


Rancilio Cube SICAF spa is a close-ended alternative investment fund supervised by the Bank of Italy, registered in the R.E.A. of Milan no. 2665177 and in the Register of close-ended alternative investment fund art. 35-ter TUF under no. 59

The duration of the SICAF will be of 10 years, 5 of investment and 5 of divestment, the company is IRES tax neutral.

The compartment 1 has been created in 2022 with an hybrid investment strategy with allocation to the best international venture capital funds and direct minority stakes.

We are launching compartment 2, late 2024, specialized in funds investing.

We are


We are financial investors with an industrial background.

We love innovation and progress. We strive to remain humble and curious, every day. We created from scratch a strategy to invest in the best venture capital opportunities globally.

We invest in people, supporting the journey of entrepreneurs, and acting as a loyal limited partner. We know how difficult it is to be an entrepreneur and we know how hard it is to get access to the best investments (we have been clients of financial institutions!). We align our investors’ interests with ours by providing the access to the same outstanding opportunities, at the same conditions. We put our investors and our investments first.

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We are in Via Monte Napoleone 22, Milan - Italy.

Rancilio Cube Sicaf Spa

Sede legale in Via Monte Napoleone 22, Milano (20121)

Codice Fiscale, Partita Iva e numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 12486720969

Iscritta al R.E.A. di Milano al n. 2665177

Iscritta all’Albo delle Società di Investimento a Capitale Fisso ex art. 35-ter TUF al n. 59

Capitale Sociale Euro 867.651 Int.Vers.


Notes & details