by Michael Haddix (CEO), a former Division I basketball player and Columbia Business School (MBA) graduate, and former financial advisor at Octagon to professional athletes like Chris Paul and Steph Curry, alongside Cindy Zeng (CTO), who has been an early employee at three early stage startups with two successful exits, are building an innovative tool that has already disrupted the market. Scout currently has over 500 college athletes on the platform in our closed beta, five finalized Division I partnerships (Texas A&M University – College Station, DePaul University, University of Iowa, Auburn University, Mississippi State University), $170k in ARR, and has grown an extensive network of over 100 college and pro sports teams. The Company, which is backed by a number of institutional investors, angels, and professional athletes recently closed 50% of their seed round (~$1M fully committed and signed, additional ~$1M of soft commitments) they are now looking to ideally bring in an additional $1.5M in capital (total capital raise will now be $2.5M to $3M). Capital will primarily be used towards sales pipeline execution opportunities. Deck attached: https://docsend.com/view/bn34jxp5pguhce6k If interested, I would love to make the introduction / introduce you to the Scout team / give you more background on the opportunity. Likewise, I thought it would be a great idea to make an introduction to stay on each other's radars from a deal flow standpoint so I can be mindful of other deals to send to your team in the future as well. Look forward to the feedback here! Best, Jason

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March 13, 2024 9:10 AM (UTC)

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen Worldwide between 30% and 35% of adults suffer from insomnia symptoms, 10% of the population meet diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder and between 3-10% of the general population is estimated to suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Such sleep disorders have been causally linked to contributing to cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality, to overweight and obesity, to work-related accidents, motor vehicle accidents, and there is emerging consensus that sleep problems are a cause as well as a consequence of mental health problems. Overall, sleep disorders costs America alone dozens if not hundreds of billions of USD’s per year. But unlike diabetes or hypertension, there are hardly any scalable, easy-to-use, low-cost methods to diagnose and monitor the progression of sleep disorders, making them severely underdiagnosed. Swiss HealthTech Sleep company Sleepiz.com uses a powerful small box placed on your bedside for a) either longterm wireless, remote patient monitoring (e.g. in nursing homes) or b) to diagnoses various sleep disorders in order to serve the patients and to capture the value created during the 8 years long treatment process (15k USD/ patient). Our key strenghts are: (1) Our Team: Sleepiz is a spin-off from ETH (Swiss Institute of Technology) and the founders very able entrepreneurs from ETH and HSG (a leading European business school) with an impressive track record (CAGR of 100% over the last three years, bluechip partnerships and backed by good Swiss BA’s and VC‘s) (2) Our Business Model: Sleepiz uses a „diagnostic device as a service“ model. The device is FDA-approved, has a CE license, and insurances reimburse remote patient monitoring in the US according to standard CPT codes. (3) Our Traction: Sleepiz will 5x its ARR until end of next year: Among other recent highlights, we received a LOI to deploy 20k devices in nursing homes in the USA in the coming 18 months and see further interest from similar other parties in the US and Singapore. For further details, I hereby have the pleasure to invite you to look at our teaser (https://sleepizag.docsend.com/view/egyzacyuc85gt4i5) and in case you would like to hear more and discuss potential ways forward. Best regards, Soumya Dash.

Non rispondere

March 13, 2024 9:10 AM (UTC)

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen Worldwide between 30% and 35% of adults suffer from insomnia symptoms, 10% of the population meet diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder and between 3-10% of the general population is estimated to suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Such sleep disorders have been causally linked to contributing to cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality, to overweight and obesity, to work-related accidents, motor vehicle accidents, and there is emerging consensus that sleep problems are a cause as well as a consequence of mental health problems. Overall, sleep disorders costs America alone dozens if not hundreds of billions of USD’s per year. But unlike diabetes or hypertension, there are hardly any scalable, easy-to-use, low-cost methods to diagnose and monitor the progression of sleep disorders, making them severely underdiagnosed. Swiss HealthTech Sleep company Sleepiz.com uses a powerful small box placed on your bedside for a) either longterm wireless, remote patient monitoring (e.g. in nursing homes) or b) to diagnoses various sleep disorders in order to serve the patients and to capture the value created during the 8 years long treatment process (15k USD/ patient). Our key strenghts are: (1) Our Team: Sleepiz is a spin-off from ETH (Swiss Institute of Technology) and the founders very able entrepreneurs from ETH and HSG (a leading European business school) with an impressive track record (CAGR of 100% over the last three years, bluechip partnerships and backed by good Swiss BA’s and VC‘s) (2) Our Business Model: Sleepiz uses a „diagnostic device as a service“ model. The device is FDA-approved, has a CE license, and insurances reimburse remote patient monitoring in the US according to standard CPT codes. (3) Our Traction: Sleepiz will 5x its ARR until end of next year: Among other recent highlights, we received a LOI to deploy 20k devices in nursing homes in the USA in the coming 18 months and see further interest from similar other parties in the US and Singapore. For further details, I hereby have the pleasure to invite you to look at our teaser (https://sleepizag.docsend.com/view/egyzacyuc85gt4i5) and in case you would like to hear more and discuss potential ways forward. Best regards, Soumya Dash.

Non rispondere

March 13, 2024 9:10 AM (UTC)

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen Worldwide between 30% and 35% of adults suffer from insomnia symptoms, 10% of the population meet diagnostic criteria for insomnia disorder and between 3-10% of the general population is estimated to suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Such sleep disorders have been causally linked to contributing to cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality, to overweight and obesity, to work-related accidents, motor vehicle accidents, and there is emerging consensus that sleep problems are a cause as well as a consequence of mental health problems. Overall, sleep disorders costs America alone dozens if not hundreds of billions of USD’s per year. But unlike diabetes or hypertension, there are hardly any scalable, easy-to-use, low-cost methods to diagnose and monitor the progression of sleep disorders, making them severely underdiagnosed. Swiss HealthTech Sleep company Sleepiz.com uses a powerful small box placed on your bedside for a) either longterm wireless, remote patient monitoring (e.g. in nursing homes) or b) to diagnoses various sleep disorders in order to serve the patients and to capture the value created during the 8 years long treatment process (15k USD/ patient). Our key strenghts are: (1) Our Team: Sleepiz is a spin-off from ETH (Swiss Institute of Technology) and the founders very able entrepreneurs from ETH and HSG (a leading European business school) with an impressive track record (CAGR of 100% over the last three years, bluechip partnerships and backed by good Swiss BA’s and VC‘s) (2) Our Business Model: Sleepiz uses a „diagnostic device as a service“ model. The device is FDA-approved, has a CE license, and insurances reimburse remote patient monitoring in the US according to standard CPT codes. (3) Our Traction: Sleepiz will 5x its ARR until end of next year: Among other recent highlights, we received a LOI to deploy 20k devices in nursing homes in the USA in the coming 18 months and see further interest from similar other parties in the US and Singapore. For further details, I hereby have the pleasure to invite you to look at our teaser (https://sleepizag.docsend.com/view/egyzacyuc85gt4i5) and in case you would like to hear more and discuss potential ways forward. Best regards, Soumya Dash.

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March 12, 2024 12:58 PM (UTC)
Olivier Begerem

Hello, I represent The Nest, a targeted hands-on incubator integrated within an ecosystem of services from which all is connected through our digital platform that supports collaboration. We want te redefine how startups and founders are supported, and empower them to build sustainable and innovative companies. We are looking for seed capital and are contacting strategic partners. Interested in exploring possibilities? Thanks, Olivier

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March 12, 2024 12:58 PM (UTC)
Olivier Begerem

Hello, I represent The Nest, a targeted hands-on incubator integrated within an ecosystem of services from which all is connected through our digital platform that supports collaboration. We want te redefine how startups and founders are supported, and empower them to build sustainable and innovative companies. We are looking for seed capital and are contacting strategic partners. Interested in exploring possibilities? Thanks, Olivier

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March 12, 2024 12:58 PM (UTC)
Olivier Begerem

Hello, I represent The Nest, a targeted hands-on incubator integrated within an ecosystem of services from which all is connected through our digital platform that supports collaboration. We want te redefine how startups and founders are supported, and empower them to build sustainable and innovative companies. We are looking for seed capital and are contacting strategic partners. Interested in exploring possibilities? Thanks, Olivier

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March 6, 2024 12:39 PM (UTC)
Bruno de Zabala

Hello! I’m Bruno de Zabala, CEO of Motmo.pro I saw your venture capital company on your website and it seems amazing! We would like to share the details of our music tech company, which has already won the prize for the best Spanish startup in 2022 and in BIME PRO 2023 (Europe's most important music industry event), backed by Lanzadera (Spain's most prestigious startup programme). It would be great if we could set up a meeting to present our deck in more detail, as we are looking for new investors to join us on our journey to revolutionise the entire music industry. We hope you can join us on our journey!

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March 6, 2024 12:39 PM (UTC)
Bruno de Zabala

Hello! I’m Bruno de Zabala, CEO of Motmo.pro I saw your venture capital company on your website and it seems amazing! We would like to share the details of our music tech company, which has already won the prize for the best Spanish startup in 2022 and in BIME PRO 2023 (Europe's most important music industry event), backed by Lanzadera (Spain's most prestigious startup programme). It would be great if we could set up a meeting to present our deck in more detail, as we are looking for new investors to join us on our journey to revolutionise the entire music industry. We hope you can join us on our journey!

Non rispondere

March 6, 2024 12:39 PM (UTC)
Bruno de Zabala

Hello! I’m Bruno de Zabala, CEO of Motmo.pro I saw your venture capital company on your website and it seems amazing! We would like to share the details of our music tech company, which has already won the prize for the best Spanish startup in 2022 and in BIME PRO 2023 (Europe's most important music industry event), backed by Lanzadera (Spain's most prestigious startup programme). It would be great if we could set up a meeting to present our deck in more detail, as we are looking for new investors to join us on our journey to revolutionise the entire music industry. We hope you can join us on our journey!

March 3, 2024 4:24 PM (UTC)
Yingying Ye

Pre-MBA internship opportunity - Incoming MBA student at New York University Dear Sir / Madam, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Yingying, and I am reaching out to kindly inquire about internship opportunities at Rancilio Cube in Milan. I have recently been admitted to the Stern Tech MBA program at New York University, with a commencing date in May 2024, and I would like to dedicate the time from now until the beginning of the program to a pre-MBA internship in venture capital, with a focus on early-stage tech startups. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have refined my skills in market and industry analysis, financial modelling, end-to-end product development, performance prediction and control, and leading cross-functional teams. As a product manager, I have selected, worked closely with, and assessed the performance of target tech startups. On the other hand, I have nurtured a deep interest in disruptive technologies that can make human interactions easier and more efficient, so far focusing on the impacts of AI and Blockchain on cross-border payments. I am certain that the insights and experiences gained from a pre-MBA internship at Rancilio Cube will undoubtedly foster my understanding of the venture capital landscape and prepare me for my goal to pivot into the industry after the MBA. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss potential internship opportunities further and learn more about Rancilio Cube. Please let me know if you would be available for a brief informational interview, and I would be happy to help schedule the meeting. Kindly find below my contacts for further reference. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of joining Rancilio Cube and contributing to the success and growth of the company. Ying YE, Yingying M: +39 366 6525620 E: yingying.ye1996@gmail.com

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March 3, 2024 4:24 PM (UTC)
Yingying Ye

Pre-MBA internship opportunity - Incoming MBA student at New York University Dear Sir / Madam, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Yingying, and I am reaching out to kindly inquire about internship opportunities at Rancilio Cube in Milan. I have recently been admitted to the Stern Tech MBA program at New York University, with a commencing date in May 2024, and I would like to dedicate the time from now until the beginning of the program to a pre-MBA internship in venture capital, with a focus on early-stage tech startups. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have refined my skills in market and industry analysis, financial modelling, end-to-end product development, performance prediction and control, and leading cross-functional teams. As a product manager, I have selected, worked closely with, and assessed the performance of target tech startups. On the other hand, I have nurtured a deep interest in disruptive technologies that can make human interactions easier and more efficient, so far focusing on the impacts of AI and Blockchain on cross-border payments. I am certain that the insights and experiences gained from a pre-MBA internship at Rancilio Cube will undoubtedly foster my understanding of the venture capital landscape and prepare me for my goal to pivot into the industry after the MBA. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss potential internship opportunities further and learn more about Rancilio Cube. Please let me know if you would be available for a brief informational interview, and I would be happy to help schedule the meeting. Kindly find below my contacts for further reference. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of joining Rancilio Cube and contributing to the success and growth of the company. Ying YE, Yingying M: +39 366 6525620 E: yingying.ye1996@gmail.com

Non rispondere

March 3, 2024 4:24 PM (UTC)
Yingying Ye

Pre-MBA internship opportunity - Incoming MBA student at New York University Dear Sir / Madam, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Yingying, and I am reaching out to kindly inquire about internship opportunities at Rancilio Cube in Milan. I have recently been admitted to the Stern Tech MBA program at New York University, with a commencing date in May 2024, and I would like to dedicate the time from now until the beginning of the program to a pre-MBA internship in venture capital, with a focus on early-stage tech startups. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have refined my skills in market and industry analysis, financial modelling, end-to-end product development, performance prediction and control, and leading cross-functional teams. As a product manager, I have selected, worked closely with, and assessed the performance of target tech startups. On the other hand, I have nurtured a deep interest in disruptive technologies that can make human interactions easier and more efficient, so far focusing on the impacts of AI and Blockchain on cross-border payments. I am certain that the insights and experiences gained from a pre-MBA internship at Rancilio Cube will undoubtedly foster my understanding of the venture capital landscape and prepare me for my goal to pivot into the industry after the MBA. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss potential internship opportunities further and learn more about Rancilio Cube. Please let me know if you would be available for a brief informational interview, and I would be happy to help schedule the meeting. Kindly find below my contacts for further reference. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of joining Rancilio Cube and contributing to the success and growth of the company. Ying YE, Yingying M: +39 366 6525620 E: yingying.ye1996@gmail.com

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March 3, 2024 1:42 PM (UTC)
Leonardo Mori

Dear Sirs, My name is Leonardo Mori, I have a degree in Economics and for over 20 years I have held managerial roles in the Finance area of manufacturing and food companies and, with reference to my latest experience, in the Fast Casual Restaurant sector. I would like to send you my CV with the intention of offering you my collaboration on your current or future projects. I have worked in different type of production companies (by batch, mass, by project) both BtoB and BtoC and I think I have well-balanced experience in family-run businesses, in foreign multinational companies and in companies controlled by Private Equity Funds, therefore I have the flexibility and ability to understand different markets and support the needs of different types of shareholders. The common thread of all my work experiences is the philosophy of continuous improvement and the objective of making a concrete, substantial contribution to the creation of value and growth of companies. With the teams I work with I focus a lot on a coaching approach, I share company strategies and I want to grow resources, I also have good relational skills with all colleagues even outside my direct area. I firmly believe that with a positive and cooperative attitude, truly great results can be achieved. I would like to share with you some examples of the main results obtained in my previous experiences. 1. Reorganization of the Finance Area with particular focus on the implementation of the Controlling and Reporting function; Development of ESG strategies In all the companies where I have worked, when I arrived I encountered poorly structured Finance departments with a very traditional mentality, aimed at carrying out typical tasks of ordinary Administration, decidedly detached from what the role of a modern Finance and Control area should be. My activities mainly focused on defining the new strategies of the Finance Area, focusing above all on the function that appeared to be the weakest or even missing: Business Controlling. I worked on the reorganization of the departments, on the review and assignment of new tasks based on the skills and attitude of the available staff and on the possible reallocation of some subjects or the inclusion of new figures. Thanks to excellent transversal vision skills and my involvement in all the processes that are part of the business, I have managed to create valid Management Control systems, in particular to implement monthly Reporting Packages for Business Reviews, Business Intelligence aimed at controlling the main KPIs, industrial and analytical accounting systems, budgeting processes. Depending on the various critical issues of the businesses in which I worked, I was always able to provide important support to business decisions, for example I had to manage cases of strong tension on the costs of raw materials or energy costs. In other cases, I found myself having to particularly increase the focus on labor costs or, more financially, on exchange rate risks. In my latest experience at Vaimo I also underline my direct involvement in the ESG Area where I was responsible for the development and implementation of the ESG strategic plan and the drafting of the annual Sustainability Reports. I believe this area is currently very important for the purposes of creating value for the company's business. 2. Implementation of new ERP systems In Annovi Reverberi I implemented Microsoft Dynamics AX and in Vaimo I took care of the implementation of SAP Business One. Changing ERP for an organization is a crucial step. A modern ERP creates value for the company and offers the great opportunity to reshape processes in order to eliminate low value-added activities in favor of higher value processes. Through these experiences I have been able to see first-hand how important it is to manage these complex projects effectively and efficiently starting from the first phase of Software and System Integrator Selection, and then moving on to the actual implementation. All these phases must be managed rigorously and need the full involvement of all company areas. Only in this way will the desired objectives be achieved within the expected deadlines and budgeted spending limits. 3. M&A activities; Fund EXIT process and Post Closing activities At Annovi Reverberi I was responsible for the acquisition and subsequent integration into the business of a company in the sector of accessories for industrial washing equipment, while at Safim I participated in the acquisition of the remaining 40% of the German distribution branch (turnover around 5 million EUR). At Safim I also had a central role in the entire Exit process of the Ambienta Fund which ended with the sale to the US multinational group Dexko. I participated personally in the preparation of the Vendor Due Diligence, in the Virtual Data Room process and in the presentation meetings with potential buyers. I would like to underline that in 2019 Safim SPA, an investment of the Private Equity fund Ambienta, received the Best Performance Award from Bocconi University, PWC, JP Morgan Bank and IlSole24Ore. In 2020 Safim SPA won the Dematté Private Equity of the year Award. In my subsequent activity at Safim after the Exit of Ambienta, I gave important support to the Group CFO in the integration phase of Safim into the Dexko Group. 4. Optimization of the financial structure and debt restructuring In my experience as CFO I have also dealt with important projects regarding treasury and corporate debt management. In Annovi Reverberi, for example, the management of short-term financing and working capital was very delicate because triangulation operations (import/export) worth tens of millions of euros per month were carried out with the US and Chinese branches. A careful financial balance had to be maintained between the three companies, so we implemented a centralized Payment and Cash Pooling system. Overall debt management (both short and long term) was around 25 million euros. Again due to these frequent relationships with subsidiaries, in Annovi Reverberi I routinely managed currency hedging contracts (up to 10 million euros) to protect the group from exchange rate risk. During my experience at Safim I had to manage a total debt of 24 million euros deriving from the leverage operation of the Fund. A characteristic of this debt was the existence of various covenants that must always be kept under control. Subsequently we also renegotiated the debt on better terms. In Vaimo at the beginning of 2022, in collaboration with the Private Equity Fund and the main Italian banks, I closed an important debt restructuring operation for 16 million euros: we increased the debt from 10 to 16 million euros and at the same time we renegotiated the deadlines, bringing the duration of the mortgages from 4-5 years to 8 years. 5. Investments, Capital Budgeting, R&D Expenses During my stay at Annovi Reverberi and Safim, important investments were made in modern equipment and machinery, for at least 10 million euros. In both companies, before approving the investment, I always dealt with the cost-benefit analysis through Cash Flow and Pay Back period calculation models. Once the investment was positively evaluated, I took care of the related financial coverage (generally Mortgage or Leasing). In Vaimo I followed the same approach. A characteristic that is part of the expansion of the restaurant business is the opening of new points of sale. In Vaimo each of them required investments of 600-900 thousand euros (depending on the type) so for me it was essential to first of all calculate and approve with the Fund the expected profitability of these investments. After approval, it was important to monitor that the actual value of the investment was in line with the planned one and, once the investment was completed, the performance of specific KPIs was followed so as to be able to compare the actual return with the budget. Both in Annovi Reverberi and Safim I implemented Project Accounting systems aimed at collecting and monitoring Research and Development expenses and investments in industry 4.0 (in Safim more than 1 million euros per year). Thanks to this activity we also had the opportunity to take advantage of important tax breaks. I think that a collaboration with your company can be advantageous for both of us, in fact, if on the one hand I am looking for new and stimulating challenges, on the other I am ready to put my experience and curiosity at your disposal in making a fundamental contribution to the growth and to the value of the business. I attach my updated CV and I hope to meet you in order to have the opportunity to explore my skills and our mutual expectations with you. Kind Regards, Leonardo Mori Leonardo Mori Nato a Parma il 30/01/1969 Via Torrigiani, 3 43121 Parma (IT) Mobile +39 3351098993 Email: leonardo-mori@outlook.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES  From 05/2021 to 11/2023 CFO in Vaimo spa (DISPENSA EMILIA brand) – Modena (ITALY) – The company belongs to INVESTINDUSTRIAL Private Equity Fund and operates in the Fast Casual Restaurants segment with the Dispensa Emilia brand. It is currently present in Italy with 40 restaurants. Expected turnover year 2023: 50M Euro. Responsibilities: Finance, Legal, IT (back end) (9 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the Controlling and Reporting Area • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Implementation of the new ERP (SAP Business One) and integration of information flows with the new logistics partner • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and weekly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Restructuring of corporate debt in order to adapt the financial structure to development objectives • Design and implementation of the new Business Intelligence • Review of the Budgeting process  From 10/2017 to 04/2021 Group CFO in SAFIM – Modena (ITALY) - The Group, made up of 5 companies (Italy, USA, India, France, Germany), was acquired by AMBIENTA Private Equity in July 2017 and was subsequently sold to DEXKO Group (KPS Private Equity) in September 2019. Turnover year 2019: 60M Euro. Company activity: Production of hydraulic components for braking systems on “Off-Highway” vehicles (Agriculture, Earthmoving, Telescopic lifts). In the customer portfolio there are the most important OEMs (CNH, Volvo, Caterpillar, John Deere, Manitou, Same). Responsibilities: Finance, IT, Legal (total 9 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of tasks and processes of the Finance and Control Area • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Implementation of Business Intelligence tools • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and weekly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Acquisition of 100% of the German commercial branch • Exit process of Ambienta and sale to DexKo Group (Vendor Due Diligence, Virtual Dataroom, Presentation to potential buyers) • Integration process of the Safim Group within the DexKo Group • Setting up new reporting processes according to DexKo Group policies  From 01/2007 to 10/2017 Group CFO in ANNOVI REVERBERI - Modena (ITALY) Annovi Reverberi is a group made up of 6 companies worldwide (Italy, China, USA) with a global turnover of over 200M. It operates in three business areas: Diaphragm hydraulic pumps (B2B market); Hydraulic piston pumps (B2B market); Pressure washers and other cleaning tools with licensing contract, OEM and own brands (B2C market) Responsibilities: Finance and IT (13 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the Management Control Function • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and monthly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Implementation of the new Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Development and organization of the Administration and Finance office of the two Chinese subsidiaries • Definition and control of the Transfer Pricing policy and intercompany expenses • Tax audit with favorable outcome, also regarding the Transfer Price policy • Acquisition of a new manufacturing branch in the field of cleaning equipment accessories  From 06/2006 to 09/2006 Head of Controlling in GRUPPO CERAMICHE RICHETTI - Modena (ITALY)  From 05/2001 to 05/2006 Finance Manager at Tetra Pak Hoyer (TETRA PAK) - Milan (ITALY) Company activity: Manufacturing of equipments for the production of industrial ice cream. Responsibilities: Finance, IT and HR (7 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the tasks and processes of the Finance Area • Implementation of cost center accounting and project cost accounting • Monthly reporting package for the parent company according to IAS – IFRS  From 01/1997 to 04/2001 Financial Controller in Al Ponte Prosciutti (SARA LEE CORPORATION) - Parma (ITALY) Company activity: Production and sale of hams and other cured meats to the Food retail chains Responsibilities: Reporting and Control. Main activities and completed projects: • Monthly reporting package for the parent company according to US GAAP • Implementation of the internal Reporting Package • Implementation of the Production Cost Control system  From 04/1996 to 12/1996 Sales Manager Assistant in TECNOPACK - Parma (ITALY)  From 04/1994 to 03/1996 Junior Controller in Fantuzzi Reggiane (TEREX CORPORATION) - Reggio Emilia (ITALY) EDUCATION AND TRAINING Part time Executive Master in Corporate Finance Il Sole 24 Ore Milan (2016) Postgraduate course in Business Controlling Industrial Union of Parma (1993) Degree in Business Economics University of Parma (December 1992) LANGUAGES Italian: mothertongue English: advanced French: advanced PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Marital status: married Children: one

Non rispondere

March 3, 2024 1:42 PM (UTC)
Leonardo Mori

Dear Sirs, My name is Leonardo Mori, I have a degree in Economics and for over 20 years I have held managerial roles in the Finance area of manufacturing and food companies and, with reference to my latest experience, in the Fast Casual Restaurant sector. I would like to send you my CV with the intention of offering you my collaboration on your current or future projects. I have worked in different type of production companies (by batch, mass, by project) both BtoB and BtoC and I think I have well-balanced experience in family-run businesses, in foreign multinational companies and in companies controlled by Private Equity Funds, therefore I have the flexibility and ability to understand different markets and support the needs of different types of shareholders. The common thread of all my work experiences is the philosophy of continuous improvement and the objective of making a concrete, substantial contribution to the creation of value and growth of companies. With the teams I work with I focus a lot on a coaching approach, I share company strategies and I want to grow resources, I also have good relational skills with all colleagues even outside my direct area. I firmly believe that with a positive and cooperative attitude, truly great results can be achieved. I would like to share with you some examples of the main results obtained in my previous experiences. 1. Reorganization of the Finance Area with particular focus on the implementation of the Controlling and Reporting function; Development of ESG strategies In all the companies where I have worked, when I arrived I encountered poorly structured Finance departments with a very traditional mentality, aimed at carrying out typical tasks of ordinary Administration, decidedly detached from what the role of a modern Finance and Control area should be. My activities mainly focused on defining the new strategies of the Finance Area, focusing above all on the function that appeared to be the weakest or even missing: Business Controlling. I worked on the reorganization of the departments, on the review and assignment of new tasks based on the skills and attitude of the available staff and on the possible reallocation of some subjects or the inclusion of new figures. Thanks to excellent transversal vision skills and my involvement in all the processes that are part of the business, I have managed to create valid Management Control systems, in particular to implement monthly Reporting Packages for Business Reviews, Business Intelligence aimed at controlling the main KPIs, industrial and analytical accounting systems, budgeting processes. Depending on the various critical issues of the businesses in which I worked, I was always able to provide important support to business decisions, for example I had to manage cases of strong tension on the costs of raw materials or energy costs. In other cases, I found myself having to particularly increase the focus on labor costs or, more financially, on exchange rate risks. In my latest experience at Vaimo I also underline my direct involvement in the ESG Area where I was responsible for the development and implementation of the ESG strategic plan and the drafting of the annual Sustainability Reports. I believe this area is currently very important for the purposes of creating value for the company's business. 2. Implementation of new ERP systems In Annovi Reverberi I implemented Microsoft Dynamics AX and in Vaimo I took care of the implementation of SAP Business One. Changing ERP for an organization is a crucial step. A modern ERP creates value for the company and offers the great opportunity to reshape processes in order to eliminate low value-added activities in favor of higher value processes. Through these experiences I have been able to see first-hand how important it is to manage these complex projects effectively and efficiently starting from the first phase of Software and System Integrator Selection, and then moving on to the actual implementation. All these phases must be managed rigorously and need the full involvement of all company areas. Only in this way will the desired objectives be achieved within the expected deadlines and budgeted spending limits. 3. M&A activities; Fund EXIT process and Post Closing activities At Annovi Reverberi I was responsible for the acquisition and subsequent integration into the business of a company in the sector of accessories for industrial washing equipment, while at Safim I participated in the acquisition of the remaining 40% of the German distribution branch (turnover around 5 million EUR). At Safim I also had a central role in the entire Exit process of the Ambienta Fund which ended with the sale to the US multinational group Dexko. I participated personally in the preparation of the Vendor Due Diligence, in the Virtual Data Room process and in the presentation meetings with potential buyers. I would like to underline that in 2019 Safim SPA, an investment of the Private Equity fund Ambienta, received the Best Performance Award from Bocconi University, PWC, JP Morgan Bank and IlSole24Ore. In 2020 Safim SPA won the Dematté Private Equity of the year Award. In my subsequent activity at Safim after the Exit of Ambienta, I gave important support to the Group CFO in the integration phase of Safim into the Dexko Group. 4. Optimization of the financial structure and debt restructuring In my experience as CFO I have also dealt with important projects regarding treasury and corporate debt management. In Annovi Reverberi, for example, the management of short-term financing and working capital was very delicate because triangulation operations (import/export) worth tens of millions of euros per month were carried out with the US and Chinese branches. A careful financial balance had to be maintained between the three companies, so we implemented a centralized Payment and Cash Pooling system. Overall debt management (both short and long term) was around 25 million euros. Again due to these frequent relationships with subsidiaries, in Annovi Reverberi I routinely managed currency hedging contracts (up to 10 million euros) to protect the group from exchange rate risk. During my experience at Safim I had to manage a total debt of 24 million euros deriving from the leverage operation of the Fund. A characteristic of this debt was the existence of various covenants that must always be kept under control. Subsequently we also renegotiated the debt on better terms. In Vaimo at the beginning of 2022, in collaboration with the Private Equity Fund and the main Italian banks, I closed an important debt restructuring operation for 16 million euros: we increased the debt from 10 to 16 million euros and at the same time we renegotiated the deadlines, bringing the duration of the mortgages from 4-5 years to 8 years. 5. Investments, Capital Budgeting, R&D Expenses During my stay at Annovi Reverberi and Safim, important investments were made in modern equipment and machinery, for at least 10 million euros. In both companies, before approving the investment, I always dealt with the cost-benefit analysis through Cash Flow and Pay Back period calculation models. Once the investment was positively evaluated, I took care of the related financial coverage (generally Mortgage or Leasing). In Vaimo I followed the same approach. A characteristic that is part of the expansion of the restaurant business is the opening of new points of sale. In Vaimo each of them required investments of 600-900 thousand euros (depending on the type) so for me it was essential to first of all calculate and approve with the Fund the expected profitability of these investments. After approval, it was important to monitor that the actual value of the investment was in line with the planned one and, once the investment was completed, the performance of specific KPIs was followed so as to be able to compare the actual return with the budget. Both in Annovi Reverberi and Safim I implemented Project Accounting systems aimed at collecting and monitoring Research and Development expenses and investments in industry 4.0 (in Safim more than 1 million euros per year). Thanks to this activity we also had the opportunity to take advantage of important tax breaks. I think that a collaboration with your company can be advantageous for both of us, in fact, if on the one hand I am looking for new and stimulating challenges, on the other I am ready to put my experience and curiosity at your disposal in making a fundamental contribution to the growth and to the value of the business. I attach my updated CV and I hope to meet you in order to have the opportunity to explore my skills and our mutual expectations with you. Kind Regards, Leonardo Mori Leonardo Mori Nato a Parma il 30/01/1969 Via Torrigiani, 3 43121 Parma (IT) Mobile +39 3351098993 Email: leonardo-mori@outlook.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES  From 05/2021 to 11/2023 CFO in Vaimo spa (DISPENSA EMILIA brand) – Modena (ITALY) – The company belongs to INVESTINDUSTRIAL Private Equity Fund and operates in the Fast Casual Restaurants segment with the Dispensa Emilia brand. It is currently present in Italy with 40 restaurants. Expected turnover year 2023: 50M Euro. Responsibilities: Finance, Legal, IT (back end) (9 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the Controlling and Reporting Area • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Implementation of the new ERP (SAP Business One) and integration of information flows with the new logistics partner • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and weekly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Restructuring of corporate debt in order to adapt the financial structure to development objectives • Design and implementation of the new Business Intelligence • Review of the Budgeting process  From 10/2017 to 04/2021 Group CFO in SAFIM – Modena (ITALY) - The Group, made up of 5 companies (Italy, USA, India, France, Germany), was acquired by AMBIENTA Private Equity in July 2017 and was subsequently sold to DEXKO Group (KPS Private Equity) in September 2019. Turnover year 2019: 60M Euro. Company activity: Production of hydraulic components for braking systems on “Off-Highway” vehicles (Agriculture, Earthmoving, Telescopic lifts). In the customer portfolio there are the most important OEMs (CNH, Volvo, Caterpillar, John Deere, Manitou, Same). Responsibilities: Finance, IT, Legal (total 9 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of tasks and processes of the Finance and Control Area • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Implementation of Business Intelligence tools • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and weekly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Acquisition of 100% of the German commercial branch • Exit process of Ambienta and sale to DexKo Group (Vendor Due Diligence, Virtual Dataroom, Presentation to potential buyers) • Integration process of the Safim Group within the DexKo Group • Setting up new reporting processes according to DexKo Group policies  From 01/2007 to 10/2017 Group CFO in ANNOVI REVERBERI - Modena (ITALY) Annovi Reverberi is a group made up of 6 companies worldwide (Italy, China, USA) with a global turnover of over 200M. It operates in three business areas: Diaphragm hydraulic pumps (B2B market); Hydraulic piston pumps (B2B market); Pressure washers and other cleaning tools with licensing contract, OEM and own brands (B2C market) Responsibilities: Finance and IT (13 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the Management Control Function • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and monthly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Implementation of the new Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Development and organization of the Administration and Finance office of the two Chinese subsidiaries • Definition and control of the Transfer Pricing policy and intercompany expenses • Tax audit with favorable outcome, also regarding the Transfer Price policy • Acquisition of a new manufacturing branch in the field of cleaning equipment accessories  From 06/2006 to 09/2006 Head of Controlling in GRUPPO CERAMICHE RICHETTI - Modena (ITALY)  From 05/2001 to 05/2006 Finance Manager at Tetra Pak Hoyer (TETRA PAK) - Milan (ITALY) Company activity: Manufacturing of equipments for the production of industrial ice cream. Responsibilities: Finance, IT and HR (7 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the tasks and processes of the Finance Area • Implementation of cost center accounting and project cost accounting • Monthly reporting package for the parent company according to IAS – IFRS  From 01/1997 to 04/2001 Financial Controller in Al Ponte Prosciutti (SARA LEE CORPORATION) - Parma (ITALY) Company activity: Production and sale of hams and other cured meats to the Food retail chains Responsibilities: Reporting and Control. Main activities and completed projects: • Monthly reporting package for the parent company according to US GAAP • Implementation of the internal Reporting Package • Implementation of the Production Cost Control system  From 04/1996 to 12/1996 Sales Manager Assistant in TECNOPACK - Parma (ITALY)  From 04/1994 to 03/1996 Junior Controller in Fantuzzi Reggiane (TEREX CORPORATION) - Reggio Emilia (ITALY) EDUCATION AND TRAINING Part time Executive Master in Corporate Finance Il Sole 24 Ore Milan (2016) Postgraduate course in Business Controlling Industrial Union of Parma (1993) Degree in Business Economics University of Parma (December 1992) LANGUAGES Italian: mothertongue English: advanced French: advanced PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Marital status: married Children: one

March 3, 2024 1:42 PM (UTC)
Leonardo Mori

Dear Sirs, My name is Leonardo Mori, I have a degree in Economics and for over 20 years I have held managerial roles in the Finance area of manufacturing and food companies and, with reference to my latest experience, in the Fast Casual Restaurant sector. I would like to send you my CV with the intention of offering you my collaboration on your current or future projects. I have worked in different type of production companies (by batch, mass, by project) both BtoB and BtoC and I think I have well-balanced experience in family-run businesses, in foreign multinational companies and in companies controlled by Private Equity Funds, therefore I have the flexibility and ability to understand different markets and support the needs of different types of shareholders. The common thread of all my work experiences is the philosophy of continuous improvement and the objective of making a concrete, substantial contribution to the creation of value and growth of companies. With the teams I work with I focus a lot on a coaching approach, I share company strategies and I want to grow resources, I also have good relational skills with all colleagues even outside my direct area. I firmly believe that with a positive and cooperative attitude, truly great results can be achieved. I would like to share with you some examples of the main results obtained in my previous experiences. 1. Reorganization of the Finance Area with particular focus on the implementation of the Controlling and Reporting function; Development of ESG strategies In all the companies where I have worked, when I arrived I encountered poorly structured Finance departments with a very traditional mentality, aimed at carrying out typical tasks of ordinary Administration, decidedly detached from what the role of a modern Finance and Control area should be. My activities mainly focused on defining the new strategies of the Finance Area, focusing above all on the function that appeared to be the weakest or even missing: Business Controlling. I worked on the reorganization of the departments, on the review and assignment of new tasks based on the skills and attitude of the available staff and on the possible reallocation of some subjects or the inclusion of new figures. Thanks to excellent transversal vision skills and my involvement in all the processes that are part of the business, I have managed to create valid Management Control systems, in particular to implement monthly Reporting Packages for Business Reviews, Business Intelligence aimed at controlling the main KPIs, industrial and analytical accounting systems, budgeting processes. Depending on the various critical issues of the businesses in which I worked, I was always able to provide important support to business decisions, for example I had to manage cases of strong tension on the costs of raw materials or energy costs. In other cases, I found myself having to particularly increase the focus on labor costs or, more financially, on exchange rate risks. In my latest experience at Vaimo I also underline my direct involvement in the ESG Area where I was responsible for the development and implementation of the ESG strategic plan and the drafting of the annual Sustainability Reports. I believe this area is currently very important for the purposes of creating value for the company's business. 2. Implementation of new ERP systems In Annovi Reverberi I implemented Microsoft Dynamics AX and in Vaimo I took care of the implementation of SAP Business One. Changing ERP for an organization is a crucial step. A modern ERP creates value for the company and offers the great opportunity to reshape processes in order to eliminate low value-added activities in favor of higher value processes. Through these experiences I have been able to see first-hand how important it is to manage these complex projects effectively and efficiently starting from the first phase of Software and System Integrator Selection, and then moving on to the actual implementation. All these phases must be managed rigorously and need the full involvement of all company areas. Only in this way will the desired objectives be achieved within the expected deadlines and budgeted spending limits. 3. M&A activities; Fund EXIT process and Post Closing activities At Annovi Reverberi I was responsible for the acquisition and subsequent integration into the business of a company in the sector of accessories for industrial washing equipment, while at Safim I participated in the acquisition of the remaining 40% of the German distribution branch (turnover around 5 million EUR). At Safim I also had a central role in the entire Exit process of the Ambienta Fund which ended with the sale to the US multinational group Dexko. I participated personally in the preparation of the Vendor Due Diligence, in the Virtual Data Room process and in the presentation meetings with potential buyers. I would like to underline that in 2019 Safim SPA, an investment of the Private Equity fund Ambienta, received the Best Performance Award from Bocconi University, PWC, JP Morgan Bank and IlSole24Ore. In 2020 Safim SPA won the Dematté Private Equity of the year Award. In my subsequent activity at Safim after the Exit of Ambienta, I gave important support to the Group CFO in the integration phase of Safim into the Dexko Group. 4. Optimization of the financial structure and debt restructuring In my experience as CFO I have also dealt with important projects regarding treasury and corporate debt management. In Annovi Reverberi, for example, the management of short-term financing and working capital was very delicate because triangulation operations (import/export) worth tens of millions of euros per month were carried out with the US and Chinese branches. A careful financial balance had to be maintained between the three companies, so we implemented a centralized Payment and Cash Pooling system. Overall debt management (both short and long term) was around 25 million euros. Again due to these frequent relationships with subsidiaries, in Annovi Reverberi I routinely managed currency hedging contracts (up to 10 million euros) to protect the group from exchange rate risk. During my experience at Safim I had to manage a total debt of 24 million euros deriving from the leverage operation of the Fund. A characteristic of this debt was the existence of various covenants that must always be kept under control. Subsequently we also renegotiated the debt on better terms. In Vaimo at the beginning of 2022, in collaboration with the Private Equity Fund and the main Italian banks, I closed an important debt restructuring operation for 16 million euros: we increased the debt from 10 to 16 million euros and at the same time we renegotiated the deadlines, bringing the duration of the mortgages from 4-5 years to 8 years. 5. Investments, Capital Budgeting, R&D Expenses During my stay at Annovi Reverberi and Safim, important investments were made in modern equipment and machinery, for at least 10 million euros. In both companies, before approving the investment, I always dealt with the cost-benefit analysis through Cash Flow and Pay Back period calculation models. Once the investment was positively evaluated, I took care of the related financial coverage (generally Mortgage or Leasing). In Vaimo I followed the same approach. A characteristic that is part of the expansion of the restaurant business is the opening of new points of sale. In Vaimo each of them required investments of 600-900 thousand euros (depending on the type) so for me it was essential to first of all calculate and approve with the Fund the expected profitability of these investments. After approval, it was important to monitor that the actual value of the investment was in line with the planned one and, once the investment was completed, the performance of specific KPIs was followed so as to be able to compare the actual return with the budget. Both in Annovi Reverberi and Safim I implemented Project Accounting systems aimed at collecting and monitoring Research and Development expenses and investments in industry 4.0 (in Safim more than 1 million euros per year). Thanks to this activity we also had the opportunity to take advantage of important tax breaks. I think that a collaboration with your company can be advantageous for both of us, in fact, if on the one hand I am looking for new and stimulating challenges, on the other I am ready to put my experience and curiosity at your disposal in making a fundamental contribution to the growth and to the value of the business. I attach my updated CV and I hope to meet you in order to have the opportunity to explore my skills and our mutual expectations with you. Kind Regards, Leonardo Mori Leonardo Mori Nato a Parma il 30/01/1969 Via Torrigiani, 3 43121 Parma (IT) Mobile +39 3351098993 Email: leonardo-mori@outlook.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES  From 05/2021 to 11/2023 CFO in Vaimo spa (DISPENSA EMILIA brand) – Modena (ITALY) – The company belongs to INVESTINDUSTRIAL Private Equity Fund and operates in the Fast Casual Restaurants segment with the Dispensa Emilia brand. It is currently present in Italy with 40 restaurants. Expected turnover year 2023: 50M Euro. Responsibilities: Finance, Legal, IT (back end) (9 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the Controlling and Reporting Area • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Implementation of the new ERP (SAP Business One) and integration of information flows with the new logistics partner • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and weekly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Restructuring of corporate debt in order to adapt the financial structure to development objectives • Design and implementation of the new Business Intelligence • Review of the Budgeting process  From 10/2017 to 04/2021 Group CFO in SAFIM – Modena (ITALY) - The Group, made up of 5 companies (Italy, USA, India, France, Germany), was acquired by AMBIENTA Private Equity in July 2017 and was subsequently sold to DEXKO Group (KPS Private Equity) in September 2019. Turnover year 2019: 60M Euro. Company activity: Production of hydraulic components for braking systems on “Off-Highway” vehicles (Agriculture, Earthmoving, Telescopic lifts). In the customer portfolio there are the most important OEMs (CNH, Volvo, Caterpillar, John Deere, Manitou, Same). Responsibilities: Finance, IT, Legal (total 9 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of tasks and processes of the Finance and Control Area • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Implementation of Business Intelligence tools • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and weekly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Acquisition of 100% of the German commercial branch • Exit process of Ambienta and sale to DexKo Group (Vendor Due Diligence, Virtual Dataroom, Presentation to potential buyers) • Integration process of the Safim Group within the DexKo Group • Setting up new reporting processes according to DexKo Group policies  From 01/2007 to 10/2017 Group CFO in ANNOVI REVERBERI - Modena (ITALY) Annovi Reverberi is a group made up of 6 companies worldwide (Italy, China, USA) with a global turnover of over 200M. It operates in three business areas: Diaphragm hydraulic pumps (B2B market); Hydraulic piston pumps (B2B market); Pressure washers and other cleaning tools with licensing contract, OEM and own brands (B2C market) Responsibilities: Finance and IT (13 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the Management Control Function • Implementation of monthly financial forecasts and monthly reporting focused on the main business KPIs • Implementation of the new Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP • Implementation of the Reporting Package for the Monthly Business Review • Development and organization of the Administration and Finance office of the two Chinese subsidiaries • Definition and control of the Transfer Pricing policy and intercompany expenses • Tax audit with favorable outcome, also regarding the Transfer Price policy • Acquisition of a new manufacturing branch in the field of cleaning equipment accessories  From 06/2006 to 09/2006 Head of Controlling in GRUPPO CERAMICHE RICHETTI - Modena (ITALY)  From 05/2001 to 05/2006 Finance Manager at Tetra Pak Hoyer (TETRA PAK) - Milan (ITALY) Company activity: Manufacturing of equipments for the production of industrial ice cream. Responsibilities: Finance, IT and HR (7 people). Main activities and completed projects: • Reorganization of the tasks and processes of the Finance Area • Implementation of cost center accounting and project cost accounting • Monthly reporting package for the parent company according to IAS – IFRS  From 01/1997 to 04/2001 Financial Controller in Al Ponte Prosciutti (SARA LEE CORPORATION) - Parma (ITALY) Company activity: Production and sale of hams and other cured meats to the Food retail chains Responsibilities: Reporting and Control. Main activities and completed projects: • Monthly reporting package for the parent company according to US GAAP • Implementation of the internal Reporting Package • Implementation of the Production Cost Control system  From 04/1996 to 12/1996 Sales Manager Assistant in TECNOPACK - Parma (ITALY)  From 04/1994 to 03/1996 Junior Controller in Fantuzzi Reggiane (TEREX CORPORATION) - Reggio Emilia (ITALY) EDUCATION AND TRAINING Part time Executive Master in Corporate Finance Il Sole 24 Ore Milan (2016) Postgraduate course in Business Controlling Industrial Union of Parma (1993) Degree in Business Economics University of Parma (December 1992) LANGUAGES Italian: mothertongue English: advanced French: advanced PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Marital status: married Children: one

March 1, 2024 3:12 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Hello Madam or Sir, I am contacting you again to find out if you would be interested in quickly discussing your Portfolio Management needs with me? Dashboards? Reporting? Sincerely,

Non rispondere

March 1, 2024 3:12 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Hello Madam or Sir, I am contacting you again to find out if you would be interested in quickly discussing your Portfolio Management needs with me? Dashboards? Reporting? Sincerely,

Non rispondere

March 1, 2024 3:12 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Hello Madam or Sir, I am contacting you again to find out if you would be interested in quickly discussing your Portfolio Management needs with me? Dashboards? Reporting? Sincerely,

Non rispondere

February 27, 2024 2:43 PM (UTC)
Alessandro De Tomaso

Topic: High Yield Bond/Alternative investment/Private Debt - Pareto Security is a full-service Norwegian investment bank - NO BROKER - we are bookrunners what we offer? - New issue of bonds specializing in Scandinavian, Central Europe, North America and Middle East companies but in EUR USD - Bonds on B/BB curves - High yield bonds but with A/AA country risk - Returns on average ~150/200 bps higher than the curves

Non rispondere

February 27, 2024 2:43 PM (UTC)
Alessandro De Tomaso

Topic: High Yield Bond/Alternative investment/Private Debt - Pareto Security is a full-service Norwegian investment bank - NO BROKER - we are bookrunners what we offer? - New issue of bonds specializing in Scandinavian, Central Europe, North America and Middle East companies but in EUR USD - Bonds on B/BB curves - High yield bonds but with A/AA country risk - Returns on average ~150/200 bps higher than the curves

February 27, 2024 2:43 PM (UTC)
Alessandro De Tomaso

Topic: High Yield Bond/Alternative investment/Private Debt - Pareto Security is a full-service Norwegian investment bank - NO BROKER - we are bookrunners what we offer? - New issue of bonds specializing in Scandinavian, Central Europe, North America and Middle East companies but in EUR USD - Bonds on B/BB curves - High yield bonds but with A/AA country risk - Returns on average ~150/200 bps higher than the curves

February 23, 2024 3:41 PM (UTC)
Justin Diraddo

Hi there! I am working on a project that I was hoping to speak to you about. We are building a personal health application that helps people reduce their screen time by 2+hours daily. Our app is a freemium offering with our primary GTM channel being a wellness benefit. We are actively convincing customers to purchase our product over headspace/calm and I would like to learn more about those investments. Thanks! Justin DiRaddo +1 518.301.3178

Non rispondere

February 23, 2024 3:41 PM (UTC)
Justin Diraddo

Hi there! I am working on a project that I was hoping to speak to you about. We are building a personal health application that helps people reduce their screen time by 2+hours daily. Our app is a freemium offering with our primary GTM channel being a wellness benefit. We are actively convincing customers to purchase our product over headspace/calm and I would like to learn more about those investments. Thanks! Justin DiRaddo +1 518.301.3178

Non rispondere

February 23, 2024 3:41 PM (UTC)
Justin Diraddo

Hi there! I am working on a project that I was hoping to speak to you about. We are building a personal health application that helps people reduce their screen time by 2+hours daily. Our app is a freemium offering with our primary GTM channel being a wellness benefit. We are actively convincing customers to purchase our product over headspace/calm and I would like to learn more about those investments. Thanks! Justin DiRaddo +1 518.301.3178

Non rispondere

February 23, 2024 2:06 PM (UTC)
Jorge Quintana

Buongiorno, Sono Jorge Quintana, del team di dati PE/VC per le piattaforme Capital IQ e Capital IQ Pro di S&P Global MI. Come forse sapete, sulle nostre piattaforme ci sono profili di aziende PE/VC che contengono informazioni su investimenti, professionisti e strategie. La presenza sulle piattaforme comporta una preziosa visibilità e opportunità di business. Aggiorniamo costantemente i nostri dati e quest’anno siamo particolarmente interessati a rilevare il dato dell’ammontare del patrimonio gestito (AUM) di Rancilio Cube. Se desiderate verificare a aggiornare tutti i dati del profilo posso inviare una copia. Resto a disposizione per chiarimenti Cordiali saluti

Non rispondere

February 23, 2024 2:06 PM (UTC)
Jorge Quintana

Buongiorno, Sono Jorge Quintana, del team di dati PE/VC per le piattaforme Capital IQ e Capital IQ Pro di S&P Global MI. Come forse sapete, sulle nostre piattaforme ci sono profili di aziende PE/VC che contengono informazioni su investimenti, professionisti e strategie. La presenza sulle piattaforme comporta una preziosa visibilità e opportunità di business. Aggiorniamo costantemente i nostri dati e quest’anno siamo particolarmente interessati a rilevare il dato dell’ammontare del patrimonio gestito (AUM) di Rancilio Cube. Se desiderate verificare a aggiornare tutti i dati del profilo posso inviare una copia. Resto a disposizione per chiarimenti Cordiali saluti

February 23, 2024 2:06 PM (UTC)
Jorge Quintana

Buongiorno, Sono Jorge Quintana, del team di dati PE/VC per le piattaforme Capital IQ e Capital IQ Pro di S&P Global MI. Come forse sapete, sulle nostre piattaforme ci sono profili di aziende PE/VC che contengono informazioni su investimenti, professionisti e strategie. La presenza sulle piattaforme comporta una preziosa visibilità e opportunità di business. Aggiorniamo costantemente i nostri dati e quest’anno siamo particolarmente interessati a rilevare il dato dell’ammontare del patrimonio gestito (AUM) di Rancilio Cube. Se desiderate verificare a aggiornare tutti i dati del profilo posso inviare una copia. Resto a disposizione per chiarimenti Cordiali saluti

February 21, 2024 4:29 PM (UTC)
Jacopo Luxardi

Buonasera, vorrei entrare in contatto con un componente del vostro business development per proporre un investimento immobiliare retail a Venezia. Grazie per l'attenzione Jacopo Luxardi Real Estate Consultant Engel & Voelkers Commercial Venezia

Non rispondere

February 21, 2024 4:29 PM (UTC)
Jacopo Luxardi

Buonasera, vorrei entrare in contatto con un componente del vostro business development per proporre un investimento immobiliare retail a Venezia. Grazie per l'attenzione Jacopo Luxardi Real Estate Consultant Engel & Voelkers Commercial Venezia

Non rispondere

February 21, 2024 4:29 PM (UTC)
Jacopo Luxardi

Buonasera, vorrei entrare in contatto con un componente del vostro business development per proporre un investimento immobiliare retail a Venezia. Grazie per l'attenzione Jacopo Luxardi Real Estate Consultant Engel & Voelkers Commercial Venezia

Non rispondere

February 20, 2024 11:54 AM (UTC)
Edoardo Lamacchia

Edoardo Maria Lamacchia <e.lamacchia@ewibe.com> ven 2 feb, 17:22 a info Hello, Let me briefly tell you who I am and what we do. I am Edoardo Lamacchia and I am the founder of eWibe. eWibe democratizes and provides access to the fine wine asset class for the entire community of investors and wine enthusiasts. Our model follows that of a marketplace where users can operate independently, leveraging the typical dynamics of the financial market, such as the bid/ask model. All bottles transacted on the platform are stored in our vault, ensuring conditions suitable for aging. Once a bottle is purchased, the user can decide whether to leave it in our custody for resale in the internal market or have it delivered directly to their home. Here are some key figures: Monthly GMV steadily increasing, going from €10k at the beginning of the year to over €80k in recent months. Growing community consisting of HNWI, retail and professional investors, and wine lovers with an average portfolio of €3000, having purchased over 2000 bottles at an average price of €400. Current value of wine offerings on the platform exceeding €4 million, with discussions to increase this number to €30 million in the coming months and then to €200 million. Currently, our focus is on product improvement and user base growth. While we have initially launched in the Italian market, we are starting international tests. Thanks to the platform's structure and limited logistics, it is already accessible globally. https://docsend.com/view/xj7b3jihnspxsvnv, you can find the link of our pitch deck I would love to dive deeper into the presentation of eWibe and hear your thoughts. I am available to arrange a call or meeting at your convenience. Best regards, Edoardo

Non rispondere

February 20, 2024 11:54 AM (UTC)
Edoardo Lamacchia

Edoardo Maria Lamacchia <e.lamacchia@ewibe.com> ven 2 feb, 17:22 a info Hello, Let me briefly tell you who I am and what we do. I am Edoardo Lamacchia and I am the founder of eWibe. eWibe democratizes and provides access to the fine wine asset class for the entire community of investors and wine enthusiasts. Our model follows that of a marketplace where users can operate independently, leveraging the typical dynamics of the financial market, such as the bid/ask model. All bottles transacted on the platform are stored in our vault, ensuring conditions suitable for aging. Once a bottle is purchased, the user can decide whether to leave it in our custody for resale in the internal market or have it delivered directly to their home. Here are some key figures: Monthly GMV steadily increasing, going from €10k at the beginning of the year to over €80k in recent months. Growing community consisting of HNWI, retail and professional investors, and wine lovers with an average portfolio of €3000, having purchased over 2000 bottles at an average price of €400. Current value of wine offerings on the platform exceeding €4 million, with discussions to increase this number to €30 million in the coming months and then to €200 million. Currently, our focus is on product improvement and user base growth. While we have initially launched in the Italian market, we are starting international tests. Thanks to the platform's structure and limited logistics, it is already accessible globally. https://docsend.com/view/xj7b3jihnspxsvnv, you can find the link of our pitch deck I would love to dive deeper into the presentation of eWibe and hear your thoughts. I am available to arrange a call or meeting at your convenience. Best regards, Edoardo

Non rispondere

February 20, 2024 11:54 AM (UTC)
Edoardo Lamacchia

Edoardo Maria Lamacchia <e.lamacchia@ewibe.com> ven 2 feb, 17:22 a info Hello, Let me briefly tell you who I am and what we do. I am Edoardo Lamacchia and I am the founder of eWibe. eWibe democratizes and provides access to the fine wine asset class for the entire community of investors and wine enthusiasts. Our model follows that of a marketplace where users can operate independently, leveraging the typical dynamics of the financial market, such as the bid/ask model. All bottles transacted on the platform are stored in our vault, ensuring conditions suitable for aging. Once a bottle is purchased, the user can decide whether to leave it in our custody for resale in the internal market or have it delivered directly to their home. Here are some key figures: Monthly GMV steadily increasing, going from €10k at the beginning of the year to over €80k in recent months. Growing community consisting of HNWI, retail and professional investors, and wine lovers with an average portfolio of €3000, having purchased over 2000 bottles at an average price of €400. Current value of wine offerings on the platform exceeding €4 million, with discussions to increase this number to €30 million in the coming months and then to €200 million. Currently, our focus is on product improvement and user base growth. While we have initially launched in the Italian market, we are starting international tests. Thanks to the platform's structure and limited logistics, it is already accessible globally. https://docsend.com/view/xj7b3jihnspxsvnv, you can find the link of our pitch deck I would love to dive deeper into the presentation of eWibe and hear your thoughts. I am available to arrange a call or meeting at your convenience. Best regards, Edoardo

Non rispondere

February 19, 2024 5:57 PM (UTC)
luca di benedetto

Buongiorno, sono Luca Di Benedetto, so che non è il vostro settore tuttavia... Vi contatto per proporvi idea di sviluppo in ambito food and beverage in fase pre-seed. Si tratta di commercializzare soft drink, (con prodotto già esistente) nome FRESCA di cui in calce invio render per come deve essere realizzata e in allegato descrizione e step di sviluppo per come l'ho pensata. Ovviamente sono disponibile ad ogni approfondimento e a preziosi suggerimenti, nonchè di incontro conoscitivo presso i vostri uffici. In attesa di gradito cenno di ricevuta, lieto dell'incontro colgo altresì l'occasione per porgerVi i miei più cordiali saluti Luca Di Benedetto +39 3407771524

Non rispondere

February 19, 2024 5:57 PM (UTC)
luca di benedetto

Buongiorno, sono Luca Di Benedetto, so che non è il vostro settore tuttavia... Vi contatto per proporvi idea di sviluppo in ambito food and beverage in fase pre-seed. Si tratta di commercializzare soft drink, (con prodotto già esistente) nome FRESCA di cui in calce invio render per come deve essere realizzata e in allegato descrizione e step di sviluppo per come l'ho pensata. Ovviamente sono disponibile ad ogni approfondimento e a preziosi suggerimenti, nonchè di incontro conoscitivo presso i vostri uffici. In attesa di gradito cenno di ricevuta, lieto dell'incontro colgo altresì l'occasione per porgerVi i miei più cordiali saluti Luca Di Benedetto +39 3407771524

Non rispondere

February 19, 2024 5:57 PM (UTC)
luca di benedetto

Buongiorno, sono Luca Di Benedetto, so che non è il vostro settore tuttavia... Vi contatto per proporvi idea di sviluppo in ambito food and beverage in fase pre-seed. Si tratta di commercializzare soft drink, (con prodotto già esistente) nome FRESCA di cui in calce invio render per come deve essere realizzata e in allegato descrizione e step di sviluppo per come l'ho pensata. Ovviamente sono disponibile ad ogni approfondimento e a preziosi suggerimenti, nonchè di incontro conoscitivo presso i vostri uffici. In attesa di gradito cenno di ricevuta, lieto dell'incontro colgo altresì l'occasione per porgerVi i miei più cordiali saluti Luca Di Benedetto +39 3407771524

February 16, 2024 9:46 AM (UTC)

Buongiorno. Vorrei inviarVi un progetto di investimento nel segmento FARMACIA/DRUGSTORE con integratori Grazie MORENO BERTO 331 9115296

Non rispondere

February 16, 2024 9:46 AM (UTC)

Buongiorno. Vorrei inviarVi un progetto di investimento nel segmento FARMACIA/DRUGSTORE con integratori Grazie MORENO BERTO 331 9115296

February 16, 2024 9:46 AM (UTC)

Buongiorno. Vorrei inviarVi un progetto di investimento nel segmento FARMACIA/DRUGSTORE con integratori Grazie MORENO BERTO 331 9115296

February 16, 2024 9:46 AM (UTC)
Buongiorno. Vorrei inviarVi un progetto di investimento nel segmento FARMACIA/DRUGSTORE con integratori Grazie MORENO BERTO 331 9115296

February 15, 2024 5:09 PM (UTC)
Parris Trimbey

Introducing My Magic Moments—an AI-driven children's app seamlessly blending education and entertainment. What sets us apart is our unique emphasis on learning and deep emotional connections. Could we get your email for additional info?

Non rispondere

February 15, 2024 5:09 PM (UTC)
Parris Trimbey

Introducing My Magic Moments—an AI-driven children's app seamlessly blending education and entertainment. What sets us apart is our unique emphasis on learning and deep emotional connections. Could we get your email for additional info?

February 15, 2024 5:09 PM (UTC)
Parris Trimbey

Introducing My Magic Moments—an AI-driven children's app seamlessly blending education and entertainment. What sets us apart is our unique emphasis on learning and deep emotional connections. Could we get your email for additional info?

February 15, 2024 5:09 PM (UTC)
Introducing My Magic Moments—an AI-driven children's app seamlessly blending education and entertainment. What sets us apart is our unique emphasis on learning and deep emotional connections. Could we get your email for additional info?

February 15, 2024 4:48 PM (UTC)
Riccardo Allegra

To whom it may concern, I'm Head of Seed Investments & Portfolio Management at LVenture Group, a holding company listed on the MTA investing in digital startups. I'm writing to you to get in touch with someone from your investment team with the objective of building a relationship and offer you the opportunity to have visibility on our startups in fundrising on a recurring base. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Riccardo Allegra

Inviata risposta

inviata email per avviare contatto il 26.03

February 15, 2024 4:48 PM (UTC)
Riccardo Allegra

To whom it may concern, I'm Head of Seed Investments & Portfolio Management at LVenture Group, a holding company listed on the MTA investing in digital startups. I'm writing to you to get in touch with someone from your investment team with the objective of building a relationship and offer you the opportunity to have visibility on our startups in fundrising on a recurring base. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Riccardo Allegra

February 15, 2024 4:48 PM (UTC)
Riccardo Allegra

To whom it may concern, I'm Head of Seed Investments & Portfolio Management at LVenture Group, a holding company listed on the MTA investing in digital startups. I'm writing to you to get in touch with someone from your investment team with the objective of building a relationship and offer you the opportunity to have visibility on our startups in fundrising on a recurring base. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Riccardo Allegra

February 15, 2024 4:48 PM (UTC)
To whom it may concern, I'm Head of Seed Investments & Portfolio Management at LVenture Group, a holding company listed on the MTA investing in digital startups. I'm writing to you to get in touch with someone from your investment team with the objective of building a relationship and offer you the opportunity to have visibility on our startups in fundrising on a recurring base. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, Riccardo Allegra

February 14, 2024 12:08 PM (UTC)

AppRover Srl SB è stata costituita in data 29 aprile 2022 allo scopo di sviluppare il progetto AuthenPiQ, un metodo innovativo per autenticare tramite blockchain foto, video ed audio digitali. Nel 2023 gli Angel Investor Alessandro Ghiglioni, Franco Gardellin e Alessio Traversa subentrano a Mattiuzzo e a Giacomin, con l’apporto del capitale di pre-seed necessario. La mission di AppRover è quello di sviluppare strumenti software utilizzando tecnologie - come la blockchain - ancora poco conosciute all’utente medio e renderle fruibili a tutti. Per questo motivo abbiamo deciso di rendere la startup una Società Benefit (SB), per aiutare lo sviluppo della collettività̀ verso la consapevolezza informatica applicata al quotidiano. Riteniamo inoltre che l’autenticità dei contenuti multimediali sia un valore che possa aiutare positivamente la collettività sotto diversi aspetti, come ad esempio: l’onestà, la maggior tutela giuridica, meno forzature in contesti giovanili. Questo progetto è nato a marzo 2021 dall’idea di un team di tecnici che già̀ collaborano in un’altra startup innovativa: Geek Forge (www.geekforge.it) e beneficia del supporto tecnico di un referenziato partner tecnologico, Knobs, che tramite la holding Urania ha ritenuto di investire nel capitale di AppRover. AuthenPiQ è una app che, scaricata gratuitamente sullo smartphone, permette di autenticare le foto e brevi video (e in futuro anche altri media digitali) attribuendo dei metadati (luogo, data e ora dello scatto, autore) e di generare con un click un NFT che viene registrato sulla blockchain. La soluzione è attualmente in stato di patent pending, avendo depositato la domanda a giugno 2023. Oltre a certificare l’autenticità delle foto, AuthenPiQ permette di tutelare i diritti di proprietà̀ del materiale scattato, consentendone la vendita o la licenza e certificandone la loro storia in modo tracciabile. Il mercato può essere vastissimo ed il modello di business è facilmente scalabile. Non è influenzato da barriere all’entrata, da normative e barriere culturali e sociali. Gli ambiti di applicazione di AuthenPiQ sono molteplici, come si vedrà in seguito, sia a livello B2B che B2C. Nonostante siano molte le aziende che nel mondo sviluppano sistemi di certificazione delle foto, quasi tutte basano la loro tecnologia su algoritmi, che sono più o meno facilmente aggirabili. In questa fase, abbiamo previsto un aumento di capitale per un round di Seed di 1.000.000,00 €, su una valutazione pre-money di 5.000.000,00 €, per un totale di equity offerte quindi del 16,67%.

Non rispondere

February 14, 2024 12:08 PM (UTC)

AppRover Srl SB è stata costituita in data 29 aprile 2022 allo scopo di sviluppare il progetto AuthenPiQ, un metodo innovativo per autenticare tramite blockchain foto, video ed audio digitali. Nel 2023 gli Angel Investor Alessandro Ghiglioni, Franco Gardellin e Alessio Traversa subentrano a Mattiuzzo e a Giacomin, con l’apporto del capitale di pre-seed necessario. La mission di AppRover è quello di sviluppare strumenti software utilizzando tecnologie - come la blockchain - ancora poco conosciute all’utente medio e renderle fruibili a tutti. Per questo motivo abbiamo deciso di rendere la startup una Società Benefit (SB), per aiutare lo sviluppo della collettività̀ verso la consapevolezza informatica applicata al quotidiano. Riteniamo inoltre che l’autenticità dei contenuti multimediali sia un valore che possa aiutare positivamente la collettività sotto diversi aspetti, come ad esempio: l’onestà, la maggior tutela giuridica, meno forzature in contesti giovanili. Questo progetto è nato a marzo 2021 dall’idea di un team di tecnici che già̀ collaborano in un’altra startup innovativa: Geek Forge (www.geekforge.it) e beneficia del supporto tecnico di un referenziato partner tecnologico, Knobs, che tramite la holding Urania ha ritenuto di investire nel capitale di AppRover. AuthenPiQ è una app che, scaricata gratuitamente sullo smartphone, permette di autenticare le foto e brevi video (e in futuro anche altri media digitali) attribuendo dei metadati (luogo, data e ora dello scatto, autore) e di generare con un click un NFT che viene registrato sulla blockchain. La soluzione è attualmente in stato di patent pending, avendo depositato la domanda a giugno 2023. Oltre a certificare l’autenticità delle foto, AuthenPiQ permette di tutelare i diritti di proprietà̀ del materiale scattato, consentendone la vendita o la licenza e certificandone la loro storia in modo tracciabile. Il mercato può essere vastissimo ed il modello di business è facilmente scalabile. Non è influenzato da barriere all’entrata, da normative e barriere culturali e sociali. Gli ambiti di applicazione di AuthenPiQ sono molteplici, come si vedrà in seguito, sia a livello B2B che B2C. Nonostante siano molte le aziende che nel mondo sviluppano sistemi di certificazione delle foto, quasi tutte basano la loro tecnologia su algoritmi, che sono più o meno facilmente aggirabili. In questa fase, abbiamo previsto un aumento di capitale per un round di Seed di 1.000.000,00 €, su una valutazione pre-money di 5.000.000,00 €, per un totale di equity offerte quindi del 16,67%.

February 14, 2024 12:08 PM (UTC)

AppRover Srl SB è stata costituita in data 29 aprile 2022 allo scopo di sviluppare il progetto AuthenPiQ, un metodo innovativo per autenticare tramite blockchain foto, video ed audio digitali. Nel 2023 gli Angel Investor Alessandro Ghiglioni, Franco Gardellin e Alessio Traversa subentrano a Mattiuzzo e a Giacomin, con l’apporto del capitale di pre-seed necessario. La mission di AppRover è quello di sviluppare strumenti software utilizzando tecnologie - come la blockchain - ancora poco conosciute all’utente medio e renderle fruibili a tutti. Per questo motivo abbiamo deciso di rendere la startup una Società Benefit (SB), per aiutare lo sviluppo della collettività̀ verso la consapevolezza informatica applicata al quotidiano. Riteniamo inoltre che l’autenticità dei contenuti multimediali sia un valore che possa aiutare positivamente la collettività sotto diversi aspetti, come ad esempio: l’onestà, la maggior tutela giuridica, meno forzature in contesti giovanili. Questo progetto è nato a marzo 2021 dall’idea di un team di tecnici che già̀ collaborano in un’altra startup innovativa: Geek Forge (www.geekforge.it) e beneficia del supporto tecnico di un referenziato partner tecnologico, Knobs, che tramite la holding Urania ha ritenuto di investire nel capitale di AppRover. AuthenPiQ è una app che, scaricata gratuitamente sullo smartphone, permette di autenticare le foto e brevi video (e in futuro anche altri media digitali) attribuendo dei metadati (luogo, data e ora dello scatto, autore) e di generare con un click un NFT che viene registrato sulla blockchain. La soluzione è attualmente in stato di patent pending, avendo depositato la domanda a giugno 2023. Oltre a certificare l’autenticità delle foto, AuthenPiQ permette di tutelare i diritti di proprietà̀ del materiale scattato, consentendone la vendita o la licenza e certificandone la loro storia in modo tracciabile. Il mercato può essere vastissimo ed il modello di business è facilmente scalabile. Non è influenzato da barriere all’entrata, da normative e barriere culturali e sociali. Gli ambiti di applicazione di AuthenPiQ sono molteplici, come si vedrà in seguito, sia a livello B2B che B2C. Nonostante siano molte le aziende che nel mondo sviluppano sistemi di certificazione delle foto, quasi tutte basano la loro tecnologia su algoritmi, che sono più o meno facilmente aggirabili. In questa fase, abbiamo previsto un aumento di capitale per un round di Seed di 1.000.000,00 €, su una valutazione pre-money di 5.000.000,00 €, per un totale di equity offerte quindi del 16,67%.

February 14, 2024 12:08 PM (UTC)
AppRover Srl SB è stata costituita in data 29 aprile 2022 allo scopo di sviluppare il progetto AuthenPiQ, un metodo innovativo per autenticare tramite blockchain foto, video ed audio digitali. Nel 2023 gli Angel Investor Alessandro Ghiglioni, Franco Gardellin e Alessio Traversa subentrano a Mattiuzzo e a Giacomin, con l’apporto del capitale di pre-seed necessario. La mission di AppRover è quello di sviluppare strumenti software utilizzando tecnologie - come la blockchain - ancora poco conosciute all’utente medio e renderle fruibili a tutti. Per questo motivo abbiamo deciso di rendere la startup una Società Benefit (SB), per aiutare lo sviluppo della collettività̀ verso la consapevolezza informatica applicata al quotidiano. Riteniamo inoltre che l’autenticità dei contenuti multimediali sia un valore che possa aiutare positivamente la collettività sotto diversi aspetti, come ad esempio: l’onestà, la maggior tutela giuridica, meno forzature in contesti giovanili. Questo progetto è nato a marzo 2021 dall’idea di un team di tecnici che già̀ collaborano in un’altra startup innovativa: Geek Forge (www.geekforge.it) e beneficia del supporto tecnico di un referenziato partner tecnologico, Knobs, che tramite la holding Urania ha ritenuto di investire nel capitale di AppRover. AuthenPiQ è una app che, scaricata gratuitamente sullo smartphone, permette di autenticare le foto e brevi video (e in futuro anche altri media digitali) attribuendo dei metadati (luogo, data e ora dello scatto, autore) e di generare con un click un NFT che viene registrato sulla blockchain. La soluzione è attualmente in stato di patent pending, avendo depositato la domanda a giugno 2023. Oltre a certificare l’autenticità delle foto, AuthenPiQ permette di tutelare i diritti di proprietà̀ del materiale scattato, consentendone la vendita o la licenza e certificandone la loro storia in modo tracciabile. Il mercato può essere vastissimo ed il modello di business è facilmente scalabile. Non è influenzato da barriere all’entrata, da normative e barriere culturali e sociali. Gli ambiti di applicazione di AuthenPiQ sono molteplici, come si vedrà in seguito, sia a livello B2B che B2C. Nonostante siano molte le aziende che nel mondo sviluppano sistemi di certificazione delle foto, quasi tutte basano la loro tecnologia su algoritmi, che sono più o meno facilmente aggirabili. In questa fase, abbiamo previsto un aumento di capitale per un round di Seed di 1.000.000,00 €, su una valutazione pre-money di 5.000.000,00 €, per un totale di equity offerte quindi del 16,67%.

February 13, 2024 9:11 AM (UTC)
Leda Di Marti

Gentili membri della Rancilio Cube, Mi presento, sono Leda Di Marti, CEO di Maelle Group, una società di consulenza strategica specializzata nei settori della moda, cosmesi e gioielleria, con sede a Dubai. Desidero contattarvi per esporvi un'opportunità di collaborazione. Maelle Group non solo fornisce servizi di consulenza strategica per espansione e commercializzazione ai marchi internazionali, ma si occupa anche di facilitare l'incontro con potenziali investitori. Durante la prossima settimana della moda a Milano, io e la CMO e co-fondatrice, Martina Di Pasquale, saremo presenti e sarebbe un piacere incontrarvi per discutere delle possibilità di collaborazione tra il vostro fondo di investimenti e i marchi da noi rappresentati. I marchi che rappresentiamo sono di portata internazionale, tra cui alcuni italiani, e operano nei settori dell'accessoristica, dell'abbigliamento, della gioielleria (10%) e della cosmesi (5%). Siamo disponibili per un incontro tra il 18 e il 25 febbraio. Resto in attesa di un vostro cortese riscontro e spero di poter pianificare un incontro proficuo per entrambe le parti. Cordiali saluti, -- Leda Di Marti CEO Maelle App Make your fashion brand international leda@maelleapp.com | www.maellegroup.com Dubai, Milano, NYC

Non rispondere

February 13, 2024 9:11 AM (UTC)
Leda Di Marti

Gentili membri della Rancilio Cube, Mi presento, sono Leda Di Marti, CEO di Maelle Group, una società di consulenza strategica specializzata nei settori della moda, cosmesi e gioielleria, con sede a Dubai. Desidero contattarvi per esporvi un'opportunità di collaborazione. Maelle Group non solo fornisce servizi di consulenza strategica per espansione e commercializzazione ai marchi internazionali, ma si occupa anche di facilitare l'incontro con potenziali investitori. Durante la prossima settimana della moda a Milano, io e la CMO e co-fondatrice, Martina Di Pasquale, saremo presenti e sarebbe un piacere incontrarvi per discutere delle possibilità di collaborazione tra il vostro fondo di investimenti e i marchi da noi rappresentati. I marchi che rappresentiamo sono di portata internazionale, tra cui alcuni italiani, e operano nei settori dell'accessoristica, dell'abbigliamento, della gioielleria (10%) e della cosmesi (5%). Siamo disponibili per un incontro tra il 18 e il 25 febbraio. Resto in attesa di un vostro cortese riscontro e spero di poter pianificare un incontro proficuo per entrambe le parti. Cordiali saluti, -- Leda Di Marti CEO Maelle App Make your fashion brand international leda@maelleapp.com | www.maellegroup.com Dubai, Milano, NYC

February 13, 2024 9:11 AM (UTC)
Leda Di Marti

Gentili membri della Rancilio Cube, Mi presento, sono Leda Di Marti, CEO di Maelle Group, una società di consulenza strategica specializzata nei settori della moda, cosmesi e gioielleria, con sede a Dubai. Desidero contattarvi per esporvi un'opportunità di collaborazione. Maelle Group non solo fornisce servizi di consulenza strategica per espansione e commercializzazione ai marchi internazionali, ma si occupa anche di facilitare l'incontro con potenziali investitori. Durante la prossima settimana della moda a Milano, io e la CMO e co-fondatrice, Martina Di Pasquale, saremo presenti e sarebbe un piacere incontrarvi per discutere delle possibilità di collaborazione tra il vostro fondo di investimenti e i marchi da noi rappresentati. I marchi che rappresentiamo sono di portata internazionale, tra cui alcuni italiani, e operano nei settori dell'accessoristica, dell'abbigliamento, della gioielleria (10%) e della cosmesi (5%). Siamo disponibili per un incontro tra il 18 e il 25 febbraio. Resto in attesa di un vostro cortese riscontro e spero di poter pianificare un incontro proficuo per entrambe le parti. Cordiali saluti, -- Leda Di Marti CEO Maelle App Make your fashion brand international leda@maelleapp.com | www.maellegroup.com Dubai, Milano, NYC

February 13, 2024 9:11 AM (UTC)
Gentili membri della Rancilio Cube, Mi presento, sono Leda Di Marti, CEO di Maelle Group, una società di consulenza strategica specializzata nei settori della moda, cosmesi e gioielleria, con sede a Dubai. Desidero contattarvi per esporvi un'opportunità di collaborazione. Maelle Group non solo fornisce servizi di consulenza strategica per espansione e commercializzazione ai marchi internazionali, ma si occupa anche di facilitare l'incontro con potenziali investitori. Durante la prossima settimana della moda a Milano, io e la CMO e co-fondatrice, Martina Di Pasquale, saremo presenti e sarebbe un piacere incontrarvi per discutere delle possibilità di collaborazione tra il vostro fondo di investimenti e i marchi da noi rappresentati. I marchi che rappresentiamo sono di portata internazionale, tra cui alcuni italiani, e operano nei settori dell'accessoristica, dell'abbigliamento, della gioielleria (10%) e della cosmesi (5%). Siamo disponibili per un incontro tra il 18 e il 25 febbraio. Resto in attesa di un vostro cortese riscontro e spero di poter pianificare un incontro proficuo per entrambe le parti. Cordiali saluti, -- Leda Di Marti CEO Maelle App Make your fashion brand international leda@maelleapp.com | www.maellegroup.com Dubai, Milano, NYC

February 12, 2024 1:14 PM (UTC)
Alvaro Villacorta

Hi, I'm managing partner of Tritemius Fund I FCRE, an early stage VC focused on Web3 and Gaming. We got the approval from the Spanish regulator and we are fundraising. With a target size of 50m €, the first closing is expected at the end of March with 10m €. We aim to invest from 100k to 3m € in startups between pre-seed and pre Series A, in order to build a portfolio of 40 companies. We would like to present the opportunity to you, thanks. Best, Alvaro

Non rispondere

February 12, 2024 1:14 PM (UTC)
Alvaro Villacorta

Hi, I'm managing partner of Tritemius Fund I FCRE, an early stage VC focused on Web3 and Gaming. We got the approval from the Spanish regulator and we are fundraising. With a target size of 50m €, the first closing is expected at the end of March with 10m €. We aim to invest from 100k to 3m € in startups between pre-seed and pre Series A, in order to build a portfolio of 40 companies. We would like to present the opportunity to you, thanks. Best, Alvaro

February 12, 2024 1:14 PM (UTC)
Alvaro Villacorta

Hi, I'm managing partner of Tritemius Fund I FCRE, an early stage VC focused on Web3 and Gaming. We got the approval from the Spanish regulator and we are fundraising. With a target size of 50m €, the first closing is expected at the end of March with 10m €. We aim to invest from 100k to 3m € in startups between pre-seed and pre Series A, in order to build a portfolio of 40 companies. We would like to present the opportunity to you, thanks. Best, Alvaro

February 12, 2024 1:14 PM (UTC)
Hi, I'm managing partner of Tritemius Fund I FCRE, an early stage VC focused on Web3 and Gaming. We got the approval from the Spanish regulator and we are fundraising. With a target size of 50m €, the first closing is expected at the end of March with 10m €. We aim to invest from 100k to 3m € in startups between pre-seed and pre Series A, in order to build a portfolio of 40 companies. We would like to present the opportunity to you, thanks. Best, Alvaro

February 9, 2024 12:02 AM (UTC)
Ngosa Mumba

Hi, I hope you are well? My name is Ngosa Mumba, Founder & CEO of Shere Space, a platform birthed in Zambia,  unlocking the $8 trillion (World Bank) potential of underutilized resources in emerging markets through a thriving hyper-localized sharing economy. Driven by our unique category of  "Shared Abundance" vision, we're building a borderless network that transforms idle assets into shared prosperity. I kindly wanted to inquire if you do invest in Zambian/African  startups.? &  if so how can we pitch you? Best'

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February 9, 2024 12:02 AM (UTC)
Ngosa Mumba

Hi, I hope you are well? My name is Ngosa Mumba, Founder & CEO of Shere Space, a platform birthed in Zambia,  unlocking the $8 trillion (World Bank) potential of underutilized resources in emerging markets through a thriving hyper-localized sharing economy. Driven by our unique category of  "Shared Abundance" vision, we're building a borderless network that transforms idle assets into shared prosperity. I kindly wanted to inquire if you do invest in Zambian/African  startups.? &  if so how can we pitch you? Best'

February 9, 2024 12:02 AM (UTC)
Ngosa Mumba

Hi, I hope you are well? My name is Ngosa Mumba, Founder & CEO of Shere Space, a platform birthed in Zambia,  unlocking the $8 trillion (World Bank) potential of underutilized resources in emerging markets through a thriving hyper-localized sharing economy. Driven by our unique category of  "Shared Abundance" vision, we're building a borderless network that transforms idle assets into shared prosperity. I kindly wanted to inquire if you do invest in Zambian/African  startups.? &  if so how can we pitch you? Best'

February 9, 2024 12:02 AM (UTC)
Hi, I hope you are well? My name is Ngosa Mumba, Founder & CEO of Shere Space, a platform birthed in Zambia,  unlocking the $8 trillion (World Bank) potential of underutilized resources in emerging markets through a thriving hyper-localized sharing economy. Driven by our unique category of  "Shared Abundance" vision, we're building a borderless network that transforms idle assets into shared prosperity. I kindly wanted to inquire if you do invest in Zambian/African  startups.? &  if so how can we pitch you? Best'

February 8, 2024 4:40 PM (UTC)
Tamim El Zein

Dear Luca, I'm reaching out as I see you have a 10% allocation to emerging markets. Seedstars Africa Ventures (SAV) is a French domiciled fund investing in the most promising African startups around Series A level, delivering impact and with strong ESG approach. The fund is anchored by LBO France ($7bn AUM) and supported by the European Investment Bank ($30mn) and AfDB ($10mn), along with multiple family offices. EIB provides us with a $10mn junior tranche providing downside protection to LPs. We are reaching a first close in March at $45mn and are targeting $100mn. Our current portfolio will be brought at cost into the fund, despite a 3x valuation uptick over 18 months. I would love to engage with you and discuss your interest in African VC. Looking forward to your feedback, Best Tamim

Non rispondere

February 8, 2024 4:40 PM (UTC)
Tamim El Zein

Dear Luca, I'm reaching out as I see you have a 10% allocation to emerging markets. Seedstars Africa Ventures (SAV) is a French domiciled fund investing in the most promising African startups around Series A level, delivering impact and with strong ESG approach. The fund is anchored by LBO France ($7bn AUM) and supported by the European Investment Bank ($30mn) and AfDB ($10mn), along with multiple family offices. EIB provides us with a $10mn junior tranche providing downside protection to LPs. We are reaching a first close in March at $45mn and are targeting $100mn. Our current portfolio will be brought at cost into the fund, despite a 3x valuation uptick over 18 months. I would love to engage with you and discuss your interest in African VC. Looking forward to your feedback, Best Tamim

February 8, 2024 4:40 PM (UTC)
Tamim El Zein

Dear Luca, I'm reaching out as I see you have a 10% allocation to emerging markets. Seedstars Africa Ventures (SAV) is a French domiciled fund investing in the most promising African startups around Series A level, delivering impact and with strong ESG approach. The fund is anchored by LBO France ($7bn AUM) and supported by the European Investment Bank ($30mn) and AfDB ($10mn), along with multiple family offices. EIB provides us with a $10mn junior tranche providing downside protection to LPs. We are reaching a first close in March at $45mn and are targeting $100mn. Our current portfolio will be brought at cost into the fund, despite a 3x valuation uptick over 18 months. I would love to engage with you and discuss your interest in African VC. Looking forward to your feedback, Best Tamim

February 8, 2024 4:40 PM (UTC)
Dear Luca, I'm reaching out as I see you have a 10% allocation to emerging markets. Seedstars Africa Ventures (SAV) is a French domiciled fund investing in the most promising African startups around Series A level, delivering impact and with strong ESG approach. The fund is anchored by LBO France ($7bn AUM) and supported by the European Investment Bank ($30mn) and AfDB ($10mn), along with multiple family offices. EIB provides us with a $10mn junior tranche providing downside protection to LPs. We are reaching a first close in March at $45mn and are targeting $100mn. Our current portfolio will be brought at cost into the fund, despite a 3x valuation uptick over 18 months. I would love to engage with you and discuss your interest in African VC. Looking forward to your feedback, Best Tamim

February 7, 2024 1:56 PM (UTC)

Hi there, This is Nilanjay from Startup Wise Guys. I’m managing our fintech fund’s capital raise to invest in early-stage fintech, insurtech and regtech start-ups in Europe. We have a particular interest in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Mediterranean corridor, where we can access relevant dealflow. Within Startup Wise Guys we have already been doing this type of investing for 10+ years in which we push the start-ups through our acceleration programs with substantial success rates. Let me know if our strategy aligns with your investment thesis. Cheers :)

Non rispondere

February 7, 2024 1:56 PM (UTC)

Hi there, This is Nilanjay from Startup Wise Guys. I’m managing our fintech fund’s capital raise to invest in early-stage fintech, insurtech and regtech start-ups in Europe. We have a particular interest in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Mediterranean corridor, where we can access relevant dealflow. Within Startup Wise Guys we have already been doing this type of investing for 10+ years in which we push the start-ups through our acceleration programs with substantial success rates. Let me know if our strategy aligns with your investment thesis. Cheers :)

February 7, 2024 1:56 PM (UTC)

Hi there, This is Nilanjay from Startup Wise Guys. I’m managing our fintech fund’s capital raise to invest in early-stage fintech, insurtech and regtech start-ups in Europe. We have a particular interest in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Mediterranean corridor, where we can access relevant dealflow. Within Startup Wise Guys we have already been doing this type of investing for 10+ years in which we push the start-ups through our acceleration programs with substantial success rates. Let me know if our strategy aligns with your investment thesis. Cheers :)

February 7, 2024 1:56 PM (UTC)
Hi there, This is Nilanjay from Startup Wise Guys. I’m managing our fintech fund’s capital raise to invest in early-stage fintech, insurtech and regtech start-ups in Europe. We have a particular interest in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Mediterranean corridor, where we can access relevant dealflow. Within Startup Wise Guys we have already been doing this type of investing for 10+ years in which we push the start-ups through our acceleration programs with substantial success rates. Let me know if our strategy aligns with your investment thesis. Cheers :)

February 7, 2024 11:17 AM (UTC)
Antonio Puce

Salve Vorrei candidare la mia società per sottometterla alla vostra attenzione. Gentilmente mi indicate come poterlo fare. Saluti

Non rispondere

February 7, 2024 11:17 AM (UTC)
Antonio Puce

Salve Vorrei candidare la mia società per sottometterla alla vostra attenzione. Gentilmente mi indicate come poterlo fare. Saluti

February 7, 2024 11:17 AM (UTC)
Antonio Puce

Salve Vorrei candidare la mia società per sottometterla alla vostra attenzione. Gentilmente mi indicate come poterlo fare. Saluti

February 7, 2024 11:17 AM (UTC)
Salve Vorrei candidare la mia società per sottometterla alla vostra attenzione. Gentilmente mi indicate come poterlo fare. Saluti

February 5, 2024 3:07 PM (UTC)

Good day, By way of introduction, I am Sush, founder of AIDGE Ventures. This is my new fund as a Solo GP. Thesis of the fund: Investing in early stage tech driven finance at the intersection of different verticals, leveraging founders fintech domain expertise and track record of 10xTVPI. Is this something you would be interested to learn more about? Doe this fit in your thesis? Please let me know and I can share some material. It would be great to connect. Thank you Best regards, Sush ___________________ . Sush Bapna Founder E: sush@aidge.ventures M: +44 7747 303 812 _ _ If its not broken, let’s make it faster.

Non rispondere

February 5, 2024 3:07 PM (UTC)

Good day, By way of introduction, I am Sush, founder of AIDGE Ventures. This is my new fund as a Solo GP. Thesis of the fund: Investing in early stage tech driven finance at the intersection of different verticals, leveraging founders fintech domain expertise and track record of 10xTVPI. Is this something you would be interested to learn more about? Doe this fit in your thesis? Please let me know and I can share some material. It would be great to connect. Thank you Best regards, Sush ___________________ . Sush Bapna Founder E: sush@aidge.ventures M: +44 7747 303 812 _ _ If its not broken, let’s make it faster.

February 5, 2024 3:07 PM (UTC)

Good day, By way of introduction, I am Sush, founder of AIDGE Ventures. This is my new fund as a Solo GP. Thesis of the fund: Investing in early stage tech driven finance at the intersection of different verticals, leveraging founders fintech domain expertise and track record of 10xTVPI. Is this something you would be interested to learn more about? Doe this fit in your thesis? Please let me know and I can share some material. It would be great to connect. Thank you Best regards, Sush ___________________ . Sush Bapna Founder E: sush@aidge.ventures M: +44 7747 303 812 _ _ If its not broken, let’s make it faster.

February 5, 2024 3:07 PM (UTC)
Good day, By way of introduction, I am Sush, founder of AIDGE Ventures. This is my new fund as a Solo GP. Thesis of the fund: Investing in early stage tech driven finance at the intersection of different verticals, leveraging founders fintech domain expertise and track record of 10xTVPI. Is this something you would be interested to learn more about? Doe this fit in your thesis? Please let me know and I can share some material. It would be great to connect. Thank you Best regards, Sush ___________________ . Sush Bapna Founder E: sush@aidge.ventures M: +44 7747 303 812 _ _ If its not broken, let’s make it faster.

February 2, 2024 4:11 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Dear Madam or Sir, I am Barthelemy, Business Developer at Cogendi. Rancilio Cube emphasises on personalisation, which matches the objective of Cogendi Analytics - an innovative performance, PMS and reporting solution for multi-asset classes investors. We have an especially effective solution when it comes to communicating exactly what you want and how you want it for each of your clients, regardless of their asset types and individual expectations. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Do you have 30min so I could show you our solution? I wish you a nice day. Sincerely, Barthelemy MARTINOT

Non rispondere

February 2, 2024 4:11 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Dear Madam or Sir, I am Barthelemy, Business Developer at Cogendi. Rancilio Cube emphasises on personalisation, which matches the objective of Cogendi Analytics - an innovative performance, PMS and reporting solution for multi-asset classes investors. We have an especially effective solution when it comes to communicating exactly what you want and how you want it for each of your clients, regardless of their asset types and individual expectations. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Do you have 30min so I could show you our solution? I wish you a nice day. Sincerely, Barthelemy MARTINOT

February 2, 2024 4:11 PM (UTC)
Barthelemy MARTINOT

Dear Madam or Sir, I am Barthelemy, Business Developer at Cogendi. Rancilio Cube emphasises on personalisation, which matches the objective of Cogendi Analytics - an innovative performance, PMS and reporting solution for multi-asset classes investors. We have an especially effective solution when it comes to communicating exactly what you want and how you want it for each of your clients, regardless of their asset types and individual expectations. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Do you have 30min so I could show you our solution? I wish you a nice day. Sincerely, Barthelemy MARTINOT

February 2, 2024 4:11 PM (UTC)
Dear Madam or Sir, I am Barthelemy, Business Developer at Cogendi. Rancilio Cube emphasises on personalisation, which matches the objective of Cogendi Analytics - an innovative performance, PMS and reporting solution for multi-asset classes investors. We have an especially effective solution when it comes to communicating exactly what you want and how you want it for each of your clients, regardless of their asset types and individual expectations. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Do you have 30min so I could show you our solution? I wish you a nice day. Sincerely, Barthelemy MARTINOT

February 1, 2024 8:13 AM (UTC)

Hello, I’m Olivier from The Nest, a Belgian incubator focused on sustainable, impactful innovations. We’re currently in our seed funding round, seeking partners who align with our vision of groundbreaking innovation. we distinguish ourselves by co-founding, co-creating, and co-navigating with startups from concept to market. We believe a partnership could be mutually beneficial and would love the opportunity to discuss this further. Could we arrange a conversation to explore this? You can reach me at olivier@thenest.be or +32 498 38 86 68 Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Non rispondere

February 1, 2024 8:13 AM (UTC)

Hello, I’m Olivier from The Nest, a Belgian incubator focused on sustainable, impactful innovations. We’re currently in our seed funding round, seeking partners who align with our vision of groundbreaking innovation. we distinguish ourselves by co-founding, co-creating, and co-navigating with startups from concept to market. We believe a partnership could be mutually beneficial and would love the opportunity to discuss this further. Could we arrange a conversation to explore this? You can reach me at olivier@thenest.be or +32 498 38 86 68 Thank you for considering this opportunity.

February 1, 2024 8:13 AM (UTC)

Hello, I’m Olivier from The Nest, a Belgian incubator focused on sustainable, impactful innovations. We’re currently in our seed funding round, seeking partners who align with our vision of groundbreaking innovation. we distinguish ourselves by co-founding, co-creating, and co-navigating with startups from concept to market. We believe a partnership could be mutually beneficial and would love the opportunity to discuss this further. Could we arrange a conversation to explore this? You can reach me at olivier@thenest.be or +32 498 38 86 68 Thank you for considering this opportunity.

February 1, 2024 8:13 AM (UTC)
Hello, I’m Olivier from The Nest, a Belgian incubator focused on sustainable, impactful innovations. We’re currently in our seed funding round, seeking partners who align with our vision of groundbreaking innovation. we distinguish ourselves by co-founding, co-creating, and co-navigating with startups from concept to market. We believe a partnership could be mutually beneficial and would love the opportunity to discuss this further. Could we arrange a conversation to explore this? You can reach me at olivier@thenest.be or +32 498 38 86 68 Thank you for considering this opportunity.

January 31, 2024 3:31 PM (UTC)
Evan O'Callaghan

Dear Rancilio Cube Investment Team, By way of introduction my name is Evan O’Callaghan and I’m the Corporate Finance Analyst at SuperNode Limited. SuperNode is a cutting-edge technology development company that designs superconducting cable systems to connect renewable generation and increase grid interconnection. SuperNode was founded in 2018 and since then, we have grown to a headcount of nearly 60 and have moved into our own state-of-the-art facility which is purposed built to manufacture and test prototype High Temperature Superconductor (“HTS”) cable systems. SuperNode is developing a revolutionary solution to the challenges of power transmission and grid resilience in the age of renewables. Our vision is that people should have access to secure, affordable and renewable energy. Our mission is to develop and market innovative transmission technology based on superconductors, requiring less infrastructure, materials and space. Our superconducting transmission product will be a key enabling network technology to achieve net zero by facilitating the huge growth in renewable energy over the next 30 years. We feel SuperNode can be an attractive investment for Rancilio Cube as an exciting disruptive technology which creates real change. The development of a reliable grid is essential to achieve net zero and will act as the backbone to the energy transition presenting huge opportunities for high growth and returns. It would be great if we could schedule a call to give you further information about the Company and the exciting work we’re doing. Kind Regards, Evan

Non rispondere

January 31, 2024 3:31 PM (UTC)
Evan O'Callaghan

Dear Rancilio Cube Investment Team, By way of introduction my name is Evan O’Callaghan and I’m the Corporate Finance Analyst at SuperNode Limited. SuperNode is a cutting-edge technology development company that designs superconducting cable systems to connect renewable generation and increase grid interconnection. SuperNode was founded in 2018 and since then, we have grown to a headcount of nearly 60 and have moved into our own state-of-the-art facility which is purposed built to manufacture and test prototype High Temperature Superconductor (“HTS”) cable systems. SuperNode is developing a revolutionary solution to the challenges of power transmission and grid resilience in the age of renewables. Our vision is that people should have access to secure, affordable and renewable energy. Our mission is to develop and market innovative transmission technology based on superconductors, requiring less infrastructure, materials and space. Our superconducting transmission product will be a key enabling network technology to achieve net zero by facilitating the huge growth in renewable energy over the next 30 years. We feel SuperNode can be an attractive investment for Rancilio Cube as an exciting disruptive technology which creates real change. The development of a reliable grid is essential to achieve net zero and will act as the backbone to the energy transition presenting huge opportunities for high growth and returns. It would be great if we could schedule a call to give you further information about the Company and the exciting work we’re doing. Kind Regards, Evan

January 31, 2024 3:31 PM (UTC)
Evan O'Callaghan

Dear Rancilio Cube Investment Team, By way of introduction my name is Evan O’Callaghan and I’m the Corporate Finance Analyst at SuperNode Limited. SuperNode is a cutting-edge technology development company that designs superconducting cable systems to connect renewable generation and increase grid interconnection. SuperNode was founded in 2018 and since then, we have grown to a headcount of nearly 60 and have moved into our own state-of-the-art facility which is purposed built to manufacture and test prototype High Temperature Superconductor (“HTS”) cable systems. SuperNode is developing a revolutionary solution to the challenges of power transmission and grid resilience in the age of renewables. Our vision is that people should have access to secure, affordable and renewable energy. Our mission is to develop and market innovative transmission technology based on superconductors, requiring less infrastructure, materials and space. Our superconducting transmission product will be a key enabling network technology to achieve net zero by facilitating the huge growth in renewable energy over the next 30 years. We feel SuperNode can be an attractive investment for Rancilio Cube as an exciting disruptive technology which creates real change. The development of a reliable grid is essential to achieve net zero and will act as the backbone to the energy transition presenting huge opportunities for high growth and returns. It would be great if we could schedule a call to give you further information about the Company and the exciting work we’re doing. Kind Regards, Evan

January 31, 2024 3:31 PM (UTC)
Dear Rancilio Cube Investment Team, By way of introduction my name is Evan O’Callaghan and I’m the Corporate Finance Analyst at SuperNode Limited. SuperNode is a cutting-edge technology development company that designs superconducting cable systems to connect renewable generation and increase grid interconnection. SuperNode was founded in 2018 and since then, we have grown to a headcount of nearly 60 and have moved into our own state-of-the-art facility which is purposed built to manufacture and test prototype High Temperature Superconductor (“HTS”) cable systems. SuperNode is developing a revolutionary solution to the challenges of power transmission and grid resilience in the age of renewables. Our vision is that people should have access to secure, affordable and renewable energy. Our mission is to develop and market innovative transmission technology based on superconductors, requiring less infrastructure, materials and space. Our superconducting transmission product will be a key enabling network technology to achieve net zero by facilitating the huge growth in renewable energy over the next 30 years. We feel SuperNode can be an attractive investment for Rancilio Cube as an exciting disruptive technology which creates real change. The development of a reliable grid is essential to achieve net zero and will act as the backbone to the energy transition presenting huge opportunities for high growth and returns. It would be great if we could schedule a call to give you further information about the Company and the exciting work we’re doing. Kind Regards, Evan

January 28, 2024 7:36 PM (UTC)
Renato Sacchetti

Teaser: https://www.dropbox.com/t/ML3X3OLSECGEyZmV Key people: https://19-01.com/#key_people

Non rispondere

January 28, 2024 7:36 PM (UTC)
Renato Sacchetti

Teaser: https://www.dropbox.com/t/ML3X3OLSECGEyZmV Key people: https://19-01.com/#key_people

January 28, 2024 7:36 PM (UTC)
Renato Sacchetti

Teaser: https://www.dropbox.com/t/ML3X3OLSECGEyZmV Key people: https://19-01.com/#key_people

January 28, 2024 7:36 PM (UTC)
Teaser: https://www.dropbox.com/t/ML3X3OLSECGEyZmV Key people: https://19-01.com/#key_people

January 22, 2024 4:35 PM (UTC)
Mattia Cioffi

Buonasera, sono Mattia Cioffi, Founder di InnovHealth, una startup nata con l’ambizione di rivoluzionare il settore della salute, trasformando l’approccio che ognuno di noi ha con essa. Ho scoperto il vostro operato ricercando i fondi che meglio lavorano in Italia e ho trovato molte sinergie tra il vostro manifesto e le nostre idee: innovazione e progresso è quello che stiamo provando a portare in un settore in crisi da questo punto di vista; "we invest in people" ci lega particolarmente, il nostro progetto è basato sulle persone, si vuole porre come un facilitatore dei rapporti umani. In breve, con InnovHealth stiamo creando un hub multifunzionale che offra soluzioni sia per il paziente finale, sia per i professionisti della salute creando un ecosistema di servizi e prodotti con 3 caratteristiche chiave: semplicità, multidisciplinarietà e attenzione ai dettagli. Con InnovHealth stiamo cercando di evolvere il tradizionale modello di business passivo, basato sulla richiesta di aiuto, ad un modello integrato basato sull’abitudine e sulla personalizzazione. Nel fare ciò, abbiamo un duplice obiettivo: da una parte accompagnare nel miglior modo possibile il percorso del paziente alla riscoperta della propria salute; dall’altra fornire supporto costante ed innovativo ai professionisti del settore. Questo duplice obiettivo deriva dalla consapevolezza che, per ottenere un cambiamento significativo nel settore salute, è necessario intervenire su tutte le parti coinvolte. Attualmente stiamo lavorando all’apertura del primo centro InnovHealth a Milano (il più grande centro di riabilitazione e performance di Milano), abbiamo validato l’idea con un’attività più piccola che in 18 mesi ha raggiunto 700+ clienti, 300+ prestazioni mensili, oltre ad aver raccolto feedback positivi da 100+ professionisti sanitari e 20+ medici (solo per la location attualmente in costruzione). Le previsioni, solo per il primo centro, mostrano un EBIDTA di 450k (>30% fatturato) una volta entrati a regime (24 mesi). Dopo un primo periodo in bootstrapping ed un pre-seed round di € 60k, stiamo effettuando un seed-round di € 1.5M (committed al 30%) con l’obiettivo di aprire le porte del primo centro InnovHealth a luglio 2024. Mi piacerebbe potervi presentare il progetto per capire se possano nascere delle sinergie interessanti per entrambi! Cordialmente, MC

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January 22, 2024 4:35 PM (UTC)
Mattia Cioffi

Buonasera, sono Mattia Cioffi, Founder di InnovHealth, una startup nata con l’ambizione di rivoluzionare il settore della salute, trasformando l’approccio che ognuno di noi ha con essa. Ho scoperto il vostro operato ricercando i fondi che meglio lavorano in Italia e ho trovato molte sinergie tra il vostro manifesto e le nostre idee: innovazione e progresso è quello che stiamo provando a portare in un settore in crisi da questo punto di vista; "we invest in people" ci lega particolarmente, il nostro progetto è basato sulle persone, si vuole porre come un facilitatore dei rapporti umani. In breve, con InnovHealth stiamo creando un hub multifunzionale che offra soluzioni sia per il paziente finale, sia per i professionisti della salute creando un ecosistema di servizi e prodotti con 3 caratteristiche chiave: semplicità, multidisciplinarietà e attenzione ai dettagli. Con InnovHealth stiamo cercando di evolvere il tradizionale modello di business passivo, basato sulla richiesta di aiuto, ad un modello integrato basato sull’abitudine e sulla personalizzazione. Nel fare ciò, abbiamo un duplice obiettivo: da una parte accompagnare nel miglior modo possibile il percorso del paziente alla riscoperta della propria salute; dall’altra fornire supporto costante ed innovativo ai professionisti del settore. Questo duplice obiettivo deriva dalla consapevolezza che, per ottenere un cambiamento significativo nel settore salute, è necessario intervenire su tutte le parti coinvolte. Attualmente stiamo lavorando all’apertura del primo centro InnovHealth a Milano (il più grande centro di riabilitazione e performance di Milano), abbiamo validato l’idea con un’attività più piccola che in 18 mesi ha raggiunto 700+ clienti, 300+ prestazioni mensili, oltre ad aver raccolto feedback positivi da 100+ professionisti sanitari e 20+ medici (solo per la location attualmente in costruzione). Le previsioni, solo per il primo centro, mostrano un EBIDTA di 450k (>30% fatturato) una volta entrati a regime (24 mesi). Dopo un primo periodo in bootstrapping ed un pre-seed round di € 60k, stiamo effettuando un seed-round di € 1.5M (committed al 30%) con l’obiettivo di aprire le porte del primo centro InnovHealth a luglio 2024. Mi piacerebbe potervi presentare il progetto per capire se possano nascere delle sinergie interessanti per entrambi! Cordialmente, MC

January 22, 2024 4:35 PM (UTC)
Mattia Cioffi

Buonasera, sono Mattia Cioffi, Founder di InnovHealth, una startup nata con l’ambizione di rivoluzionare il settore della salute, trasformando l’approccio che ognuno di noi ha con essa. Ho scoperto il vostro operato ricercando i fondi che meglio lavorano in Italia e ho trovato molte sinergie tra il vostro manifesto e le nostre idee: innovazione e progresso è quello che stiamo provando a portare in un settore in crisi da questo punto di vista; "we invest in people" ci lega particolarmente, il nostro progetto è basato sulle persone, si vuole porre come un facilitatore dei rapporti umani. In breve, con InnovHealth stiamo creando un hub multifunzionale che offra soluzioni sia per il paziente finale, sia per i professionisti della salute creando un ecosistema di servizi e prodotti con 3 caratteristiche chiave: semplicità, multidisciplinarietà e attenzione ai dettagli. Con InnovHealth stiamo cercando di evolvere il tradizionale modello di business passivo, basato sulla richiesta di aiuto, ad un modello integrato basato sull’abitudine e sulla personalizzazione. Nel fare ciò, abbiamo un duplice obiettivo: da una parte accompagnare nel miglior modo possibile il percorso del paziente alla riscoperta della propria salute; dall’altra fornire supporto costante ed innovativo ai professionisti del settore. Questo duplice obiettivo deriva dalla consapevolezza che, per ottenere un cambiamento significativo nel settore salute, è necessario intervenire su tutte le parti coinvolte. Attualmente stiamo lavorando all’apertura del primo centro InnovHealth a Milano (il più grande centro di riabilitazione e performance di Milano), abbiamo validato l’idea con un’attività più piccola che in 18 mesi ha raggiunto 700+ clienti, 300+ prestazioni mensili, oltre ad aver raccolto feedback positivi da 100+ professionisti sanitari e 20+ medici (solo per la location attualmente in costruzione). Le previsioni, solo per il primo centro, mostrano un EBIDTA di 450k (>30% fatturato) una volta entrati a regime (24 mesi). Dopo un primo periodo in bootstrapping ed un pre-seed round di € 60k, stiamo effettuando un seed-round di € 1.5M (committed al 30%) con l’obiettivo di aprire le porte del primo centro InnovHealth a luglio 2024. Mi piacerebbe potervi presentare il progetto per capire se possano nascere delle sinergie interessanti per entrambi! Cordialmente, MC

January 22, 2024 4:35 PM (UTC)
Buonasera, sono Mattia Cioffi, Founder di InnovHealth, una startup nata con l’ambizione di rivoluzionare il settore della salute, trasformando l’approccio che ognuno di noi ha con essa. Ho scoperto il vostro operato ricercando i fondi che meglio lavorano in Italia e ho trovato molte sinergie tra il vostro manifesto e le nostre idee: innovazione e progresso è quello che stiamo provando a portare in un settore in crisi da questo punto di vista; "we invest in people" ci lega particolarmente, il nostro progetto è basato sulle persone, si vuole porre come un facilitatore dei rapporti umani. In breve, con InnovHealth stiamo creando un hub multifunzionale che offra soluzioni sia per il paziente finale, sia per i professionisti della salute creando un ecosistema di servizi e prodotti con 3 caratteristiche chiave: semplicità, multidisciplinarietà e attenzione ai dettagli. Con InnovHealth stiamo cercando di evolvere il tradizionale modello di business passivo, basato sulla richiesta di aiuto, ad un modello integrato basato sull’abitudine e sulla personalizzazione. Nel fare ciò, abbiamo un duplice obiettivo: da una parte accompagnare nel miglior modo possibile il percorso del paziente alla riscoperta della propria salute; dall’altra fornire supporto costante ed innovativo ai professionisti del settore. Questo duplice obiettivo deriva dalla consapevolezza che, per ottenere un cambiamento significativo nel settore salute, è necessario intervenire su tutte le parti coinvolte. Attualmente stiamo lavorando all’apertura del primo centro InnovHealth a Milano (il più grande centro di riabilitazione e performance di Milano), abbiamo validato l’idea con un’attività più piccola che in 18 mesi ha raggiunto 700+ clienti, 300+ prestazioni mensili, oltre ad aver raccolto feedback positivi da 100+ professionisti sanitari e 20+ medici (solo per la location attualmente in costruzione). Le previsioni, solo per il primo centro, mostrano un EBIDTA di 450k (>30% fatturato) una volta entrati a regime (24 mesi). Dopo un primo periodo in bootstrapping ed un pre-seed round di € 60k, stiamo effettuando un seed-round di € 1.5M (committed al 30%) con l’obiettivo di aprire le porte del primo centro InnovHealth a luglio 2024. Mi piacerebbe potervi presentare il progetto per capire se possano nascere delle sinergie interessanti per entrambi! Cordialmente, MC

January 22, 2024 3:33 PM (UTC)

Dear team at Rancilio Cube, I’m Edoardo Mustarelli, it’s really nice to meet you. I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to your mission as I believe my skills and experience make me a valuable asset to your team. I recently graduated from a Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of San Francisco and have previously obtained a double masters in International Management and Corporate Finance. I have a passion for investments, innovation, and strategy. With a background in finance, data analysis, and project management, I am driven by a desire to make a significant impact on society. What sets me apart is my relentless curiosity, determination to challenge the status quo and my continue thirst for knowledge. I don't just embrace challenges, I seek them out. In fact, I spent a year in the US as a high school exchange student, immersing myself in a completely different culture and even learning to play American Football from scratch. What truly sets me apart from the bunch is the fact that I have a unique perspective and understanding of the global market, having studied and worked across different countries (Italy, Spain, France, and US), and having visited 34 countries around the world. This international experience has given me a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and a knack for adapting to new environments, making me a valuable asset in today's interconnected world. I've also had the opportunity to work with diverse teams, from leading groups to work on projects for startups, to collaborating with global teams on major projects in the banking industry. These experiences have honed my analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as my ability to effectively communicate and drive results. I would love to explore potential opportunities where I can contribute my expertise, passion for innovation, and strategic mindset to drive success for your firm. I'm excited to connect and learn more about your vision and how I can make a meaningful impact. Thank you, Edoardo Mustarelli

Non rispondere

January 22, 2024 3:33 PM (UTC)

Dear team at Rancilio Cube, I’m Edoardo Mustarelli, it’s really nice to meet you. I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to your mission as I believe my skills and experience make me a valuable asset to your team. I recently graduated from a Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of San Francisco and have previously obtained a double masters in International Management and Corporate Finance. I have a passion for investments, innovation, and strategy. With a background in finance, data analysis, and project management, I am driven by a desire to make a significant impact on society. What sets me apart is my relentless curiosity, determination to challenge the status quo and my continue thirst for knowledge. I don't just embrace challenges, I seek them out. In fact, I spent a year in the US as a high school exchange student, immersing myself in a completely different culture and even learning to play American Football from scratch. What truly sets me apart from the bunch is the fact that I have a unique perspective and understanding of the global market, having studied and worked across different countries (Italy, Spain, France, and US), and having visited 34 countries around the world. This international experience has given me a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and a knack for adapting to new environments, making me a valuable asset in today's interconnected world. I've also had the opportunity to work with diverse teams, from leading groups to work on projects for startups, to collaborating with global teams on major projects in the banking industry. These experiences have honed my analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as my ability to effectively communicate and drive results. I would love to explore potential opportunities where I can contribute my expertise, passion for innovation, and strategic mindset to drive success for your firm. I'm excited to connect and learn more about your vision and how I can make a meaningful impact. Thank you, Edoardo Mustarelli

January 22, 2024 3:33 PM (UTC)

Dear team at Rancilio Cube, I’m Edoardo Mustarelli, it’s really nice to meet you. I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to your mission as I believe my skills and experience make me a valuable asset to your team. I recently graduated from a Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of San Francisco and have previously obtained a double masters in International Management and Corporate Finance. I have a passion for investments, innovation, and strategy. With a background in finance, data analysis, and project management, I am driven by a desire to make a significant impact on society. What sets me apart is my relentless curiosity, determination to challenge the status quo and my continue thirst for knowledge. I don't just embrace challenges, I seek them out. In fact, I spent a year in the US as a high school exchange student, immersing myself in a completely different culture and even learning to play American Football from scratch. What truly sets me apart from the bunch is the fact that I have a unique perspective and understanding of the global market, having studied and worked across different countries (Italy, Spain, France, and US), and having visited 34 countries around the world. This international experience has given me a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and a knack for adapting to new environments, making me a valuable asset in today's interconnected world. I've also had the opportunity to work with diverse teams, from leading groups to work on projects for startups, to collaborating with global teams on major projects in the banking industry. These experiences have honed my analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as my ability to effectively communicate and drive results. I would love to explore potential opportunities where I can contribute my expertise, passion for innovation, and strategic mindset to drive success for your firm. I'm excited to connect and learn more about your vision and how I can make a meaningful impact. Thank you, Edoardo Mustarelli

January 22, 2024 3:33 PM (UTC)
Dear team at Rancilio Cube, I’m Edoardo Mustarelli, it’s really nice to meet you. I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to your mission as I believe my skills and experience make me a valuable asset to your team. I recently graduated from a Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of San Francisco and have previously obtained a double masters in International Management and Corporate Finance. I have a passion for investments, innovation, and strategy. With a background in finance, data analysis, and project management, I am driven by a desire to make a significant impact on society. What sets me apart is my relentless curiosity, determination to challenge the status quo and my continue thirst for knowledge. I don't just embrace challenges, I seek them out. In fact, I spent a year in the US as a high school exchange student, immersing myself in a completely different culture and even learning to play American Football from scratch. What truly sets me apart from the bunch is the fact that I have a unique perspective and understanding of the global market, having studied and worked across different countries (Italy, Spain, France, and US), and having visited 34 countries around the world. This international experience has given me a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and a knack for adapting to new environments, making me a valuable asset in today's interconnected world. I've also had the opportunity to work with diverse teams, from leading groups to work on projects for startups, to collaborating with global teams on major projects in the banking industry. These experiences have honed my analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as my ability to effectively communicate and drive results. I would love to explore potential opportunities where I can contribute my expertise, passion for innovation, and strategic mindset to drive success for your firm. I'm excited to connect and learn more about your vision and how I can make a meaningful impact. Thank you, Edoardo Mustarelli

January 21, 2024 7:25 PM (UTC)
Angelo Pozzoni

Spett.le Rancilio Cube, mi chiamo Angelo Pozzoni e rappresento un ingegnere informatico con esperienza pluridecennale nella realizzazione di software, attualmente Team Leader e Project Manager nel settore bank-insurance. In considerazione della Vostra mission vorrei segnalarVi che il mio assistito, dopo essersi confrontato con numerosi tecnici informatici dalle differenti professionalità, ha ideato una piattaforma di marketplace la quale, sfruttando le potenzialità dell’A.I. e Machine Learning, è in grado di gestire la domanda e l’offerta di prodotti in un modo completamente diverso dalle attuali piattaforme al fine di: - generare risparmio per i consumatori; - semplificare il processo di ricerca dell’offerta ideale per il consumatore; - possibilità di generare più vendite contemporaneamente; - creare un sistema di competizione attivo tra i venditori (gestibile anche in modo automatico con il supporto dell’AI), che si troveranno a competere tutti sul medesimo piano indipendentemente dalle loro dimensioni (grande rivenditore o PMI); - ridurre / eliminare le spese di pubblicità a carico dei venditori per il posizionamento delle proprie offerte; - consentire ai venditori di poter creare offerte personalizzate persino per il singolo consumatore (anche attraverso una gestione automatizzata mediante algoritmi basati sull’A.I.); - gestire le fasi di acquisto di prodotti con valore elevato che normalmente non si acquistano su internet. La piattaforma, oltre ad essere innovativa in quanto, tra le altre circostanze, non esistono programmi che uniscono tutte le funzionalità sovra indicate, è perfettamente coerente con le attuali richieste ed esigenze del mercato, ovverosia necessità di: - creare maggiore concorrenza tra gli operatori dell’e-commerce come richiesto anche dalle istituzioni politico-finanziarie italiane e comunitarie (vedasi, ad esempio, le continue esortazioni della BCE e delle competenti Istituzioni Europee in tal senso nonché, a livello internazionale, la recente causa dell’Antitrust americano contro Amazon,); - offrire ai venditori la possibilità di personalizzare i propri servizi e le proprie offerte (così come ribadito recentemente, tra i tanti, dall’Osservatorio e-commerce B2C del Politecnico di Milano, Google, Meta, etc.); - creare una piattaforma informatica che possa essere d’aiuto alla digitalizzazione avanzata delle PMI (uno dei principali punti del PNRR a sostegno delle PMI); - aumentare il potere di acquisto dei consumatori. Gli obiettivi nel primo periodo sono: - acquisire una considerevole quota di mercato dalle più importanti piattaforme di marketplace per prodotti “ordinari” (soprattutto quelli con valore stimato superiore ai 200 euro all’interno del primo mercato già identificato); - essere leader di mercato per la gestione della ricerca e dell’acquisto di prodotti con “valore elevato”. Il progetto ha una connotazione iniziale operativa sul mercato italiano (considerato il valore del primo mercato di riferimento identificato per i prodotti “ordinari”, stimato a 8,8 Mld di Euro per l’anno 2023 con un tasso di crescita annua on-line superiore alla media europea) ma con previsione di espansione, già a partire dalla seconda metà del secondo anno (essendo la piattaforma idonea ad un utilizzo sovranazionale), al territorio Europeo (Germania, Francia e UK) e, successivamente, a quello Nord Americano. Sulla base di quanto sopra, volevo pertanto chiederVi se vi fosse la possibilità di effettuare una veloce presentazione di tale piattaforma presso i Vostri uffici per un eventuale interessamento. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente. Distinti Saluti. Avv. Angelo Pozzoni

Non rispondere

January 21, 2024 7:25 PM (UTC)
Angelo Pozzoni

Spett.le Rancilio Cube, mi chiamo Angelo Pozzoni e rappresento un ingegnere informatico con esperienza pluridecennale nella realizzazione di software, attualmente Team Leader e Project Manager nel settore bank-insurance. In considerazione della Vostra mission vorrei segnalarVi che il mio assistito, dopo essersi confrontato con numerosi tecnici informatici dalle differenti professionalità, ha ideato una piattaforma di marketplace la quale, sfruttando le potenzialità dell’A.I. e Machine Learning, è in grado di gestire la domanda e l’offerta di prodotti in un modo completamente diverso dalle attuali piattaforme al fine di: - generare risparmio per i consumatori; - semplificare il processo di ricerca dell’offerta ideale per il consumatore; - possibilità di generare più vendite contemporaneamente; - creare un sistema di competizione attivo tra i venditori (gestibile anche in modo automatico con il supporto dell’AI), che si troveranno a competere tutti sul medesimo piano indipendentemente dalle loro dimensioni (grande rivenditore o PMI); - ridurre / eliminare le spese di pubblicità a carico dei venditori per il posizionamento delle proprie offerte; - consentire ai venditori di poter creare offerte personalizzate persino per il singolo consumatore (anche attraverso una gestione automatizzata mediante algoritmi basati sull’A.I.); - gestire le fasi di acquisto di prodotti con valore elevato che normalmente non si acquistano su internet. La piattaforma, oltre ad essere innovativa in quanto, tra le altre circostanze, non esistono programmi che uniscono tutte le funzionalità sovra indicate, è perfettamente coerente con le attuali richieste ed esigenze del mercato, ovverosia necessità di: - creare maggiore concorrenza tra gli operatori dell’e-commerce come richiesto anche dalle istituzioni politico-finanziarie italiane e comunitarie (vedasi, ad esempio, le continue esortazioni della BCE e delle competenti Istituzioni Europee in tal senso nonché, a livello internazionale, la recente causa dell’Antitrust americano contro Amazon,); - offrire ai venditori la possibilità di personalizzare i propri servizi e le proprie offerte (così come ribadito recentemente, tra i tanti, dall’Osservatorio e-commerce B2C del Politecnico di Milano, Google, Meta, etc.); - creare una piattaforma informatica che possa essere d’aiuto alla digitalizzazione avanzata delle PMI (uno dei principali punti del PNRR a sostegno delle PMI); - aumentare il potere di acquisto dei consumatori. Gli obiettivi nel primo periodo sono: - acquisire una considerevole quota di mercato dalle più importanti piattaforme di marketplace per prodotti “ordinari” (soprattutto quelli con valore stimato superiore ai 200 euro all’interno del primo mercato già identificato); - essere leader di mercato per la gestione della ricerca e dell’acquisto di prodotti con “valore elevato”. Il progetto ha una connotazione iniziale operativa sul mercato italiano (considerato il valore del primo mercato di riferimento identificato per i prodotti “ordinari”, stimato a 8,8 Mld di Euro per l’anno 2023 con un tasso di crescita annua on-line superiore alla media europea) ma con previsione di espansione, già a partire dalla seconda metà del secondo anno (essendo la piattaforma idonea ad un utilizzo sovranazionale), al territorio Europeo (Germania, Francia e UK) e, successivamente, a quello Nord Americano. Sulla base di quanto sopra, volevo pertanto chiederVi se vi fosse la possibilità di effettuare una veloce presentazione di tale piattaforma presso i Vostri uffici per un eventuale interessamento. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente. Distinti Saluti. Avv. Angelo Pozzoni

January 21, 2024 7:25 PM (UTC)
Angelo Pozzoni

Spett.le Rancilio Cube, mi chiamo Angelo Pozzoni e rappresento un ingegnere informatico con esperienza pluridecennale nella realizzazione di software, attualmente Team Leader e Project Manager nel settore bank-insurance. In considerazione della Vostra mission vorrei segnalarVi che il mio assistito, dopo essersi confrontato con numerosi tecnici informatici dalle differenti professionalità, ha ideato una piattaforma di marketplace la quale, sfruttando le potenzialità dell’A.I. e Machine Learning, è in grado di gestire la domanda e l’offerta di prodotti in un modo completamente diverso dalle attuali piattaforme al fine di: - generare risparmio per i consumatori; - semplificare il processo di ricerca dell’offerta ideale per il consumatore; - possibilità di generare più vendite contemporaneamente; - creare un sistema di competizione attivo tra i venditori (gestibile anche in modo automatico con il supporto dell’AI), che si troveranno a competere tutti sul medesimo piano indipendentemente dalle loro dimensioni (grande rivenditore o PMI); - ridurre / eliminare le spese di pubblicità a carico dei venditori per il posizionamento delle proprie offerte; - consentire ai venditori di poter creare offerte personalizzate persino per il singolo consumatore (anche attraverso una gestione automatizzata mediante algoritmi basati sull’A.I.); - gestire le fasi di acquisto di prodotti con valore elevato che normalmente non si acquistano su internet. La piattaforma, oltre ad essere innovativa in quanto, tra le altre circostanze, non esistono programmi che uniscono tutte le funzionalità sovra indicate, è perfettamente coerente con le attuali richieste ed esigenze del mercato, ovverosia necessità di: - creare maggiore concorrenza tra gli operatori dell’e-commerce come richiesto anche dalle istituzioni politico-finanziarie italiane e comunitarie (vedasi, ad esempio, le continue esortazioni della BCE e delle competenti Istituzioni Europee in tal senso nonché, a livello internazionale, la recente causa dell’Antitrust americano contro Amazon,); - offrire ai venditori la possibilità di personalizzare i propri servizi e le proprie offerte (così come ribadito recentemente, tra i tanti, dall’Osservatorio e-commerce B2C del Politecnico di Milano, Google, Meta, etc.); - creare una piattaforma informatica che possa essere d’aiuto alla digitalizzazione avanzata delle PMI (uno dei principali punti del PNRR a sostegno delle PMI); - aumentare il potere di acquisto dei consumatori. Gli obiettivi nel primo periodo sono: - acquisire una considerevole quota di mercato dalle più importanti piattaforme di marketplace per prodotti “ordinari” (soprattutto quelli con valore stimato superiore ai 200 euro all’interno del primo mercato già identificato); - essere leader di mercato per la gestione della ricerca e dell’acquisto di prodotti con “valore elevato”. Il progetto ha una connotazione iniziale operativa sul mercato italiano (considerato il valore del primo mercato di riferimento identificato per i prodotti “ordinari”, stimato a 8,8 Mld di Euro per l’anno 2023 con un tasso di crescita annua on-line superiore alla media europea) ma con previsione di espansione, già a partire dalla seconda metà del secondo anno (essendo la piattaforma idonea ad un utilizzo sovranazionale), al territorio Europeo (Germania, Francia e UK) e, successivamente, a quello Nord Americano. Sulla base di quanto sopra, volevo pertanto chiederVi se vi fosse la possibilità di effettuare una veloce presentazione di tale piattaforma presso i Vostri uffici per un eventuale interessamento. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente. Distinti Saluti. Avv. Angelo Pozzoni

January 21, 2024 7:25 PM (UTC)
Spett.le Rancilio Cube, mi chiamo Angelo Pozzoni e rappresento un ingegnere informatico con esperienza pluridecennale nella realizzazione di software, attualmente Team Leader e Project Manager nel settore bank-insurance. In considerazione della Vostra mission vorrei segnalarVi che il mio assistito, dopo essersi confrontato con numerosi tecnici informatici dalle differenti professionalità, ha ideato una piattaforma di marketplace la quale, sfruttando le potenzialità dell’A.I. e Machine Learning, è in grado di gestire la domanda e l’offerta di prodotti in un modo completamente diverso dalle attuali piattaforme al fine di: - generare risparmio per i consumatori; - semplificare il processo di ricerca dell’offerta ideale per il consumatore; - possibilità di generare più vendite contemporaneamente; - creare un sistema di competizione attivo tra i venditori (gestibile anche in modo automatico con il supporto dell’AI), che si troveranno a competere tutti sul medesimo piano indipendentemente dalle loro dimensioni (grande rivenditore o PMI); - ridurre / eliminare le spese di pubblicità a carico dei venditori per il posizionamento delle proprie offerte; - consentire ai venditori di poter creare offerte personalizzate persino per il singolo consumatore (anche attraverso una gestione automatizzata mediante algoritmi basati sull’A.I.); - gestire le fasi di acquisto di prodotti con valore elevato che normalmente non si acquistano su internet. La piattaforma, oltre ad essere innovativa in quanto, tra le altre circostanze, non esistono programmi che uniscono tutte le funzionalità sovra indicate, è perfettamente coerente con le attuali richieste ed esigenze del mercato, ovverosia necessità di: - creare maggiore concorrenza tra gli operatori dell’e-commerce come richiesto anche dalle istituzioni politico-finanziarie italiane e comunitarie (vedasi, ad esempio, le continue esortazioni della BCE e delle competenti Istituzioni Europee in tal senso nonché, a livello internazionale, la recente causa dell’Antitrust americano contro Amazon,); - offrire ai venditori la possibilità di personalizzare i propri servizi e le proprie offerte (così come ribadito recentemente, tra i tanti, dall’Osservatorio e-commerce B2C del Politecnico di Milano, Google, Meta, etc.); - creare una piattaforma informatica che possa essere d’aiuto alla digitalizzazione avanzata delle PMI (uno dei principali punti del PNRR a sostegno delle PMI); - aumentare il potere di acquisto dei consumatori. Gli obiettivi nel primo periodo sono: - acquisire una considerevole quota di mercato dalle più importanti piattaforme di marketplace per prodotti “ordinari” (soprattutto quelli con valore stimato superiore ai 200 euro all’interno del primo mercato già identificato); - essere leader di mercato per la gestione della ricerca e dell’acquisto di prodotti con “valore elevato”. Il progetto ha una connotazione iniziale operativa sul mercato italiano (considerato il valore del primo mercato di riferimento identificato per i prodotti “ordinari”, stimato a 8,8 Mld di Euro per l’anno 2023 con un tasso di crescita annua on-line superiore alla media europea) ma con previsione di espansione, già a partire dalla seconda metà del secondo anno (essendo la piattaforma idonea ad un utilizzo sovranazionale), al territorio Europeo (Germania, Francia e UK) e, successivamente, a quello Nord Americano. Sulla base di quanto sopra, volevo pertanto chiederVi se vi fosse la possibilità di effettuare una veloce presentazione di tale piattaforma presso i Vostri uffici per un eventuale interessamento. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente. Distinti Saluti. Avv. Angelo Pozzoni

January 19, 2024 12:42 PM (UTC)
Alexandre Ouhadi

Hi, Happy New Year ! On behalf of Reflaunt, I wish you and your close ones a year full of health, love, happiness, and prosperity. At Reflaunt, we empower fashion brands, retailers and operators with a unique resale technology and global ops infrastructure, tapping into the $3 Trillion value potential sleeping in people’s closets (pre-loved items) and brand warehouses (returns & unsold items). We are the official fashion resale partner of signpost brands like Balenciaga, Net-a-Porter, Harvey Nichols, COS, and DHL. We are currently raising and would love to tell you more about this investment opportunity. Is there an email address where I could send you our intro deck? Cheers - Alex

Non rispondere

January 19, 2024 12:42 PM (UTC)
Alexandre Ouhadi

Hi, Happy New Year ! On behalf of Reflaunt, I wish you and your close ones a year full of health, love, happiness, and prosperity. At Reflaunt, we empower fashion brands, retailers and operators with a unique resale technology and global ops infrastructure, tapping into the $3 Trillion value potential sleeping in people’s closets (pre-loved items) and brand warehouses (returns & unsold items). We are the official fashion resale partner of signpost brands like Balenciaga, Net-a-Porter, Harvey Nichols, COS, and DHL. We are currently raising and would love to tell you more about this investment opportunity. Is there an email address where I could send you our intro deck? Cheers - Alex

January 19, 2024 12:42 PM (UTC)
Alexandre Ouhadi

Hi, Happy New Year ! On behalf of Reflaunt, I wish you and your close ones a year full of health, love, happiness, and prosperity. At Reflaunt, we empower fashion brands, retailers and operators with a unique resale technology and global ops infrastructure, tapping into the $3 Trillion value potential sleeping in people’s closets (pre-loved items) and brand warehouses (returns & unsold items). We are the official fashion resale partner of signpost brands like Balenciaga, Net-a-Porter, Harvey Nichols, COS, and DHL. We are currently raising and would love to tell you more about this investment opportunity. Is there an email address where I could send you our intro deck? Cheers - Alex

January 19, 2024 12:42 PM (UTC)
Hi, Happy New Year ! On behalf of Reflaunt, I wish you and your close ones a year full of health, love, happiness, and prosperity. At Reflaunt, we empower fashion brands, retailers and operators with a unique resale technology and global ops infrastructure, tapping into the $3 Trillion value potential sleeping in people’s closets (pre-loved items) and brand warehouses (returns & unsold items). We are the official fashion resale partner of signpost brands like Balenciaga, Net-a-Porter, Harvey Nichols, COS, and DHL. We are currently raising and would love to tell you more about this investment opportunity. Is there an email address where I could send you our intro deck? Cheers - Alex

January 19, 2024 11:50 AM (UTC)
Giacomo Maniscalco

Buongiorno Il vostro contatto ci è stato fornito dall'associazione AIFI Con la presente si trasmette documentazione di presentazione progetto per una prima valutazione. Se vi occorrono ulteriore documentazione non esitate a contattarci  Fiducioso in una possibile collaborazione con il vostro fondo di VC porgiamo i nostri  Cordiali saluti Giacomo Maniscalco  Biotecna s.r.l. BIOTECNA S.r.l.s S.S 115 KM 266 93012 Gela CL P.Iva: 01957860859 Email: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it Email pec: biotecna.srls@pec.it   Oggetto: Ricerca di capitali in venture capital, private equity, finanziamento per la realizzazione di un impianto di crostacei primo in italia presso aree dismesse Eni s.p.a.con annessa avannotteria e impianto fotovoltaico “Lavori di “Realizzazione di un impianto di allevamento di crostacei con annessa avannotteria a circuito chiuso auto-depurante con sistema innovativo green denominato R.A.S. (Recirculated Acquacolture System)  in serre con impianto fotovoltaico per la produzione di energia rinnovabile, in fase di da realizzazione in aree dismesse Eni Raffineria di Gela”.   Con la seguente relazione il sottoscritto Maniscalco Giacomo Legale Rappresentante della Biotecna S.r.l. è stata destinatario del fondo perduto del 50% Bando FEAMP 2014-2020 Cup: G38C16000220007 COD PROG: SIPA 14/IPA/16   PREMESSO -         Che biotecna s.r.l è stata scelta da Eni S.p.A.  per essere una delle due società destinatarie (su 56 imprese richiedenti) per l’aggiudicazione di aree dismesse con bando nazionale emanato da vari ministeri. -         Che fa parte di un consorzio internazionale di ricerca condotto dal MIUR per la sperimentazione di nuovi alimenti naturali provenienti dalle alghe marine dove vi sono presenti i seguenti partner:               - Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali - Università di Pisa, Dipartimento farmacologia e biochimica - Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (India) - Dipartimento della Pesca e dell’acquacoltura (Malta) - Istituto di Ricerca “Akvaplan niva” - OPHealth - BioSyntex (bioreattori) - NIBIO- Norwegian Istitutr of biotecnlogy research - Biotecna S.r.l. https://bioras-shrimp.eu/work-packages/project-team/   -         Che sta realizzando il primo impianti di acquacoltura in Europa per la produzione di crostacei e che è stata scelta dalla commissione Europea come uno dei migliori progetti del 2018;   -         Che è la prima società che ha sperimentato la schiusa dell’Aragosta Mediterranea (elephas palinurus) insieme al proprio team   -         Che nei prossimi anni è prevista una produzione in collaborazione con società internazionale della prima avannotteria (neonati) per produrre 500 milioni di Nauplii  (stadio larvale crostacei) in Europa;   -         Che la produzione di crostacei nei tre esercizi successivi dovrà raggiungere 330 ton con una ROI strutturata e consolidata; CONSIDERATO che in relazione alle lavorazioni di cui in oggetto alla data odierna la percentuale dei lavori eseguiti è pari al 84%; che la suddetta percentuale è riferita alle lavorazioni e agli stati di avanzamento lavori certificati dalla Regione Siclia; Tenuto conto che la scrivente in base al proprio programma di realizzazione ha programmato di iniziare la propria produzione entro 4 mesi  COMUNICA a codesto Investitore: Che la Realizzazione del progetto Cod. 14/IPA/16 alla data del 16/01/2024 è del 84 00% del totale per un importo realizzato di €. 1.989.790,63 Che i lavori da realizzare con i vari importi sono di €.1.380.000 CONSIDERATO: - il raggiungimento dell’84% dei lavori, di cui sopra e per giungere al completamento ed alla ultimazione dei lavori del progetto 14/IPA/16 , la scrivente chiede a codesto ente d’investimento di valutare un eventuale finanziamento per la realizzazione della restante parte del 20% pari a €. 1.380.000. La scrivente ha tutte la documentazione disponibile per un approfondimento del progetto Fiduciosi in un veloce riscontro della presente l’occasione ci è gradita per porgervi i nostri più Cordiali saluti Maniscalco Giacomo (3495004329) Biotecna S.r.l. S.S. 115 Km 266 93012 Gela (CL) P.Iva. 01957860859 mail: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it

Non rispondere

January 19, 2024 11:50 AM (UTC)
Giacomo Maniscalco

Buongiorno Il vostro contatto ci è stato fornito dall'associazione AIFI Con la presente si trasmette documentazione di presentazione progetto per una prima valutazione. Se vi occorrono ulteriore documentazione non esitate a contattarci  Fiducioso in una possibile collaborazione con il vostro fondo di VC porgiamo i nostri  Cordiali saluti Giacomo Maniscalco  Biotecna s.r.l. BIOTECNA S.r.l.s S.S 115 KM 266 93012 Gela CL P.Iva: 01957860859 Email: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it Email pec: biotecna.srls@pec.it   Oggetto: Ricerca di capitali in venture capital, private equity, finanziamento per la realizzazione di un impianto di crostacei primo in italia presso aree dismesse Eni s.p.a.con annessa avannotteria e impianto fotovoltaico “Lavori di “Realizzazione di un impianto di allevamento di crostacei con annessa avannotteria a circuito chiuso auto-depurante con sistema innovativo green denominato R.A.S. (Recirculated Acquacolture System)  in serre con impianto fotovoltaico per la produzione di energia rinnovabile, in fase di da realizzazione in aree dismesse Eni Raffineria di Gela”.   Con la seguente relazione il sottoscritto Maniscalco Giacomo Legale Rappresentante della Biotecna S.r.l. è stata destinatario del fondo perduto del 50% Bando FEAMP 2014-2020 Cup: G38C16000220007 COD PROG: SIPA 14/IPA/16   PREMESSO -         Che biotecna s.r.l è stata scelta da Eni S.p.A.  per essere una delle due società destinatarie (su 56 imprese richiedenti) per l’aggiudicazione di aree dismesse con bando nazionale emanato da vari ministeri. -         Che fa parte di un consorzio internazionale di ricerca condotto dal MIUR per la sperimentazione di nuovi alimenti naturali provenienti dalle alghe marine dove vi sono presenti i seguenti partner:               - Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali - Università di Pisa, Dipartimento farmacologia e biochimica - Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (India) - Dipartimento della Pesca e dell’acquacoltura (Malta) - Istituto di Ricerca “Akvaplan niva” - OPHealth - BioSyntex (bioreattori) - NIBIO- Norwegian Istitutr of biotecnlogy research - Biotecna S.r.l. https://bioras-shrimp.eu/work-packages/project-team/   -         Che sta realizzando il primo impianti di acquacoltura in Europa per la produzione di crostacei e che è stata scelta dalla commissione Europea come uno dei migliori progetti del 2018;   -         Che è la prima società che ha sperimentato la schiusa dell’Aragosta Mediterranea (elephas palinurus) insieme al proprio team   -         Che nei prossimi anni è prevista una produzione in collaborazione con società internazionale della prima avannotteria (neonati) per produrre 500 milioni di Nauplii  (stadio larvale crostacei) in Europa;   -         Che la produzione di crostacei nei tre esercizi successivi dovrà raggiungere 330 ton con una ROI strutturata e consolidata; CONSIDERATO che in relazione alle lavorazioni di cui in oggetto alla data odierna la percentuale dei lavori eseguiti è pari al 84%; che la suddetta percentuale è riferita alle lavorazioni e agli stati di avanzamento lavori certificati dalla Regione Siclia; Tenuto conto che la scrivente in base al proprio programma di realizzazione ha programmato di iniziare la propria produzione entro 4 mesi  COMUNICA a codesto Investitore: Che la Realizzazione del progetto Cod. 14/IPA/16 alla data del 16/01/2024 è del 84 00% del totale per un importo realizzato di €. 1.989.790,63 Che i lavori da realizzare con i vari importi sono di €.1.380.000 CONSIDERATO: - il raggiungimento dell’84% dei lavori, di cui sopra e per giungere al completamento ed alla ultimazione dei lavori del progetto 14/IPA/16 , la scrivente chiede a codesto ente d’investimento di valutare un eventuale finanziamento per la realizzazione della restante parte del 20% pari a €. 1.380.000. La scrivente ha tutte la documentazione disponibile per un approfondimento del progetto Fiduciosi in un veloce riscontro della presente l’occasione ci è gradita per porgervi i nostri più Cordiali saluti Maniscalco Giacomo (3495004329) Biotecna S.r.l. S.S. 115 Km 266 93012 Gela (CL) P.Iva. 01957860859 mail: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it

January 19, 2024 11:50 AM (UTC)
Giacomo Maniscalco

Buongiorno Il vostro contatto ci è stato fornito dall'associazione AIFI Con la presente si trasmette documentazione di presentazione progetto per una prima valutazione. Se vi occorrono ulteriore documentazione non esitate a contattarci  Fiducioso in una possibile collaborazione con il vostro fondo di VC porgiamo i nostri  Cordiali saluti Giacomo Maniscalco  Biotecna s.r.l. BIOTECNA S.r.l.s S.S 115 KM 266 93012 Gela CL P.Iva: 01957860859 Email: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it Email pec: biotecna.srls@pec.it   Oggetto: Ricerca di capitali in venture capital, private equity, finanziamento per la realizzazione di un impianto di crostacei primo in italia presso aree dismesse Eni s.p.a.con annessa avannotteria e impianto fotovoltaico “Lavori di “Realizzazione di un impianto di allevamento di crostacei con annessa avannotteria a circuito chiuso auto-depurante con sistema innovativo green denominato R.A.S. (Recirculated Acquacolture System)  in serre con impianto fotovoltaico per la produzione di energia rinnovabile, in fase di da realizzazione in aree dismesse Eni Raffineria di Gela”.   Con la seguente relazione il sottoscritto Maniscalco Giacomo Legale Rappresentante della Biotecna S.r.l. è stata destinatario del fondo perduto del 50% Bando FEAMP 2014-2020 Cup: G38C16000220007 COD PROG: SIPA 14/IPA/16   PREMESSO -         Che biotecna s.r.l è stata scelta da Eni S.p.A.  per essere una delle due società destinatarie (su 56 imprese richiedenti) per l’aggiudicazione di aree dismesse con bando nazionale emanato da vari ministeri. -         Che fa parte di un consorzio internazionale di ricerca condotto dal MIUR per la sperimentazione di nuovi alimenti naturali provenienti dalle alghe marine dove vi sono presenti i seguenti partner:               - Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali - Università di Pisa, Dipartimento farmacologia e biochimica - Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (India) - Dipartimento della Pesca e dell’acquacoltura (Malta) - Istituto di Ricerca “Akvaplan niva” - OPHealth - BioSyntex (bioreattori) - NIBIO- Norwegian Istitutr of biotecnlogy research - Biotecna S.r.l. https://bioras-shrimp.eu/work-packages/project-team/   -         Che sta realizzando il primo impianti di acquacoltura in Europa per la produzione di crostacei e che è stata scelta dalla commissione Europea come uno dei migliori progetti del 2018;   -         Che è la prima società che ha sperimentato la schiusa dell’Aragosta Mediterranea (elephas palinurus) insieme al proprio team   -         Che nei prossimi anni è prevista una produzione in collaborazione con società internazionale della prima avannotteria (neonati) per produrre 500 milioni di Nauplii  (stadio larvale crostacei) in Europa;   -         Che la produzione di crostacei nei tre esercizi successivi dovrà raggiungere 330 ton con una ROI strutturata e consolidata; CONSIDERATO che in relazione alle lavorazioni di cui in oggetto alla data odierna la percentuale dei lavori eseguiti è pari al 84%; che la suddetta percentuale è riferita alle lavorazioni e agli stati di avanzamento lavori certificati dalla Regione Siclia; Tenuto conto che la scrivente in base al proprio programma di realizzazione ha programmato di iniziare la propria produzione entro 4 mesi  COMUNICA a codesto Investitore: Che la Realizzazione del progetto Cod. 14/IPA/16 alla data del 16/01/2024 è del 84 00% del totale per un importo realizzato di €. 1.989.790,63 Che i lavori da realizzare con i vari importi sono di €.1.380.000 CONSIDERATO: - il raggiungimento dell’84% dei lavori, di cui sopra e per giungere al completamento ed alla ultimazione dei lavori del progetto 14/IPA/16 , la scrivente chiede a codesto ente d’investimento di valutare un eventuale finanziamento per la realizzazione della restante parte del 20% pari a €. 1.380.000. La scrivente ha tutte la documentazione disponibile per un approfondimento del progetto Fiduciosi in un veloce riscontro della presente l’occasione ci è gradita per porgervi i nostri più Cordiali saluti Maniscalco Giacomo (3495004329) Biotecna S.r.l. S.S. 115 Km 266 93012 Gela (CL) P.Iva. 01957860859 mail: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it

January 19, 2024 11:50 AM (UTC)
Buongiorno Il vostro contatto ci è stato fornito dall'associazione AIFI Con la presente si trasmette documentazione di presentazione progetto per una prima valutazione. Se vi occorrono ulteriore documentazione non esitate a contattarci  Fiducioso in una possibile collaborazione con il vostro fondo di VC porgiamo i nostri  Cordiali saluti Giacomo Maniscalco  Biotecna s.r.l. BIOTECNA S.r.l.s S.S 115 KM 266 93012 Gela CL P.Iva: 01957860859 Email: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it Email pec: biotecna.srls@pec.it   Oggetto: Ricerca di capitali in venture capital, private equity, finanziamento per la realizzazione di un impianto di crostacei primo in italia presso aree dismesse Eni s.p.a.con annessa avannotteria e impianto fotovoltaico “Lavori di “Realizzazione di un impianto di allevamento di crostacei con annessa avannotteria a circuito chiuso auto-depurante con sistema innovativo green denominato R.A.S. (Recirculated Acquacolture System)  in serre con impianto fotovoltaico per la produzione di energia rinnovabile, in fase di da realizzazione in aree dismesse Eni Raffineria di Gela”.   Con la seguente relazione il sottoscritto Maniscalco Giacomo Legale Rappresentante della Biotecna S.r.l. è stata destinatario del fondo perduto del 50% Bando FEAMP 2014-2020 Cup: G38C16000220007 COD PROG: SIPA 14/IPA/16   PREMESSO -         Che biotecna s.r.l è stata scelta da Eni S.p.A.  per essere una delle due società destinatarie (su 56 imprese richiedenti) per l’aggiudicazione di aree dismesse con bando nazionale emanato da vari ministeri. -         Che fa parte di un consorzio internazionale di ricerca condotto dal MIUR per la sperimentazione di nuovi alimenti naturali provenienti dalle alghe marine dove vi sono presenti i seguenti partner:               - Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali - Università di Pisa, Dipartimento farmacologia e biochimica - Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (India) - Dipartimento della Pesca e dell’acquacoltura (Malta) - Istituto di Ricerca “Akvaplan niva” - OPHealth - BioSyntex (bioreattori) - NIBIO- Norwegian Istitutr of biotecnlogy research - Biotecna S.r.l. https://bioras-shrimp.eu/work-packages/project-team/   -         Che sta realizzando il primo impianti di acquacoltura in Europa per la produzione di crostacei e che è stata scelta dalla commissione Europea come uno dei migliori progetti del 2018;   -         Che è la prima società che ha sperimentato la schiusa dell’Aragosta Mediterranea (elephas palinurus) insieme al proprio team   -         Che nei prossimi anni è prevista una produzione in collaborazione con società internazionale della prima avannotteria (neonati) per produrre 500 milioni di Nauplii  (stadio larvale crostacei) in Europa;   -         Che la produzione di crostacei nei tre esercizi successivi dovrà raggiungere 330 ton con una ROI strutturata e consolidata; CONSIDERATO che in relazione alle lavorazioni di cui in oggetto alla data odierna la percentuale dei lavori eseguiti è pari al 84%; che la suddetta percentuale è riferita alle lavorazioni e agli stati di avanzamento lavori certificati dalla Regione Siclia; Tenuto conto che la scrivente in base al proprio programma di realizzazione ha programmato di iniziare la propria produzione entro 4 mesi  COMUNICA a codesto Investitore: Che la Realizzazione del progetto Cod. 14/IPA/16 alla data del 16/01/2024 è del 84 00% del totale per un importo realizzato di €. 1.989.790,63 Che i lavori da realizzare con i vari importi sono di €.1.380.000 CONSIDERATO: - il raggiungimento dell’84% dei lavori, di cui sopra e per giungere al completamento ed alla ultimazione dei lavori del progetto 14/IPA/16 , la scrivente chiede a codesto ente d’investimento di valutare un eventuale finanziamento per la realizzazione della restante parte del 20% pari a €. 1.380.000. La scrivente ha tutte la documentazione disponibile per un approfondimento del progetto Fiduciosi in un veloce riscontro della presente l’occasione ci è gradita per porgervi i nostri più Cordiali saluti Maniscalco Giacomo (3495004329) Biotecna S.r.l. S.S. 115 Km 266 93012 Gela (CL) P.Iva. 01957860859 mail: biotecnasrl@virgilio.it

January 18, 2024 7:59 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Kreft

Good evening, may I kindly ask you how do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / 3 digit Sctor - Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Zürich

Non rispondere

January 18, 2024 7:59 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Kreft

Good evening, may I kindly ask you how do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / 3 digit Sctor - Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Zürich

January 18, 2024 7:59 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Kreft

Good evening, may I kindly ask you how do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / 3 digit Sctor - Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Zürich

January 18, 2024 7:59 PM (UTC)
Good evening, may I kindly ask you how do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / 3 digit Sctor - Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Zürich

January 18, 2024 7:34 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Kreft, Zürich

How do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / Growth Capital Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Kreft Zürich www.kreft.ch

Non rispondere

January 18, 2024 7:34 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Kreft, Zürich

How do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / Growth Capital Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Kreft Zürich www.kreft.ch

January 18, 2024 7:34 PM (UTC)
Wolfgang Kreft, Zürich

How do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / Growth Capital Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Kreft Zürich www.kreft.ch

January 18, 2024 7:34 PM (UTC)
How do I best inform you about an Investment / Participation Opportunity. Substantial Size / Growth Capital Renewables / Sustainable Transformation Kind regards Wolfgang Kreft Zürich www.kreft.ch

January 18, 2024 10:04 AM (UTC)
Alexandru Mitea

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Alexandru Mitea, and I am reaching out on behalf of Green Energy Allies, a company dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals and companies to own a stake in renewable energy facilities. I am pleased to inform you that our first photovoltaic parc is now fully functional and contributing to the sustainable energy landscape. Attached, you will find detailed information about this successful project, including its current performance and impact. Furthermore, we are excited to share details about our next green energy venture, which is open for investment. This project represents a significant opportunity for those who are passionate about supporting a sustainable and green future for energy. The attached document provides comprehensive insights into the project, including potential returns, timeline, and the overall impact on the environment. Thank you for considering Green Energy Allies as a potential partner. We look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss how we can work together to create a greener, more sustainable future.

Non rispondere

January 18, 2024 10:04 AM (UTC)
Alexandru Mitea

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Alexandru Mitea, and I am reaching out on behalf of Green Energy Allies, a company dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals and companies to own a stake in renewable energy facilities. I am pleased to inform you that our first photovoltaic parc is now fully functional and contributing to the sustainable energy landscape. Attached, you will find detailed information about this successful project, including its current performance and impact. Furthermore, we are excited to share details about our next green energy venture, which is open for investment. This project represents a significant opportunity for those who are passionate about supporting a sustainable and green future for energy. The attached document provides comprehensive insights into the project, including potential returns, timeline, and the overall impact on the environment. Thank you for considering Green Energy Allies as a potential partner. We look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss how we can work together to create a greener, more sustainable future.

January 18, 2024 10:04 AM (UTC)
Alexandru Mitea

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Alexandru Mitea, and I am reaching out on behalf of Green Energy Allies, a company dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals and companies to own a stake in renewable energy facilities. I am pleased to inform you that our first photovoltaic parc is now fully functional and contributing to the sustainable energy landscape. Attached, you will find detailed information about this successful project, including its current performance and impact. Furthermore, we are excited to share details about our next green energy venture, which is open for investment. This project represents a significant opportunity for those who are passionate about supporting a sustainable and green future for energy. The attached document provides comprehensive insights into the project, including potential returns, timeline, and the overall impact on the environment. Thank you for considering Green Energy Allies as a potential partner. We look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss how we can work together to create a greener, more sustainable future.

January 18, 2024 10:04 AM (UTC)
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Alexandru Mitea, and I am reaching out on behalf of Green Energy Allies, a company dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals and companies to own a stake in renewable energy facilities. I am pleased to inform you that our first photovoltaic parc is now fully functional and contributing to the sustainable energy landscape. Attached, you will find detailed information about this successful project, including its current performance and impact. Furthermore, we are excited to share details about our next green energy venture, which is open for investment. This project represents a significant opportunity for those who are passionate about supporting a sustainable and green future for energy. The attached document provides comprehensive insights into the project, including potential returns, timeline, and the overall impact on the environment. Thank you for considering Green Energy Allies as a potential partner. We look forward to the opportunity to connect and discuss how we can work together to create a greener, more sustainable future.

January 17, 2024 6:28 PM (UTC)
Fabio Mazzero

Salve, mi chiamo Fabio e rappresento Ipermtch SRL, vi contatto perchè siamo alla ricerca di un VC che possa sostenere il nostro progetto. Siamo Ipermatch, la startup innovativa Made in Italy che lancia "il nuovo modo di giocare al Fanta", grazie alla tecnologia blockchain. Creiamo un videogioco basato sul fantacalcio (con regole classiche) dove i calciatori sono dei Non Fungible Token (NFT) ed in quanto tali, scambiabili tra gli utenti all'interno di un marketplace in App che funzione come un calciomercato aperto 24/7. I nostri utenti possono cercare il colpo di mercato come un vero manager nel mondo del calcio per poi schierare le proprie formazioni ideali per vincere il campionato ed aggiudicarsi i premi. Il gioco è un play to earn in quanto ci sarà un percorso di crescita in game che permetterà di ottenere token, giocando. Siamo la prima Dapp italiana su Celo (la nostra blockchain di riferimento) ad operare in questo settore e abbiamo lanciato il progetto attraverso una Initiali Item Offering (la prima mai lanciata in Italia) prevendendo i calciatori che sono ora diventati NFT sulla nostra App Beta. In attesa di vostre, auguriamo una buona giornata. Cordialmente.

Non rispondere

January 17, 2024 6:28 PM (UTC)
Fabio Mazzero

Salve, mi chiamo Fabio e rappresento Ipermtch SRL, vi contatto perchè siamo alla ricerca di un VC che possa sostenere il nostro progetto. Siamo Ipermatch, la startup innovativa Made in Italy che lancia "il nuovo modo di giocare al Fanta", grazie alla tecnologia blockchain. Creiamo un videogioco basato sul fantacalcio (con regole classiche) dove i calciatori sono dei Non Fungible Token (NFT) ed in quanto tali, scambiabili tra gli utenti all'interno di un marketplace in App che funzione come un calciomercato aperto 24/7. I nostri utenti possono cercare il colpo di mercato come un vero manager nel mondo del calcio per poi schierare le proprie formazioni ideali per vincere il campionato ed aggiudicarsi i premi. Il gioco è un play to earn in quanto ci sarà un percorso di crescita in game che permetterà di ottenere token, giocando. Siamo la prima Dapp italiana su Celo (la nostra blockchain di riferimento) ad operare in questo settore e abbiamo lanciato il progetto attraverso una Initiali Item Offering (la prima mai lanciata in Italia) prevendendo i calciatori che sono ora diventati NFT sulla nostra App Beta. In attesa di vostre, auguriamo una buona giornata. Cordialmente.

January 17, 2024 6:28 PM (UTC)
Fabio Mazzero

Salve, mi chiamo Fabio e rappresento Ipermtch SRL, vi contatto perchè siamo alla ricerca di un VC che possa sostenere il nostro progetto. Siamo Ipermatch, la startup innovativa Made in Italy che lancia "il nuovo modo di giocare al Fanta", grazie alla tecnologia blockchain. Creiamo un videogioco basato sul fantacalcio (con regole classiche) dove i calciatori sono dei Non Fungible Token (NFT) ed in quanto tali, scambiabili tra gli utenti all'interno di un marketplace in App che funzione come un calciomercato aperto 24/7. I nostri utenti possono cercare il colpo di mercato come un vero manager nel mondo del calcio per poi schierare le proprie formazioni ideali per vincere il campionato ed aggiudicarsi i premi. Il gioco è un play to earn in quanto ci sarà un percorso di crescita in game che permetterà di ottenere token, giocando. Siamo la prima Dapp italiana su Celo (la nostra blockchain di riferimento) ad operare in questo settore e abbiamo lanciato il progetto attraverso una Initiali Item Offering (la prima mai lanciata in Italia) prevendendo i calciatori che sono ora diventati NFT sulla nostra App Beta. In attesa di vostre, auguriamo una buona giornata. Cordialmente.

January 17, 2024 6:28 PM (UTC)
Salve, mi chiamo Fabio e rappresento Ipermtch SRL, vi contatto perchè siamo alla ricerca di un VC che possa sostenere il nostro progetto. Siamo Ipermatch, la startup innovativa Made in Italy che lancia "il nuovo modo di giocare al Fanta", grazie alla tecnologia blockchain. Creiamo un videogioco basato sul fantacalcio (con regole classiche) dove i calciatori sono dei Non Fungible Token (NFT) ed in quanto tali, scambiabili tra gli utenti all'interno di un marketplace in App che funzione come un calciomercato aperto 24/7. I nostri utenti possono cercare il colpo di mercato come un vero manager nel mondo del calcio per poi schierare le proprie formazioni ideali per vincere il campionato ed aggiudicarsi i premi. Il gioco è un play to earn in quanto ci sarà un percorso di crescita in game che permetterà di ottenere token, giocando. Siamo la prima Dapp italiana su Celo (la nostra blockchain di riferimento) ad operare in questo settore e abbiamo lanciato il progetto attraverso una Initiali Item Offering (la prima mai lanciata in Italia) prevendendo i calciatori che sono ora diventati NFT sulla nostra App Beta. In attesa di vostre, auguriamo una buona giornata. Cordialmente.

January 11, 2024 3:27 PM (UTC)
Louise Hey

Dear Rancilio Team, my name is Louise Hey and I would love to get in touch with you about an AI based Ed-Tech Startup I plan to found together with my brother Robert. We have been working on the algorithm that shall power the project and a working evolutionary prototype for the past year and are now ready to collect pre-seed funding to build a market-ready product. I hereby send you our quick pitch.(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoJUVCbT35ePtvWseG5uw39svhNG_wIB/view?usp=sharing ) I would love to present our business idea to you. Let me know if you are interested. Over a year ago we wanted to learn a new language but quickly realized long term memorization, neccessary for fluency in a language, is not possible with existing apps like Babbel/Duolingo. After extesive market research we inhouse designed and developed a custom AI-algorithm making people learn languages better, faster, more sustainably and at almost no cognitive load up to the point where memorizing almost feels like "magic". Due to our FREEmium model, that was USP enough for Duolingo to gain a competitive edge over Babbel in the traditional language learning market, we will maximize our user count and will euqailize education globally as the free version is ad-monetized and a language can be learnt by the user with no monetary endowment. We will be the first-movers combining the emerging field of AI-technology with the billion dollar market of language learning, tranforming the way people learn languages for the future. Before we talk I'll send you an executive summary of our business plan and some other documents we prepared. Looking forward to speak to you. Kind regards, Louise.

Non rispondere

January 11, 2024 3:27 PM (UTC)
Louise Hey

Dear Rancilio Team, my name is Louise Hey and I would love to get in touch with you about an AI based Ed-Tech Startup I plan to found together with my brother Robert. We have been working on the algorithm that shall power the project and a working evolutionary prototype for the past year and are now ready to collect pre-seed funding to build a market-ready product. I hereby send you our quick pitch.(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoJUVCbT35ePtvWseG5uw39svhNG_wIB/view?usp=sharing ) I would love to present our business idea to you. Let me know if you are interested. Over a year ago we wanted to learn a new language but quickly realized long term memorization, neccessary for fluency in a language, is not possible with existing apps like Babbel/Duolingo. After extesive market research we inhouse designed and developed a custom AI-algorithm making people learn languages better, faster, more sustainably and at almost no cognitive load up to the point where memorizing almost feels like "magic". Due to our FREEmium model, that was USP enough for Duolingo to gain a competitive edge over Babbel in the traditional language learning market, we will maximize our user count and will euqailize education globally as the free version is ad-monetized and a language can be learnt by the user with no monetary endowment. We will be the first-movers combining the emerging field of AI-technology with the billion dollar market of language learning, tranforming the way people learn languages for the future. Before we talk I'll send you an executive summary of our business plan and some other documents we prepared. Looking forward to speak to you. Kind regards, Louise.

January 11, 2024 3:27 PM (UTC)
Louise Hey

Dear Rancilio Team, my name is Louise Hey and I would love to get in touch with you about an AI based Ed-Tech Startup I plan to found together with my brother Robert. We have been working on the algorithm that shall power the project and a working evolutionary prototype for the past year and are now ready to collect pre-seed funding to build a market-ready product. I hereby send you our quick pitch.(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoJUVCbT35ePtvWseG5uw39svhNG_wIB/view?usp=sharing ) I would love to present our business idea to you. Let me know if you are interested. Over a year ago we wanted to learn a new language but quickly realized long term memorization, neccessary for fluency in a language, is not possible with existing apps like Babbel/Duolingo. After extesive market research we inhouse designed and developed a custom AI-algorithm making people learn languages better, faster, more sustainably and at almost no cognitive load up to the point where memorizing almost feels like "magic". Due to our FREEmium model, that was USP enough for Duolingo to gain a competitive edge over Babbel in the traditional language learning market, we will maximize our user count and will euqailize education globally as the free version is ad-monetized and a language can be learnt by the user with no monetary endowment. We will be the first-movers combining the emerging field of AI-technology with the billion dollar market of language learning, tranforming the way people learn languages for the future. Before we talk I'll send you an executive summary of our business plan and some other documents we prepared. Looking forward to speak to you. Kind regards, Louise.

January 11, 2024 3:27 PM (UTC)
Dear Rancilio Team, my name is Louise Hey and I would love to get in touch with you about an AI based Ed-Tech Startup I plan to found together with my brother Robert. We have been working on the algorithm that shall power the project and a working evolutionary prototype for the past year and are now ready to collect pre-seed funding to build a market-ready product. I hereby send you our quick pitch.(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SoJUVCbT35ePtvWseG5uw39svhNG_wIB/view?usp=sharing ) I would love to present our business idea to you. Let me know if you are interested. Over a year ago we wanted to learn a new language but quickly realized long term memorization, neccessary for fluency in a language, is not possible with existing apps like Babbel/Duolingo. After extesive market research we inhouse designed and developed a custom AI-algorithm making people learn languages better, faster, more sustainably and at almost no cognitive load up to the point where memorizing almost feels like "magic". Due to our FREEmium model, that was USP enough for Duolingo to gain a competitive edge over Babbel in the traditional language learning market, we will maximize our user count and will euqailize education globally as the free version is ad-monetized and a language can be learnt by the user with no monetary endowment. We will be the first-movers combining the emerging field of AI-technology with the billion dollar market of language learning, tranforming the way people learn languages for the future. Before we talk I'll send you an executive summary of our business plan and some other documents we prepared. Looking forward to speak to you. Kind regards, Louise.

January 11, 2024 9:07 AM (UTC)

By way of introduction, we run Marathon Venture Capital, a seed fund leveraging a community of Greek founders around the globe. Here is some information about us in a nutshell: Marathon I (€32m, 2017 vintage) has a DPI of 2.4x and a TVPI of 4.7x with 48% IRR. Marathon II (€70m, 2020 vintage) is invested in sectors such as robotics, defense, energy, aviation, and AI. We currently stand a TVPI of 1.12 and a DPI of 0.1. Our portfolio companies have raised >$300m in follow-up capital from Carlyle, Iconiq, Bessemer, Index, and Insight. We have exited 5 out of 10 Fund I companies; portfolio acquirers include Cisco, Intel, Celonis, and CNH Industrial. Cisco is an acquirer in a Fund II company. We now raise Fund III with the same size, strategy, and team, targeting a close in October. I'm attaching an introductory deck and would be keen to jump on a call and share more. Let me know! Best regards

Non rispondere

January 11, 2024 9:07 AM (UTC)

By way of introduction, we run Marathon Venture Capital, a seed fund leveraging a community of Greek founders around the globe. Here is some information about us in a nutshell: Marathon I (€32m, 2017 vintage) has a DPI of 2.4x and a TVPI of 4.7x with 48% IRR. Marathon II (€70m, 2020 vintage) is invested in sectors such as robotics, defense, energy, aviation, and AI. We currently stand a TVPI of 1.12 and a DPI of 0.1. Our portfolio companies have raised >$300m in follow-up capital from Carlyle, Iconiq, Bessemer, Index, and Insight. We have exited 5 out of 10 Fund I companies; portfolio acquirers include Cisco, Intel, Celonis, and CNH Industrial. Cisco is an acquirer in a Fund II company. We now raise Fund III with the same size, strategy, and team, targeting a close in October. I'm attaching an introductory deck and would be keen to jump on a call and share more. Let me know! Best regards

January 11, 2024 9:07 AM (UTC)

By way of introduction, we run Marathon Venture Capital, a seed fund leveraging a community of Greek founders around the globe. Here is some information about us in a nutshell: Marathon I (€32m, 2017 vintage) has a DPI of 2.4x and a TVPI of 4.7x with 48% IRR. Marathon II (€70m, 2020 vintage) is invested in sectors such as robotics, defense, energy, aviation, and AI. We currently stand a TVPI of 1.12 and a DPI of 0.1. Our portfolio companies have raised >$300m in follow-up capital from Carlyle, Iconiq, Bessemer, Index, and Insight. We have exited 5 out of 10 Fund I companies; portfolio acquirers include Cisco, Intel, Celonis, and CNH Industrial. Cisco is an acquirer in a Fund II company. We now raise Fund III with the same size, strategy, and team, targeting a close in October. I'm attaching an introductory deck and would be keen to jump on a call and share more. Let me know! Best regards

January 11, 2024 9:07 AM (UTC)
By way of introduction, we run Marathon Venture Capital, a seed fund leveraging a community of Greek founders around the globe. Here is some information about us in a nutshell: Marathon I (€32m, 2017 vintage) has a DPI of 2.4x and a TVPI of 4.7x with 48% IRR. Marathon II (€70m, 2020 vintage) is invested in sectors such as robotics, defense, energy, aviation, and AI. We currently stand a TVPI of 1.12 and a DPI of 0.1. Our portfolio companies have raised >$300m in follow-up capital from Carlyle, Iconiq, Bessemer, Index, and Insight. We have exited 5 out of 10 Fund I companies; portfolio acquirers include Cisco, Intel, Celonis, and CNH Industrial. Cisco is an acquirer in a Fund II company. We now raise Fund III with the same size, strategy, and team, targeting a close in October. I'm attaching an introductory deck and would be keen to jump on a call and share more. Let me know! Best regards

January 9, 2024 3:54 AM (UTC)
Riccardo Castellani

Gentile Gruppo Rancilio, Vorrei sottoporvi nel tempo i risultati della mia attivita' di investimento (equity pubblica, approccio fondamentale e concentrato). Obiettivo 15%+ ritorno composto annuo. Pur essendo in gran parte agnostico a settori e geografie, mi concentro su tech, industriale, consumer, e finanziario. Mercati attuali sono Giappone (monitorando India), USA, Italia/DE (EU), UK. PEr quel che riguarda LATAM, solo quando le caratteristiche del business sottostante permettono di fare hedging sulla valuta e comunque in maniera molto semplice (non voglio fare utilizzo di derivati, preferisco far hedging acquistando tramite forme di debito limitato e denominato nella moneta in questione). In generale non faccio leverage sul fondo totale. Sono Italiano, residente in Asia, in precedenza residente negli USA lavorando a NYC-based PE&VC funds. 40 anni, se interessa. Spero in un cordiale riscontro e nella possibilita' di avere una breve call conoscitiva per darvi maggiori dettagli riguardo la mia attivita' e permettervi di valutare meglio l'opporutnita' che, cosi' presentata capisco possa risultare in qualche modo strana. Ad ogni modo, spero almeno di potersi conoscere. Cordialmente Riccardo Castellani riccardo@m-odi.com https://www.m-odi.com/blog https://www.linkedin.com/in/riccardocastellani/

Non rispondere

January 9, 2024 3:54 AM (UTC)
Riccardo Castellani

Gentile Gruppo Rancilio, Vorrei sottoporvi nel tempo i risultati della mia attivita' di investimento (equity pubblica, approccio fondamentale e concentrato). Obiettivo 15%+ ritorno composto annuo. Pur essendo in gran parte agnostico a settori e geografie, mi concentro su tech, industriale, consumer, e finanziario. Mercati attuali sono Giappone (monitorando India), USA, Italia/DE (EU), UK. PEr quel che riguarda LATAM, solo quando le caratteristiche del business sottostante permettono di fare hedging sulla valuta e comunque in maniera molto semplice (non voglio fare utilizzo di derivati, preferisco far hedging acquistando tramite forme di debito limitato e denominato nella moneta in questione). In generale non faccio leverage sul fondo totale. Sono Italiano, residente in Asia, in precedenza residente negli USA lavorando a NYC-based PE&VC funds. 40 anni, se interessa. Spero in un cordiale riscontro e nella possibilita' di avere una breve call conoscitiva per darvi maggiori dettagli riguardo la mia attivita' e permettervi di valutare meglio l'opporutnita' che, cosi' presentata capisco possa risultare in qualche modo strana. Ad ogni modo, spero almeno di potersi conoscere. Cordialmente Riccardo Castellani riccardo@m-odi.com https://www.m-odi.com/blog https://www.linkedin.com/in/riccardocastellani/

January 9, 2024 3:54 AM (UTC)
Riccardo Castellani

Gentile Gruppo Rancilio, Vorrei sottoporvi nel tempo i risultati della mia attivita' di investimento (equity pubblica, approccio fondamentale e concentrato). Obiettivo 15%+ ritorno composto annuo. Pur essendo in gran parte agnostico a settori e geografie, mi concentro su tech, industriale, consumer, e finanziario. Mercati attuali sono Giappone (monitorando India), USA, Italia/DE (EU), UK. PEr quel che riguarda LATAM, solo quando le caratteristiche del business sottostante permettono di fare hedging sulla valuta e comunque in maniera molto semplice (non voglio fare utilizzo di derivati, preferisco far hedging acquistando tramite forme di debito limitato e denominato nella moneta in questione). In generale non faccio leverage sul fondo totale. Sono Italiano, residente in Asia, in precedenza residente negli USA lavorando a NYC-based PE&VC funds. 40 anni, se interessa. Spero in un cordiale riscontro e nella possibilita' di avere una breve call conoscitiva per darvi maggiori dettagli riguardo la mia attivita' e permettervi di valutare meglio l'opporutnita' che, cosi' presentata capisco possa risultare in qualche modo strana. Ad ogni modo, spero almeno di potersi conoscere. Cordialmente Riccardo Castellani riccardo@m-odi.com https://www.m-odi.com/blog https://www.linkedin.com/in/riccardocastellani/

January 9, 2024 3:54 AM (UTC)
Gentile Gruppo Rancilio, Vorrei sottoporvi nel tempo i risultati della mia attivita' di investimento (equity pubblica, approccio fondamentale e concentrato). Obiettivo 15%+ ritorno composto annuo. Pur essendo in gran parte agnostico a settori e geografie, mi concentro su tech, industriale, consumer, e finanziario. Mercati attuali sono Giappone (monitorando India), USA, Italia/DE (EU), UK. PEr quel che riguarda LATAM, solo quando le caratteristiche del business sottostante permettono di fare hedging sulla valuta e comunque in maniera molto semplice (non voglio fare utilizzo di derivati, preferisco far hedging acquistando tramite forme di debito limitato e denominato nella moneta in questione). In generale non faccio leverage sul fondo totale. Sono Italiano, residente in Asia, in precedenza residente negli USA lavorando a NYC-based PE&VC funds. 40 anni, se interessa. Spero in un cordiale riscontro e nella possibilita' di avere una breve call conoscitiva per darvi maggiori dettagli riguardo la mia attivita' e permettervi di valutare meglio l'opporutnita' che, cosi' presentata capisco possa risultare in qualche modo strana. Ad ogni modo, spero almeno di potersi conoscere. Cordialmente Riccardo Castellani riccardo@m-odi.com https://www.m-odi.com/blog https://www.linkedin.com/in/riccardocastellani/

January 8, 2024 4:08 PM (UTC)
davide lugli

I am the co-founder of Skipper, a company that collects millions of pieces of information from ecommerce, to make it available to BI and LLM systems. We have passed 12 months of validation and MVP and are looking for support for the launch and scalability phase in Europe. Is it possible to apply?

Non rispondere

January 8, 2024 4:08 PM (UTC)
davide lugli

I am the co-founder of Skipper, a company that collects millions of pieces of information from ecommerce, to make it available to BI and LLM systems. We have passed 12 months of validation and MVP and are looking for support for the launch and scalability phase in Europe. Is it possible to apply?

January 8, 2024 4:08 PM (UTC)
davide lugli

I am the co-founder of Skipper, a company that collects millions of pieces of information from ecommerce, to make it available to BI and LLM systems. We have passed 12 months of validation and MVP and are looking for support for the launch and scalability phase in Europe. Is it possible to apply?

January 8, 2024 4:08 PM (UTC)
I am the co-founder of Skipper, a company that collects millions of pieces of information from ecommerce, to make it available to BI and LLM systems. We have passed 12 months of validation and MVP and are looking for support for the launch and scalability phase in Europe. Is it possible to apply?

January 4, 2024 8:10 AM (UTC)
Antonia Ohl

Dear ranciliocube-team, Happy New Year! I am Antonia, one of the co-founders of Furnicorn, the digital ecosystem for sustainable office interior. On our platform, we offer circular interior design concepts and impact measurement at the workplace, next to automated second-hand office furniture trading. We are currently raising our pre-seed funding round and think that your impact-focused investment thesis aligns well with the vision of our company. Especially your sparring partner mentality of your thesis, appeals to us. Since the launch of our MVP at the beginning of the year, we have already been able to convince 21 well-known customers such as Enpal and Zalando and quickly scale our customer base through network effects. If you are interested to chat, please feel free to book a slot for a first exchange over this link or send us some time slot suggestions of yours: https://calendly.com/furnicorn/30min. We are looking forward to hearing from you and an initial exchange. Kind regards Antonia

Non rispondere

January 4, 2024 8:10 AM (UTC)
Antonia Ohl

Dear ranciliocube-team, Happy New Year! I am Antonia, one of the co-founders of Furnicorn, the digital ecosystem for sustainable office interior. On our platform, we offer circular interior design concepts and impact measurement at the workplace, next to automated second-hand office furniture trading. We are currently raising our pre-seed funding round and think that your impact-focused investment thesis aligns well with the vision of our company. Especially your sparring partner mentality of your thesis, appeals to us. Since the launch of our MVP at the beginning of the year, we have already been able to convince 21 well-known customers such as Enpal and Zalando and quickly scale our customer base through network effects. If you are interested to chat, please feel free to book a slot for a first exchange over this link or send us some time slot suggestions of yours: https://calendly.com/furnicorn/30min. We are looking forward to hearing from you and an initial exchange. Kind regards Antonia

January 4, 2024 8:10 AM (UTC)
Antonia Ohl

Dear ranciliocube-team, Happy New Year! I am Antonia, one of the co-founders of Furnicorn, the digital ecosystem for sustainable office interior. On our platform, we offer circular interior design concepts and impact measurement at the workplace, next to automated second-hand office furniture trading. We are currently raising our pre-seed funding round and think that your impact-focused investment thesis aligns well with the vision of our company. Especially your sparring partner mentality of your thesis, appeals to us. Since the launch of our MVP at the beginning of the year, we have already been able to convince 21 well-known customers such as Enpal and Zalando and quickly scale our customer base through network effects. If you are interested to chat, please feel free to book a slot for a first exchange over this link or send us some time slot suggestions of yours: https://calendly.com/furnicorn/30min. We are looking forward to hearing from you and an initial exchange. Kind regards Antonia

January 4, 2024 8:10 AM (UTC)
Dear ranciliocube-team, Happy New Year! I am Antonia, one of the co-founders of Furnicorn, the digital ecosystem for sustainable office interior. On our platform, we offer circular interior design concepts and impact measurement at the workplace, next to automated second-hand office furniture trading. We are currently raising our pre-seed funding round and think that your impact-focused investment thesis aligns well with the vision of our company. Especially your sparring partner mentality of your thesis, appeals to us. Since the launch of our MVP at the beginning of the year, we have already been able to convince 21 well-known customers such as Enpal and Zalando and quickly scale our customer base through network effects. If you are interested to chat, please feel free to book a slot for a first exchange over this link or send us some time slot suggestions of yours: https://calendly.com/furnicorn/30min. We are looking forward to hearing from you and an initial exchange. Kind regards Antonia

January 2, 2024 2:34 PM (UTC)

Hello, Subj: Kodgav is raising a £250K seed round to streamline access for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa I'm the founder and CEO of Kodgav, a supply chain solution for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa. We're raising £250k to address our £1M revenue loss from unfulfilled orders. Despite £190k GMV this year, large orders from early adopters hindered servicing and we rejected offers from new customers due to this problem. The investment will provide in-house capital to service sale contracts, unlocking growth and capturing missed opportunities. Please let me know if you'd like to learn more or what milestones we need to attain for you to be interested. Deal Summary: 1. Company description: Kodgav streamlines Africa's fragmented food supply chain, providing convenient and secure access for buyers in foreign countries. 2. Industry: Agritech | Foodtech | Supply Chain. 3. Stage: raising £250,000 Seed 4. Deal information: We intend to raise a £250k seed round at a £1M valuation. The funds will help us grow past £1M in revenue within 12 months. 5. Traction: Over 100% YoY revenue growth, we grew our market share in France by 429% and a 5x surge in repeat sales from existing customers in 2023. 6. Pitch deck: https://hubs.ly/Q02dGDbZ0 7. Why we're a fit for your fund: We're in an underserved market, contributing to SDGs 8, 9, and 10 by leveraging blockchain technology to connect stakeholders across a fragmented supply chain, leading to an optimised supply chain and empowered smallholder farmers. Thanks, I look forward to your feedback. Regards, Kizito

Non rispondere

January 2, 2024 2:34 PM (UTC)

Hello, Subj: Kodgav is raising a £250K seed round to streamline access for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa I'm the founder and CEO of Kodgav, a supply chain solution for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa. We're raising £250k to address our £1M revenue loss from unfulfilled orders. Despite £190k GMV this year, large orders from early adopters hindered servicing and we rejected offers from new customers due to this problem. The investment will provide in-house capital to service sale contracts, unlocking growth and capturing missed opportunities. Please let me know if you'd like to learn more or what milestones we need to attain for you to be interested. Deal Summary: 1. Company description: Kodgav streamlines Africa's fragmented food supply chain, providing convenient and secure access for buyers in foreign countries. 2. Industry: Agritech | Foodtech | Supply Chain. 3. Stage: raising £250,000 Seed 4. Deal information: We intend to raise a £250k seed round at a £1M valuation. The funds will help us grow past £1M in revenue within 12 months. 5. Traction: Over 100% YoY revenue growth, we grew our market share in France by 429% and a 5x surge in repeat sales from existing customers in 2023. 6. Pitch deck: https://hubs.ly/Q02dGDbZ0 7. Why we're a fit for your fund: We're in an underserved market, contributing to SDGs 8, 9, and 10 by leveraging blockchain technology to connect stakeholders across a fragmented supply chain, leading to an optimised supply chain and empowered smallholder farmers. Thanks, I look forward to your feedback. Regards, Kizito

January 2, 2024 2:34 PM (UTC)

Hello, Subj: Kodgav is raising a £250K seed round to streamline access for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa I'm the founder and CEO of Kodgav, a supply chain solution for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa. We're raising £250k to address our £1M revenue loss from unfulfilled orders. Despite £190k GMV this year, large orders from early adopters hindered servicing and we rejected offers from new customers due to this problem. The investment will provide in-house capital to service sale contracts, unlocking growth and capturing missed opportunities. Please let me know if you'd like to learn more or what milestones we need to attain for you to be interested. Deal Summary: 1. Company description: Kodgav streamlines Africa's fragmented food supply chain, providing convenient and secure access for buyers in foreign countries. 2. Industry: Agritech | Foodtech | Supply Chain. 3. Stage: raising £250,000 Seed 4. Deal information: We intend to raise a £250k seed round at a £1M valuation. The funds will help us grow past £1M in revenue within 12 months. 5. Traction: Over 100% YoY revenue growth, we grew our market share in France by 429% and a 5x surge in repeat sales from existing customers in 2023. 6. Pitch deck: https://hubs.ly/Q02dGDbZ0 7. Why we're a fit for your fund: We're in an underserved market, contributing to SDGs 8, 9, and 10 by leveraging blockchain technology to connect stakeholders across a fragmented supply chain, leading to an optimised supply chain and empowered smallholder farmers. Thanks, I look forward to your feedback. Regards, Kizito

January 2, 2024 2:34 PM (UTC)
Hello, Subj: Kodgav is raising a £250K seed round to streamline access for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa I'm the founder and CEO of Kodgav, a supply chain solution for food companies sourcing ingredients from Africa. We're raising £250k to address our £1M revenue loss from unfulfilled orders. Despite £190k GMV this year, large orders from early adopters hindered servicing and we rejected offers from new customers due to this problem. The investment will provide in-house capital to service sale contracts, unlocking growth and capturing missed opportunities. Please let me know if you'd like to learn more or what milestones we need to attain for you to be interested. Deal Summary: 1. Company description: Kodgav streamlines Africa's fragmented food supply chain, providing convenient and secure access for buyers in foreign countries. 2. Industry: Agritech | Foodtech | Supply Chain. 3. Stage: raising £250,000 Seed 4. Deal information: We intend to raise a £250k seed round at a £1M valuation. The funds will help us grow past £1M in revenue within 12 months. 5. Traction: Over 100% YoY revenue growth, we grew our market share in France by 429% and a 5x surge in repeat sales from existing customers in 2023. 6. Pitch deck: https://hubs.ly/Q02dGDbZ0 7. Why we're a fit for your fund: We're in an underserved market, contributing to SDGs 8, 9, and 10 by leveraging blockchain technology to connect stakeholders across a fragmented supply chain, leading to an optimised supply chain and empowered smallholder farmers. Thanks, I look forward to your feedback. Regards, Kizito

December 28, 2023 2:49 PM (UTC)

I am writing in relation to the Omega project (http://omg.one) and our current fundraising round (deck: https://app.seedlegals.com/pitch/c_sp47Zfgfri/Omega-BaaP). Omega is an innovative one-stop solution which empowers entrepreneurs to easily launch, effectively run and quickly scale their businesses in the UK. We are regulated by the FCA in the UK (FRN 901093) and funded by Mastercard. Currently, we are conducting our seed round raising up to £2.5 million (EIS). If this is of interest, we would be happy to share more details about our offering, current milestones, forecasts, marketing strategy and team.

December 28, 2023 2:49 PM (UTC)

I am writing in relation to the Omega project (http://omg.one) and our current fundraising round (deck: https://app.seedlegals.com/pitch/c_sp47Zfgfri/Omega-BaaP). Omega is an innovative one-stop solution which empowers entrepreneurs to easily launch, effectively run and quickly scale their businesses in the UK. We are regulated by the FCA in the UK (FRN 901093) and funded by Mastercard. Currently, we are conducting our seed round raising up to £2.5 million (EIS). If this is of interest, we would be happy to share more details about our offering, current milestones, forecasts, marketing strategy and team.

December 28, 2023 2:49 PM (UTC)

I am writing in relation to the Omega project (http://omg.one) and our current fundraising round (deck: https://app.seedlegals.com/pitch/c_sp47Zfgfri/Omega-BaaP). Omega is an innovative one-stop solution which empowers entrepreneurs to easily launch, effectively run and quickly scale their businesses in the UK. We are regulated by the FCA in the UK (FRN 901093) and funded by Mastercard. Currently, we are conducting our seed round raising up to £2.5 million (EIS). If this is of interest, we would be happy to share more details about our offering, current milestones, forecasts, marketing strategy and team.

Non rispondere

December 28, 2023 2:49 PM (UTC)
I am writing in relation to the Omega project (http://omg.one) and our current fundraising round (deck: https://app.seedlegals.com/pitch/c_sp47Zfgfri/Omega-BaaP). Omega is an innovative one-stop solution which empowers entrepreneurs to easily launch, effectively run and quickly scale their businesses in the UK. We are regulated by the FCA in the UK (FRN 901093) and funded by Mastercard. Currently, we are conducting our seed round raising up to £2.5 million (EIS). If this is of interest, we would be happy to share more details about our offering, current milestones, forecasts, marketing strategy and team.

December 20, 2023 6:47 PM (UTC)
Camillo Castellani

Hi, My name is Camillo Castellani and I am the co-founder of Fantacycling, the first cycling fantasy game app, an innovative platform that is revolutionising the world of virtual cycling. We are the largest community of cycling lover in Europe. I would like to share with you the recent successes and promising developments of Fantacycling. Currently, we have reached an impressive 100k registered users on our app, demonstrating a growing adoption by cycling enthusiasts around the world. I would also like to inform you that Fantacycling is currently looking for strategic investors to participate in our second funding round. Our first round has already helped consolidate our market position, and with the new capital, we aim to further expand our operations, implement new features and accelerate our growth abroad. I would be grateful to be able to discuss this investment opportunity with you in an in-depth call. It will be an opportunity to share further details about our results, future projections and answer any questions you may have. I attach you our Pitch Deck so that you can see more information about our Startup. Thank you again and I look forward to your feedback.

December 20, 2023 6:47 PM (UTC)
Camillo Castellani

Hi, My name is Camillo Castellani and I am the co-founder of Fantacycling, the first cycling fantasy game app, an innovative platform that is revolutionising the world of virtual cycling. We are the largest community of cycling lover in Europe. I would like to share with you the recent successes and promising developments of Fantacycling. Currently, we have reached an impressive 100k registered users on our app, demonstrating a growing adoption by cycling enthusiasts around the world. I would also like to inform you that Fantacycling is currently looking for strategic investors to participate in our second funding round. Our first round has already helped consolidate our market position, and with the new capital, we aim to further expand our operations, implement new features and accelerate our growth abroad. I would be grateful to be able to discuss this investment opportunity with you in an in-depth call. It will be an opportunity to share further details about our results, future projections and answer any questions you may have. I attach you our Pitch Deck so that you can see more information about our Startup. Thank you again and I look forward to your feedback.

December 20, 2023 6:47 PM (UTC)
Camillo Castellani

Hi, My name is Camillo Castellani and I am the co-founder of Fantacycling, the first cycling fantasy game app, an innovative platform that is revolutionising the world of virtual cycling. We are the largest community of cycling lover in Europe. I would like to share with you the recent successes and promising developments of Fantacycling. Currently, we have reached an impressive 100k registered users on our app, demonstrating a growing adoption by cycling enthusiasts around the world. I would also like to inform you that Fantacycling is currently looking for strategic investors to participate in our second funding round. Our first round has already helped consolidate our market position, and with the new capital, we aim to further expand our operations, implement new features and accelerate our growth abroad. I would be grateful to be able to discuss this investment opportunity with you in an in-depth call. It will be an opportunity to share further details about our results, future projections and answer any questions you may have. I attach you our Pitch Deck so that you can see more information about our Startup. Thank you again and I look forward to your feedback.

Non rispondere

December 20, 2023 6:47 PM (UTC)
Hi, My name is Camillo Castellani and I am the co-founder of Fantacycling, the first cycling fantasy game app, an innovative platform that is revolutionising the world of virtual cycling. We are the largest community of cycling lover in Europe. I would like to share with you the recent successes and promising developments of Fantacycling. Currently, we have reached an impressive 100k registered users on our app, demonstrating a growing adoption by cycling enthusiasts around the world. I would also like to inform you that Fantacycling is currently looking for strategic investors to participate in our second funding round. Our first round has already helped consolidate our market position, and with the new capital, we aim to further expand our operations, implement new features and accelerate our growth abroad. I would be grateful to be able to discuss this investment opportunity with you in an in-depth call. It will be an opportunity to share further details about our results, future projections and answer any questions you may have. I attach you our Pitch Deck so that you can see more information about our Startup. Thank you again and I look forward to your feedback.

December 17, 2023 8:42 AM (UTC)

My name is David, I am an associate in Coinrate Pro, AI market maker and investment fund. I'm currently focused on our flagship project – Hawex, in which our company has made a significant investment. Hawex is pioneering the concept of the global banking with a comprehensive product ecosystem for both B2B and B2C. They have introduced a utility token designed primarily for volatile in-app cashback. Hawex has already garnered attention from sources such as Nasdaq and Yahoo Finance. The token is scheduled to be listed in 1.5 months, and based on our analysis, we anticipate significant returns for both us and our investors. Please let me know if you are available for brief discussion. My telegram is @davidcoinrate

December 17, 2023 8:42 AM (UTC)

My name is David, I am an associate in Coinrate Pro, AI market maker and investment fund. I'm currently focused on our flagship project – Hawex, in which our company has made a significant investment. Hawex is pioneering the concept of the global banking with a comprehensive product ecosystem for both B2B and B2C. They have introduced a utility token designed primarily for volatile in-app cashback. Hawex has already garnered attention from sources such as Nasdaq and Yahoo Finance. The token is scheduled to be listed in 1.5 months, and based on our analysis, we anticipate significant returns for both us and our investors. Please let me know if you are available for brief discussion. My telegram is @davidcoinrate

December 17, 2023 8:42 AM (UTC)

My name is David, I am an associate in Coinrate Pro, AI market maker and investment fund. I'm currently focused on our flagship project – Hawex, in which our company has made a significant investment. Hawex is pioneering the concept of the global banking with a comprehensive product ecosystem for both B2B and B2C. They have introduced a utility token designed primarily for volatile in-app cashback. Hawex has already garnered attention from sources such as Nasdaq and Yahoo Finance. The token is scheduled to be listed in 1.5 months, and based on our analysis, we anticipate significant returns for both us and our investors. Please let me know if you are available for brief discussion. My telegram is @davidcoinrate

Non rispondere

December 17, 2023 8:42 AM (UTC)
My name is David, I am an associate in Coinrate Pro, AI market maker and investment fund. I'm currently focused on our flagship project – Hawex, in which our company has made a significant investment. Hawex is pioneering the concept of the global banking with a comprehensive product ecosystem for both B2B and B2C. They have introduced a utility token designed primarily for volatile in-app cashback. Hawex has already garnered attention from sources such as Nasdaq and Yahoo Finance. The token is scheduled to be listed in 1.5 months, and based on our analysis, we anticipate significant returns for both us and our investors. Please let me know if you are available for brief discussion. My telegram is @davidcoinrate

December 13, 2023 8:29 PM (UTC)


December 13, 2023 8:29 PM (UTC)


December 13, 2023 8:29 PM (UTC)


Non rispondere

December 13, 2023 8:29 PM (UTC)

December 9, 2023 5:06 PM (UTC)
Enrico Paolo Levi

Mi chiamo Enrico Levi e sono il Fondatore e Amministratore Delegato di Genetica23, il primo fornitore di prodotti e servizi cosmetici basati su analisi genetiche con risultati scientificamente documentati. Abbiamo sviluppato con la Clinica Dermatologica dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Italia, guidata dal Professor Giovanni Pellacani, professore di Dermatologia di fama mondiale ed ex Presidente della Conferenza Internazionale di Dermatologia, uno studio rivoluzionario rivoluzionario sulla genetica della pelle con il quale abbiamo documentato 2 cose fondamentali: 1. Abbiamo identificato i geni responsabili delle principali predisposizioni metaboliche e all'invecchiamento cutaneo; 2. Le formulazioni personalizzate in base alla genetica individuale hanno dimostrato di fornire risultati senza precedenti in termini di bellezza e miglioramento della salute della pelle Abbiamo sviluppato così quella che crediamo sia la “terza via”, tra la cosmesi generale e la medicina estetica invasiva, in grado di fornire risultati misurabili e visibili con una regolare beauty routine di prodotti cosmetici. Potete avere un'idea di cosa facciamo guardando questo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4j-TKCzrU L'azienda è attualmente pronta a crescere a livello internazionale e a stabilire accordi di distribuzione e licenza con aziende e partner leader. Mi piacerebbe capire se possiate essere interessati a saperne di più su ciò che facciamo. Cordiali saluti Enrico Levi

December 9, 2023 5:06 PM (UTC)
Enrico Paolo Levi

Mi chiamo Enrico Levi e sono il Fondatore e Amministratore Delegato di Genetica23, il primo fornitore di prodotti e servizi cosmetici basati su analisi genetiche con risultati scientificamente documentati. Abbiamo sviluppato con la Clinica Dermatologica dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Italia, guidata dal Professor Giovanni Pellacani, professore di Dermatologia di fama mondiale ed ex Presidente della Conferenza Internazionale di Dermatologia, uno studio rivoluzionario rivoluzionario sulla genetica della pelle con il quale abbiamo documentato 2 cose fondamentali: 1. Abbiamo identificato i geni responsabili delle principali predisposizioni metaboliche e all'invecchiamento cutaneo; 2. Le formulazioni personalizzate in base alla genetica individuale hanno dimostrato di fornire risultati senza precedenti in termini di bellezza e miglioramento della salute della pelle Abbiamo sviluppato così quella che crediamo sia la “terza via”, tra la cosmesi generale e la medicina estetica invasiva, in grado di fornire risultati misurabili e visibili con una regolare beauty routine di prodotti cosmetici. Potete avere un'idea di cosa facciamo guardando questo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4j-TKCzrU L'azienda è attualmente pronta a crescere a livello internazionale e a stabilire accordi di distribuzione e licenza con aziende e partner leader. Mi piacerebbe capire se possiate essere interessati a saperne di più su ciò che facciamo. Cordiali saluti Enrico Levi

December 9, 2023 5:06 PM (UTC)
Enrico Paolo Levi

Mi chiamo Enrico Levi e sono il Fondatore e Amministratore Delegato di Genetica23, il primo fornitore di prodotti e servizi cosmetici basati su analisi genetiche con risultati scientificamente documentati. Abbiamo sviluppato con la Clinica Dermatologica dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Italia, guidata dal Professor Giovanni Pellacani, professore di Dermatologia di fama mondiale ed ex Presidente della Conferenza Internazionale di Dermatologia, uno studio rivoluzionario rivoluzionario sulla genetica della pelle con il quale abbiamo documentato 2 cose fondamentali: 1. Abbiamo identificato i geni responsabili delle principali predisposizioni metaboliche e all'invecchiamento cutaneo; 2. Le formulazioni personalizzate in base alla genetica individuale hanno dimostrato di fornire risultati senza precedenti in termini di bellezza e miglioramento della salute della pelle Abbiamo sviluppato così quella che crediamo sia la “terza via”, tra la cosmesi generale e la medicina estetica invasiva, in grado di fornire risultati misurabili e visibili con una regolare beauty routine di prodotti cosmetici. Potete avere un'idea di cosa facciamo guardando questo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4j-TKCzrU L'azienda è attualmente pronta a crescere a livello internazionale e a stabilire accordi di distribuzione e licenza con aziende e partner leader. Mi piacerebbe capire se possiate essere interessati a saperne di più su ciò che facciamo. Cordiali saluti Enrico Levi

Non rispondere

December 9, 2023 5:06 PM (UTC)
Mi chiamo Enrico Levi e sono il Fondatore e Amministratore Delegato di Genetica23, il primo fornitore di prodotti e servizi cosmetici basati su analisi genetiche con risultati scientificamente documentati. Abbiamo sviluppato con la Clinica Dermatologica dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – Italia, guidata dal Professor Giovanni Pellacani, professore di Dermatologia di fama mondiale ed ex Presidente della Conferenza Internazionale di Dermatologia, uno studio rivoluzionario rivoluzionario sulla genetica della pelle con il quale abbiamo documentato 2 cose fondamentali: 1. Abbiamo identificato i geni responsabili delle principali predisposizioni metaboliche e all'invecchiamento cutaneo; 2. Le formulazioni personalizzate in base alla genetica individuale hanno dimostrato di fornire risultati senza precedenti in termini di bellezza e miglioramento della salute della pelle Abbiamo sviluppato così quella che crediamo sia la “terza via”, tra la cosmesi generale e la medicina estetica invasiva, in grado di fornire risultati misurabili e visibili con una regolare beauty routine di prodotti cosmetici. Potete avere un'idea di cosa facciamo guardando questo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4j-TKCzrU L'azienda è attualmente pronta a crescere a livello internazionale e a stabilire accordi di distribuzione e licenza con aziende e partner leader. Mi piacerebbe capire se possiate essere interessati a saperne di più su ciò che facciamo. Cordiali saluti Enrico Levi

December 7, 2023 5:52 PM (UTC)
Gabriele D'Urbano

Gentile Ranciliocube, Mi chiamo Gabriele D’Urbano e sono tra i co-founder di Unflock, un progetto nato per risolvere il problema dell’eccessivo inquinamento causato dal settore footwear, un mercato che nel 2023 a livello globale è stato stimato 403.18 miliardi di dollari. Le nuove generazioni acquistano troppe scarpe, spesso perché si usurano velocemente o per restare al passo con le tendenze del momento. La nostra soluzione è una cover per sneakers, realizzata a partire da gomma siliconica riciclata e riciclabile, che permette di proteggere la suola e l’intersuola, così da non rinunciare all'estetica originale e offrendo allo stesso tempo l'opportunità di personalizzare (con vari modelli e colori), rendendo unica, la propria scarpa. Abbiamo validato la nostra idea tramite sondaggi online e dal vivo, mostrando i nostri primi prototipi, con risultati ottimi: su 227 intervistati solo il 19% ha detto di non essere interessato al nostro prodotto. Inoltre abbiamo ricevuto feedback molto positivi da alcuni esperti che lavorano nel mondo della moda e delle calzature. Per verificare la fattibilità del prodotto abbiamo usato uno scanner ad alta precisione su una sneakers e successivamente abbiamo modellato e stampato in 3d i primi prototipi, che hanno restituito risultati entusiasmanti. Abbiamo poi steso un financial planning quanto più preciso possibile basandoci su un contatto stretto con un’azienda cinese che ha soddisfatto le nostre richieste in termini economici e di produzione, valutando la qualità del materiale attraverso l'invio di samples. Il nostro team è composto da tre co-founders con competenze complementari: gestione tecnica, di ricerca e sviluppo, tecnologica e finanziaria. Due collaboratori esterni si occupano della gestione social media e della creazione di contenuti, mentre un fashion designer guida la parte di design del prodotto. Siamo attualmente nel processo di prototipazione in silicone, tuttavia stiamo affrontando rallentamenti dovuti alla limitata disponibilità di fondi, dato il completo autofinanziamento del progetto. L'accesso a fondi esterni risulta quindi essenziale per accelerare il nostro lavoro. Una volta ottenuti i fondi, i nostri obiettivi principali sono: il completamento della prototipazione avvio di una produzione in pre-serie in Cina costituzione azienda avvio del piano marketing e delle strategie di go-to-market L'ingresso nel vostro acceleratore ci permetterebbe di accelerare lo sviluppo del nostro progetto, fornendoci le risorse e le competenze necessarie per raggiungere il successo sul mercato. In allegato ho inserito il business plan così che possiate comprendere meglio il nostro progetto. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Questa è un’opportunità di grande valore per noi e in caso di ulteriori dettagli o richieste specifiche, saremo lieti di fornire il nostro business plan. Cordiali saluti, Gabriele D’Urbano +39 3922517410 Unflock Team

December 7, 2023 5:52 PM (UTC)
Gabriele D'Urbano

Gentile Ranciliocube, Mi chiamo Gabriele D’Urbano e sono tra i co-founder di Unflock, un progetto nato per risolvere il problema dell’eccessivo inquinamento causato dal settore footwear, un mercato che nel 2023 a livello globale è stato stimato 403.18 miliardi di dollari. Le nuove generazioni acquistano troppe scarpe, spesso perché si usurano velocemente o per restare al passo con le tendenze del momento. La nostra soluzione è una cover per sneakers, realizzata a partire da gomma siliconica riciclata e riciclabile, che permette di proteggere la suola e l’intersuola, così da non rinunciare all'estetica originale e offrendo allo stesso tempo l'opportunità di personalizzare (con vari modelli e colori), rendendo unica, la propria scarpa. Abbiamo validato la nostra idea tramite sondaggi online e dal vivo, mostrando i nostri primi prototipi, con risultati ottimi: su 227 intervistati solo il 19% ha detto di non essere interessato al nostro prodotto. Inoltre abbiamo ricevuto feedback molto positivi da alcuni esperti che lavorano nel mondo della moda e delle calzature. Per verificare la fattibilità del prodotto abbiamo usato uno scanner ad alta precisione su una sneakers e successivamente abbiamo modellato e stampato in 3d i primi prototipi, che hanno restituito risultati entusiasmanti. Abbiamo poi steso un financial planning quanto più preciso possibile basandoci su un contatto stretto con un’azienda cinese che ha soddisfatto le nostre richieste in termini economici e di produzione, valutando la qualità del materiale attraverso l'invio di samples. Il nostro team è composto da tre co-founders con competenze complementari: gestione tecnica, di ricerca e sviluppo, tecnologica e finanziaria. Due collaboratori esterni si occupano della gestione social media e della creazione di contenuti, mentre un fashion designer guida la parte di design del prodotto. Siamo attualmente nel processo di prototipazione in silicone, tuttavia stiamo affrontando rallentamenti dovuti alla limitata disponibilità di fondi, dato il completo autofinanziamento del progetto. L'accesso a fondi esterni risulta quindi essenziale per accelerare il nostro lavoro. Una volta ottenuti i fondi, i nostri obiettivi principali sono: il completamento della prototipazione avvio di una produzione in pre-serie in Cina costituzione azienda avvio del piano marketing e delle strategie di go-to-market L'ingresso nel vostro acceleratore ci permetterebbe di accelerare lo sviluppo del nostro progetto, fornendoci le risorse e le competenze necessarie per raggiungere il successo sul mercato. In allegato ho inserito il business plan così che possiate comprendere meglio il nostro progetto. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Questa è un’opportunità di grande valore per noi e in caso di ulteriori dettagli o richieste specifiche, saremo lieti di fornire il nostro business plan. Cordiali saluti, Gabriele D’Urbano +39 3922517410 Unflock Team

December 7, 2023 5:52 PM (UTC)
Gabriele D'Urbano

Gentile Ranciliocube, Mi chiamo Gabriele D’Urbano e sono tra i co-founder di Unflock, un progetto nato per risolvere il problema dell’eccessivo inquinamento causato dal settore footwear, un mercato che nel 2023 a livello globale è stato stimato 403.18 miliardi di dollari. Le nuove generazioni acquistano troppe scarpe, spesso perché si usurano velocemente o per restare al passo con le tendenze del momento. La nostra soluzione è una cover per sneakers, realizzata a partire da gomma siliconica riciclata e riciclabile, che permette di proteggere la suola e l’intersuola, così da non rinunciare all'estetica originale e offrendo allo stesso tempo l'opportunità di personalizzare (con vari modelli e colori), rendendo unica, la propria scarpa. Abbiamo validato la nostra idea tramite sondaggi online e dal vivo, mostrando i nostri primi prototipi, con risultati ottimi: su 227 intervistati solo il 19% ha detto di non essere interessato al nostro prodotto. Inoltre abbiamo ricevuto feedback molto positivi da alcuni esperti che lavorano nel mondo della moda e delle calzature. Per verificare la fattibilità del prodotto abbiamo usato uno scanner ad alta precisione su una sneakers e successivamente abbiamo modellato e stampato in 3d i primi prototipi, che hanno restituito risultati entusiasmanti. Abbiamo poi steso un financial planning quanto più preciso possibile basandoci su un contatto stretto con un’azienda cinese che ha soddisfatto le nostre richieste in termini economici e di produzione, valutando la qualità del materiale attraverso l'invio di samples. Il nostro team è composto da tre co-founders con competenze complementari: gestione tecnica, di ricerca e sviluppo, tecnologica e finanziaria. Due collaboratori esterni si occupano della gestione social media e della creazione di contenuti, mentre un fashion designer guida la parte di design del prodotto. Siamo attualmente nel processo di prototipazione in silicone, tuttavia stiamo affrontando rallentamenti dovuti alla limitata disponibilità di fondi, dato il completo autofinanziamento del progetto. L'accesso a fondi esterni risulta quindi essenziale per accelerare il nostro lavoro. Una volta ottenuti i fondi, i nostri obiettivi principali sono: il completamento della prototipazione avvio di una produzione in pre-serie in Cina costituzione azienda avvio del piano marketing e delle strategie di go-to-market L'ingresso nel vostro acceleratore ci permetterebbe di accelerare lo sviluppo del nostro progetto, fornendoci le risorse e le competenze necessarie per raggiungere il successo sul mercato. In allegato ho inserito il business plan così che possiate comprendere meglio il nostro progetto. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Questa è un’opportunità di grande valore per noi e in caso di ulteriori dettagli o richieste specifiche, saremo lieti di fornire il nostro business plan. Cordiali saluti, Gabriele D’Urbano +39 3922517410 Unflock Team

Non rispondere

December 7, 2023 5:52 PM (UTC)
Gentile Ranciliocube, Mi chiamo Gabriele D’Urbano e sono tra i co-founder di Unflock, un progetto nato per risolvere il problema dell’eccessivo inquinamento causato dal settore footwear, un mercato che nel 2023 a livello globale è stato stimato 403.18 miliardi di dollari. Le nuove generazioni acquistano troppe scarpe, spesso perché si usurano velocemente o per restare al passo con le tendenze del momento. La nostra soluzione è una cover per sneakers, realizzata a partire da gomma siliconica riciclata e riciclabile, che permette di proteggere la suola e l’intersuola, così da non rinunciare all'estetica originale e offrendo allo stesso tempo l'opportunità di personalizzare (con vari modelli e colori), rendendo unica, la propria scarpa. Abbiamo validato la nostra idea tramite sondaggi online e dal vivo, mostrando i nostri primi prototipi, con risultati ottimi: su 227 intervistati solo il 19% ha detto di non essere interessato al nostro prodotto. Inoltre abbiamo ricevuto feedback molto positivi da alcuni esperti che lavorano nel mondo della moda e delle calzature. Per verificare la fattibilità del prodotto abbiamo usato uno scanner ad alta precisione su una sneakers e successivamente abbiamo modellato e stampato in 3d i primi prototipi, che hanno restituito risultati entusiasmanti. Abbiamo poi steso un financial planning quanto più preciso possibile basandoci su un contatto stretto con un’azienda cinese che ha soddisfatto le nostre richieste in termini economici e di produzione, valutando la qualità del materiale attraverso l'invio di samples. Il nostro team è composto da tre co-founders con competenze complementari: gestione tecnica, di ricerca e sviluppo, tecnologica e finanziaria. Due collaboratori esterni si occupano della gestione social media e della creazione di contenuti, mentre un fashion designer guida la parte di design del prodotto. Siamo attualmente nel processo di prototipazione in silicone, tuttavia stiamo affrontando rallentamenti dovuti alla limitata disponibilità di fondi, dato il completo autofinanziamento del progetto. L'accesso a fondi esterni risulta quindi essenziale per accelerare il nostro lavoro. Una volta ottenuti i fondi, i nostri obiettivi principali sono: il completamento della prototipazione avvio di una produzione in pre-serie in Cina costituzione azienda avvio del piano marketing e delle strategie di go-to-market L'ingresso nel vostro acceleratore ci permetterebbe di accelerare lo sviluppo del nostro progetto, fornendoci le risorse e le competenze necessarie per raggiungere il successo sul mercato. In allegato ho inserito il business plan così che possiate comprendere meglio il nostro progetto. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Apprezziamo il tempo e l'attenzione che dedicherete nella valutazione della nostra proposta. Questa è un’opportunità di grande valore per noi e in caso di ulteriori dettagli o richieste specifiche, saremo lieti di fornire il nostro business plan. Cordiali saluti, Gabriele D’Urbano +39 3922517410 Unflock Team

December 7, 2023 5:00 PM (UTC)
Bonfissuto Gaetano

Buongiorno,sono bonfissuto Gaetano un imprenditore di Torino . Con una cordata di imprenditori torinesi abbiamo acquisito ,tramite una società veicolo ,il waterfont di un bellissimo porto in Liguria che offre 18 lotti commerciali ( nuovi ) direttamente sul porto . Ho già delle trattative anche con startup per validare il proprio business visto che si possono interfacciare con clientela premium . Cerchiamo un partner strategico italiano riconosciuto a livello internazionale per valorizzare al meglio gli asset . Lascio i miei riferimenti per una ulteriore analisi . Cordialità Bonfissuto Gaetano Gae.bonfissuto@gmail.com 3888174638

December 7, 2023 5:00 PM (UTC)
Bonfissuto Gaetano

Buongiorno,sono bonfissuto Gaetano un imprenditore di Torino . Con una cordata di imprenditori torinesi abbiamo acquisito ,tramite una società veicolo ,il waterfont di un bellissimo porto in Liguria che offre 18 lotti commerciali ( nuovi ) direttamente sul porto . Ho già delle trattative anche con startup per validare il proprio business visto che si possono interfacciare con clientela premium . Cerchiamo un partner strategico italiano riconosciuto a livello internazionale per valorizzare al meglio gli asset . Lascio i miei riferimenti per una ulteriore analisi . Cordialità Bonfissuto Gaetano Gae.bonfissuto@gmail.com 3888174638

December 7, 2023 5:00 PM (UTC)
Bonfissuto Gaetano

Buongiorno,sono bonfissuto Gaetano un imprenditore di Torino . Con una cordata di imprenditori torinesi abbiamo acquisito ,tramite una società veicolo ,il waterfont di un bellissimo porto in Liguria che offre 18 lotti commerciali ( nuovi ) direttamente sul porto . Ho già delle trattative anche con startup per validare il proprio business visto che si possono interfacciare con clientela premium . Cerchiamo un partner strategico italiano riconosciuto a livello internazionale per valorizzare al meglio gli asset . Lascio i miei riferimenti per una ulteriore analisi . Cordialità Bonfissuto Gaetano Gae.bonfissuto@gmail.com 3888174638

Non rispondere

December 7, 2023 5:00 PM (UTC)
Buongiorno,sono bonfissuto Gaetano un imprenditore di Torino . Con una cordata di imprenditori torinesi abbiamo acquisito ,tramite una società veicolo ,il waterfont di un bellissimo porto in Liguria che offre 18 lotti commerciali ( nuovi ) direttamente sul porto . Ho già delle trattative anche con startup per validare il proprio business visto che si possono interfacciare con clientela premium . Cerchiamo un partner strategico italiano riconosciuto a livello internazionale per valorizzare al meglio gli asset . Lascio i miei riferimenti per una ulteriore analisi . Cordialità Bonfissuto Gaetano Gae.bonfissuto@gmail.com 3888174638

December 5, 2023 1:51 PM (UTC)

I am Meri Khazaradze, co-founder of mexb.ai, a startup developing an AI mental health guardian, initially focused on serving young adults and new/expectant mothers. Here's a brief overview of our company and why mexb.ai is a compelling investment opportunity: Expert Team: Founders, Kseniia Brauer with 3+ years experience in Machine Learning and Meri Khazaradze with 4+ years experience in management at Medical Institutions. A diverse team of professionals with expertise in Marketing, and Psychology, further strengthened by the guidance of psychological advisors and technical decision maker - head of engineering. Market: TAM in Germany exceeds 5 billion euros and continues to exhibit substantial growth. Traction: Our proof of concept is already live on Telegram with more than 290 users and around 10% daily activity. Innovative features: We are currently developing an app featuring Ora, our AI mental health guard, equipped with a unique video avatar—a feature that mexb.ai is the first to offer on the EU market. Here is the first look at our video avatars. We are currently raising an angel round. We would appreciate an opportunity to discuss our company further and get your valuable advice and insights.

December 5, 2023 1:51 PM (UTC)

I am Meri Khazaradze, co-founder of mexb.ai, a startup developing an AI mental health guardian, initially focused on serving young adults and new/expectant mothers. Here's a brief overview of our company and why mexb.ai is a compelling investment opportunity: Expert Team: Founders, Kseniia Brauer with 3+ years experience in Machine Learning and Meri Khazaradze with 4+ years experience in management at Medical Institutions. A diverse team of professionals with expertise in Marketing, and Psychology, further strengthened by the guidance of psychological advisors and technical decision maker - head of engineering. Market: TAM in Germany exceeds 5 billion euros and continues to exhibit substantial growth. Traction: Our proof of concept is already live on Telegram with more than 290 users and around 10% daily activity. Innovative features: We are currently developing an app featuring Ora, our AI mental health guard, equipped with a unique video avatar—a feature that mexb.ai is the first to offer on the EU market. Here is the first look at our video avatars. We are currently raising an angel round. We would appreciate an opportunity to discuss our company further and get your valuable advice and insights.

December 5, 2023 1:51 PM (UTC)

I am Meri Khazaradze, co-founder of mexb.ai, a startup developing an AI mental health guardian, initially focused on serving young adults and new/expectant mothers. Here's a brief overview of our company and why mexb.ai is a compelling investment opportunity: Expert Team: Founders, Kseniia Brauer with 3+ years experience in Machine Learning and Meri Khazaradze with 4+ years experience in management at Medical Institutions. A diverse team of professionals with expertise in Marketing, and Psychology, further strengthened by the guidance of psychological advisors and technical decision maker - head of engineering. Market: TAM in Germany exceeds 5 billion euros and continues to exhibit substantial growth. Traction: Our proof of concept is already live on Telegram with more than 290 users and around 10% daily activity. Innovative features: We are currently developing an app featuring Ora, our AI mental health guard, equipped with a unique video avatar—a feature that mexb.ai is the first to offer on the EU market. Here is the first look at our video avatars. We are currently raising an angel round. We would appreciate an opportunity to discuss our company further and get your valuable advice and insights.

Non rispondere

December 5, 2023 1:51 PM (UTC)
I am Meri Khazaradze, co-founder of mexb.ai, a startup developing an AI mental health guardian, initially focused on serving young adults and new/expectant mothers. Here's a brief overview of our company and why mexb.ai is a compelling investment opportunity: Expert Team: Founders, Kseniia Brauer with 3+ years experience in Machine Learning and Meri Khazaradze with 4+ years experience in management at Medical Institutions. A diverse team of professionals with expertise in Marketing, and Psychology, further strengthened by the guidance of psychological advisors and technical decision maker - head of engineering. Market: TAM in Germany exceeds 5 billion euros and continues to exhibit substantial growth. Traction: Our proof of concept is already live on Telegram with more than 290 users and around 10% daily activity. Innovative features: We are currently developing an app featuring Ora, our AI mental health guard, equipped with a unique video avatar—a feature that mexb.ai is the first to offer on the EU market. Here is the first look at our video avatars. We are currently raising an angel round. We would appreciate an opportunity to discuss our company further and get your valuable advice and insights.

December 5, 2023 10:45 AM (UTC)

Hello, My name is Hampus Oxenborg, I am co-founder of Pytronic AB. Smart Home and energy market needs a revolution – we aim to provide it. Our Pytronic Homecore solution turns all your home devices into a well-played team and saves up to 20% on average of the homes energy cost. The company is currently financed by Schneider Electric and the founders. We plan to conduct a capital round in Q1 2024. With outstanding product features and a strong team in Smart Home energy industry, we believe we can become a worthy opportunity for investment. Who in your company can we talk to regarding potential investments in Seed phase and Series A? Hope you find this interesting for further discussions. SINCERELY Hampus Oxenborg, Co-Founder Pytronic AB Mobile: 004670-091-2775 Website: www.pytronic.com

December 5, 2023 10:45 AM (UTC)

Hello, My name is Hampus Oxenborg, I am co-founder of Pytronic AB. Smart Home and energy market needs a revolution – we aim to provide it. Our Pytronic Homecore solution turns all your home devices into a well-played team and saves up to 20% on average of the homes energy cost. The company is currently financed by Schneider Electric and the founders. We plan to conduct a capital round in Q1 2024. With outstanding product features and a strong team in Smart Home energy industry, we believe we can become a worthy opportunity for investment. Who in your company can we talk to regarding potential investments in Seed phase and Series A? Hope you find this interesting for further discussions. SINCERELY Hampus Oxenborg, Co-Founder Pytronic AB Mobile: 004670-091-2775 Website: www.pytronic.com

December 5, 2023 10:45 AM (UTC)

Hello, My name is Hampus Oxenborg, I am co-founder of Pytronic AB. Smart Home and energy market needs a revolution – we aim to provide it. Our Pytronic Homecore solution turns all your home devices into a well-played team and saves up to 20% on average of the homes energy cost. The company is currently financed by Schneider Electric and the founders. We plan to conduct a capital round in Q1 2024. With outstanding product features and a strong team in Smart Home energy industry, we believe we can become a worthy opportunity for investment. Who in your company can we talk to regarding potential investments in Seed phase and Series A? Hope you find this interesting for further discussions. SINCERELY Hampus Oxenborg, Co-Founder Pytronic AB Mobile: 004670-091-2775 Website: www.pytronic.com

Non rispondere

December 5, 2023 10:45 AM (UTC)
Hello, My name is Hampus Oxenborg, I am co-founder of Pytronic AB. Smart Home and energy market needs a revolution – we aim to provide it. Our Pytronic Homecore solution turns all your home devices into a well-played team and saves up to 20% on average of the homes energy cost. The company is currently financed by Schneider Electric and the founders. We plan to conduct a capital round in Q1 2024. With outstanding product features and a strong team in Smart Home energy industry, we believe we can become a worthy opportunity for investment. Who in your company can we talk to regarding potential investments in Seed phase and Series A? Hope you find this interesting for further discussions. SINCERELY Hampus Oxenborg, Co-Founder Pytronic AB Mobile: 004670-091-2775 Website: www.pytronic.com

December 1, 2023 8:58 AM (UTC)

Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello

December 1, 2023 8:58 AM (UTC)

Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello

December 1, 2023 8:58 AM (UTC)

Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello

Non rispondere

December 1, 2023 8:58 AM (UTC)
Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello

November 30, 2023 2:04 PM (UTC)
silvia scarabello

Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello +41 76 812 46 97 www.dynamo-go.ch

November 30, 2023 2:04 PM (UTC)
silvia scarabello

Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello +41 76 812 46 97 www.dynamo-go.ch

November 30, 2023 2:04 PM (UTC)
silvia scarabello

Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello +41 76 812 46 97 www.dynamo-go.ch

Non rispondere

November 30, 2023 2:04 PM (UTC)
Hello, My name is Silvia Scarabello, and I manage a startup studio project called Dynamo. Within Dynamo, we collaborate with professionals from fields such as Cyber Security, Fintech and AI, and we are currently working on launching several startups. I am reaching out to propose one of our projects to you. It involves a very intriguing platform with promising growth prospects, focusing on addressing the challenge of finding IT and DEV professionals more easily. At this stage, we are in the Seed phase. We have conducted market research on our competitors and our development team has concentrated on using the weaknesses of these competitors to develop features that can fill those gaps using AI algorithms. We would like to present this initial project to you with the possibility of exploring a partnership in the future that could yield technological solutions aligned with market demands, given the extensive experience of our professionals in the field. We look forward to receiving your positive response, and if you are interested, we are eager to discuss our solution in greater detail. Thank you for your time, and I send my warm regards, Silvia Scarabello +41 76 812 46 97 www.dynamo-go.ch

November 29, 2023 1:45 PM (UTC)
Javier Marroquin

Dear team, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Javier Marroquín. I am excited about the possibility of embarking on this thrilling opportunity as an entrepreneur and have already raised 30% of committed capital with investors such as NOVIDAM and Jose Cabiedes. I have been following your distinguished career as a Search Fund investor and I am impressed by your accomplishments and expertise. Your vision and support across various businesses highlight your ability to identify opportunities and create value. I would like to speak with you about my Search Fund project and explore the possibility of having you as an investor and advisor. I firmly believe that your experience and insights would be invaluable. Please message me at javier.marroquin@insead.edu in order to send you the PPM of my project. I appreciate your time and consideration in advance. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards, Javier

November 29, 2023 1:45 PM (UTC)
Javier Marroquin

Dear team, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Javier Marroquín. I am excited about the possibility of embarking on this thrilling opportunity as an entrepreneur and have already raised 30% of committed capital with investors such as NOVIDAM and Jose Cabiedes. I have been following your distinguished career as a Search Fund investor and I am impressed by your accomplishments and expertise. Your vision and support across various businesses highlight your ability to identify opportunities and create value. I would like to speak with you about my Search Fund project and explore the possibility of having you as an investor and advisor. I firmly believe that your experience and insights would be invaluable. Please message me at javier.marroquin@insead.edu in order to send you the PPM of my project. I appreciate your time and consideration in advance. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards, Javier